Thursday, September 16, 2010

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Program . . .

. . . to spill ice tea on the keyboard. ARGH! I hate it when that happens!

Last night, after I posted to my blog, Spike got up on the desk and in my face, and when I tried to scoop her up, I scooped up my glass of ice tea too. Although it was only slightly sweetened, it was enough to take out a few keys, so I'll need to get a new keyboard. Soon. I'll be back!


  1. Been there, done that. Sorry that it happened. We'll be here... :)

  2. put the keyboard in the'll be surprised and it will work like a dream...

  3. I personally only spill hot tea on my keyboard. And it's happened more than once. oops.

  4. I wish I could have been there with you at In and Out! That was just too funny! I love Target too- I was so happy when they came to Calif., I use to shop there when I was much younger, in Minnesota. 10 years later, CA. It's my second favorite place to drop a 100!


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