Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm an Addict

I don't know how it happened or why, but it seems I'm addicted to salsa. Chips? Not so much. Chips are just an edible, crunchy substitute for a spoon. I'm pretty sure I could eat half a container of salsa using only ten tortilla chips.

I'm not quite to the point where salsa seems like a good breakfast alternative, but salsa for lunch, dinner, and/or dessert--yep, I'm there.

I guess it COULD be worse. After all, salsa is low in calories, low in fat, and high in vitamins. Unfortunately, it's high in sodium too, but I'm not addicted because it's the perfect food. Oh no.

Sometime in the early summer, I "discovered" heirloom tomatoes. I've always enjoyed fresh, homegrown tomatoes when paired with basil, and I found the heirlooms made the dish even better. I think that's when I started to really THINK about tomatoes. A lot. Then there's the whole "healthy eating" thing we've been doing. After all, tomatoes are pretty good for diets. And because I wanted to make sure I was adding more veggies to my diet, I started drinking a small can of V8 as an afternoon "snack" a couple times a week. Who knew that V8 was the "gateway drug" to salsa addiction?

A couple weeks ago, we were at my sister-in-law's house for a barbecue. She put a bowl of salsa and a bowl of tortilla chips on the table for us to snack on while we enjoyed a cold beverage or two and waited for the meat to cook. THAT's when I think it started. If I hadn't thought it would be obvious, I would have taken the chips and salsa with me and locked myself in the bathroom.

In the last couple of weeks, I've "tested" several salsas. Well, I say I'm just "testing" them, but we all know the truth. And as it turns out, I found the Wild Child's a salsa hound too. I'm not sure which one of us is worse. Just think of all the sad stories you've heard and the TV programs you've seen about mom and daughter addicts and picture us. It's not pretty.

I thought maybe I was craving salsa because of some obscure nutritional need. Maybe I had a deficient salsa gland or something. Do you have any idea how many theories there are about tomato cravings? Maybe it's anemia. Maybe it's pica and I'd really like to eat dirt, but I'm settling for salsa. Maybe I'm pregnant (NOT!). Seriously, it could be any number of things, but there's also the theory that it's mental, and I think that's me--mental.

Now that I've identified my addiction, I guess the next step is fighting it. Hey, I quit smoking, right? So how much harder can quitting tomatoes be? I wonder though: Is salsa one of those things that once I quit, I can never have even one bite again without risking a relapse? And do I need to abstain from jalapeno peppers, onions, and cilantro too, or just tomatoes?

Unfortunately, salsa addiction is neither well researched nor well understood, and as far as I know, there are no treatment facilities or 12-step programs. Sometimes I wish I was addicted to sex instead of salsa. Oddly enough, so does Hubby.


  1. When I make fresh salsa or pica de guillo (basically a VERY CHUNKY version of my fresh salsa) I usually have it for breakfast the next day - sans chips. There, I said it outloud. I am a salsa addict and since you can't find good tex-mex in Hawaii, when I do make it at home, I can't seem to get enough. The salsa/pica de guillo always tastes better the next few days too because the spices have a chance to soak in and the juices form... and ... oh my I might have to get some ingredients and make some this weekend!!

  2. I'm a salsa addict too! The best is homemade...love it with chips or carrot chips...pico on a salad...great in a baked potato...toss it in a blemder for those who don't like chunky...I have it for breakfast on scrambled eggs...yep, totally addicted

  3. I had not idea. You think you know someone and then Bam. The next time you come over, I will make sure that there is no salsa in the house, or in sight. And when we have dinner later this week, shall we try the Green Jade, eh!? You are such a goof!

  4. A fellow addict! I love to put it in scrambled eggs for sandwiches.

  5. Addict??? Me too!!! My favorite is made with the recipe from Pioneer Woman. And heck with trying to break the addiction. I say lets try to get them to legalize medicinal salsa!!!!!

  6. I read somewhere that tomatoes were a food that triggered appetite. That might explain this! LOL.

  7. Who knew that V8 was a "gateway" drug?

  8. We can go to "SA" together...I can stand and say Hi I'm Kelly and I'm addicted to Salsa....

  9. You are such a goof.....I can always count on you to brighten my morning! :)

  10. I'm pretty sure those of us who read your blog are glad that you're not addicted to sex. Lord knows what we would be reading about!

    I've heard that the more of something you eat, the more you crave it. So, if you want to change your eating habits, start eating something healthy. It sounds like you did/are doing the right thing towards a total healthy lifestyle! lol

  11. You gave me a laugh to start my day.

  12. I was going to suggest salsa on scrambled eggs, but several other commenters have beat me to it. It's probably the only way I like salsa.

  13. LMAO!!! Your post today really made me laugh and I truly needed that laugh today! I keep forgetting that you quit smoking. How are you doing with that? Still crave it or are you totally over that hump??

  14. Salsa is good for you! The only thing wrong that I see is that there is no margarita to go with it!

  15. Count me in amongst the salsa addicts. Add Pico de Gallo and green chilies and there you have the 3 perfect foods!

  16. Well, are you happy now that you've come out of the pantry look at how many of your friends have been outed!!
    You haven't hit rock bottom yet - I have started making my WW soup with V-8 and Newman's own salsa for a base. Yummy!!

  17. I am so sorry I "enabled" your addiction. If I had known, I would have slapped your had away, Not.
    Love your sis-in-law.

  18. I meant hand.

  19. Just when I get behind on my reading, WHAM, I find out my long-distance friend is an ADDICT!!!!! I can't talk, though...I've got this weird bean soup thing going on...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!