Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good Stuff, Maynard!

I logged onto Yahoo and saw a link to an article about diet myths. Of course, for those of us salsa-obsessed individuals, diet myths might be of some interest, so I clicked on it. Yep, good stuff there! I remember when I mentioned a little while ago how Hubby and I like ice cream in the evening, someone commented about wanting to be on an ice cream diet too. I thought about explaining a little more in my next post, but in the end, I moved on to something else. Anyway, vindication! Woo-hoo! Check it out HERE--there's stuff there about diets and eating that I think would probably surprise most of us.

Now, about "good stuff, Maynard." When I read the diet myth article, that phrase popped into my head and I wondered where it came from. Do any of you know? I did a Yahoo search and came up with THIS site (and several others) that talks about it. Admittedly, I didn't read through ALL the responses, but many who commented seemed to think it goes back to Dobie Gillis in the 50s. I didn't watch Dobie Gillis, so I know I didn't pick it up there, but maybe I heard it from someone who did. Another popular response was that it came from a Malt-O-Meal commercial. I probably ignored that too. I remember preferring Tony the Tiger and his G-R-R-R-R-E-A-T frosted flakes.

There's one more thing on my mind tonight. Do you ever read the comments people post to news or pseudo-news articles (like the diet one, for instance)? Gosh darn it but they annoy the Malt-O-Meal out of me sometimes! People are SO FREAKIN' OPINIONATED and wrongfully so! Sometimes their "facts" just don't make any sense or aren't grounded in truth. Of course, those of us who live in glass blogs shouldn't throw stones, but still . . . . I just wish they'd get at least a high school diploma before they post. I think I liked it better "in the old days" when you could read an article and silently agree or disagree, or maybe discuss it with a spouse, friend, or family member. Of course, I realize those idiots who now post comments probably USED to discuss their opinions with spouses, friends, and family members "in the old days" and, as a result, no longer HAVE spouses, friends, or family members. ARGH! Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about that because with all the sodium I'm getting from salsa these days, it's more important than ever that I watch my blood pressure. Besides, it's time for my half cup of ice cream.


  1. I'm pretty old, so I remember Dobie vividly. The expression was "Good thinkin', Maynard." His full name was Maynard G. Krebs. One time Dobie asked him what the G stood for. He replied, "Walter."

    So, remember when you were saving the nation's economy, one package of fabric at a time? I think it might be time for a surge in this effort. Because the economy sucks right now. I'm ready to do my part.

  2. First...thank you for the morning laugh..

    Second...I think Nancy Near Philadelphia has it save the nation's lots of fabric...

    Third...not really a third but it felt strange just going first then second without a third...just sayin'

  3. i don't remember ever watching Dobie Gillis - but i DO remember the phrase "Good stuff, Maynard" from a tv commercial about a dad trying to convince his little boy to eat SOME kind of breakfast cereal (i KNOW that it wasn't Cream of Wheat cuz i hated/hate/will hate Cream of Wheat and i would have etch-a-sketched it outta my brain) - the dad ended the sell with "Good stuff, Maynard"...... i actually knew a guy named Maynard once upon a time - 'nuf said about THAT...

  4. Here is a link to the video...It was Malt-o-Meal...

    Don't worry about the russian's fine. and the commericial is in english..


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