Friday, September 17, 2010

What a Deal!

Can I just say, "WWWVVVWWWVVV"? The reason I say that is because I couldn't before--those keys refused to work on my old keyboard once they were doused with iced tea. But guess what? Yep, the new keyboard is installed and fully functional. Can I hear a "woo" and a "hoo"?

This is what the new keyboard looks like:

It's also what the OLD keyboard looked like. AND the one before that. They're pretty good keyboards--if you don't spill stuff on them! This time I got smart--or lucky. The man at the register of the big office supply place asked me if I'd like to purchase the extended warranty--for a year, they'll replace the keyboard no matter how much I spill on it, and it was only an extra $6. Considering this is the FOURTH keyboard I've had this year, I consider it an extreme bargain! Of course, I purchased the warranty. (Yeah, yeah--I can hear you asking why I keep tempting fate with drinks near the keyboard, and I don't really have an answer for that other than the fact I love to take risks. So I guess it won't surprise you to learn I have a glass of iced tea next to me now, will it? Nah!)

Hubby was off watching Soccer Son coach his boys' varsity soccer team and keeping time for the game, so the Wild Child and I decided to visit this place for dinner--

We both ordered the number 2 meal, which is a cheeseburger, fries, and a small drink. I ordered onions on mine and the Wild Child asked them to hold the onions and the tomato on hers. We got our drinks and sat down to wait. About five minutes later, a young, uniformed gal came over and asked if we were order number five. "Yes, we are," I said. She looked me straight in the eyes and asked, "Which burger did you want the onion on and which burger did you want no onion and no tomato on?" Seriously. I'm not joking. Of course, I asked her "What?!" She repeated the question, and the Wild Child and I looked at each other and looked back at the girl. Then we looked at each other again and looked back and the girl. Finally we looked at each other some more, trying not to laugh, and looked back at the girl. I think I told her I didn't understand the question, and after some back and forth discussion, we learned that the guy who took our order recorded it as one cheeseburger and one REGULAR burger. Ah! The girl told me she was going to have to charge me for a slice of cheese, which is probably a small price to pay for the entertainment value received, but in the end, her manager told her not to charge us. When our burgers came, neither had tomato; one had onion and the other didn't. I told the Wild Child to take it back and tell them they put the onion on the wrong burger, but she refused. Clearly, she's not nearly as much fun to go out with as Gran--I bet Gran would have done it!

Finally, we stopped here (well, not exactly HERE, but it was a reasonable facsimile):

The Hundred Dollar Store. Guess how much it cost to get out of there? $104. It might have been under a hundred if not for the impulse buy at the checkout counter--Martha Stewart's Halloween magazine. But how can one resist?

All in all, a fairly expensive day, but worth every penny!


  1. I'm happy to know that you also have trouble getting out of Target without spending lots of money!!!

  2. Yum! In n' Out, I always get mine with no lettuce, extra tomatoes and grilled onions. Now I want one! I was cracking up at your story too. I'm surprised that they made a mistake on yours, we have found that generally they hardly ever make mistakes, they have some pretty good employees working there.

  3. I've never been to In-N-Out Burger but my brother has and told me time and time again that I need to check it out, the next time I see one (we don't have those on the East Coast). $100.00 Store - no kidding! But lately, I've been doing pretty good and sticking to under 25 bucks when I go there!

  4. I wish I could have been there to watch all of that at In and Out! Too funny! Just too funny! I love Target too:) I was so excited when they came to Calif.... when I was (much) younger I use to shop there, in Minnesota. Anyway, it's my second favorite place to drop a 100!

  5. New key board with a $6.00 warrantee - ice tea - In and Out - Target. I need to saddle up the horse and git on out there with you cowgirls. (Colorado talk ... ) anyhoo it sounded like a great and expensive day/evening.

  6. Your burger story made me nearly spit my tea all over my keyboard from laughter...

    We don't have Target stores here- we do have dollar stores- my husband fondly refers to them as the 50 dollar store. Perhaps it is good that we don't have Target here- I don't have a Costco card either as its the 300 dollar store!

    Sounds like you and your girl had a fun time together.


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