Monday, July 12, 2010

It Could Have Been Worse

Isn't it funny that once you finally start on the path to healthy eating, it always seems like temptation's waiting right there with a foot stuck out to trip you up? For the celebratory anniversary dinner, tri tip was on the menu, and with Soccer Son and Hubby sitting down to eat, I knew better than to leave potatoes off. I figured, though, that if I threw in a salad and some fresh corn on the cobb and limited portion sizes, dinner wouldn't be toooooooooo bad. For dessert, there was a choice of angel food cake with fresh strawberries and light Cool Whip or sugar free jello and light Cool Whip--but Soccer Son and my Lovely Daughter In Law To Be Someday thought the better option was Hagen Daz ice cream balls rolled in candied nuts and topped with a sprig of fresh mint. Oh, well, I suppose I'll never have another 30-year anniversary again, so I guess it's okay to splurge a little, right? And I did limit portion size, although Hubby's balls were much larger than mine. And really, that's as it should be.

I decided for my 30th wedding anniversary, I should buy myself four yards of background fabric for the upcoming quilt along. And Hubby decided that for his 30th wedding anniversary, he should watch World Cup soccer and relax in his recliner. And really, that's as it should be too.

Thirty years ago, Hubby and I drove from San Jose to Reno for our wedding. It was kind of a hurried affair because one of us was pregnant, and the other one of us had some minor involvement as well. Now I look back and wonder why we thought it was important to hurry, but at the time, we did. From proposal to wedding, we had less than two days to get ready. Hubby's parents, his aunt, and his sister attended the wedding along with two of his close friends. On the way to Reno, we were pulled over by the highway patrol, about a mile or two from where we now live, and were given a ticket for speeding--Hubby was going about five miles an hour over the speed limit. After the wedding, we left Reno, heading back to Nevada City where we were spending our honeymoon night. Not too far across the border into California, we received a second speeding ticket. You'd think it was a bad omen or something, wouldn't you?

I didn't like my dress. It was the disco era, and my dress was a sheer mauve polyester with a layered skirt, a handkerchief hemline, and cap sleeves. Hubby bought a mauve, short sleeved, plaid dress shirt to match. That was the best we could do when we went shopping the evening before the wedding. AND I wore spiky-heeled shoes that kept sinking into the newly-laid sod during the outdoor ceremony.

I have no idea whatever happened to my dress, but during his late teen years, Soccer Son came across that mauve, short sleeved, plaid dress shirt still hanging in Hubby's closet. (Men!) Soccer Son started wearing it, and oddly enough, he still wears that shirt--in fact, he wore it tonight in honor of the occasion. And really, that's as it should be too. After all, if not for Soccer Son's conception, who can say whether we'd be celebrating our 30-year anniversary?

Life is funny sometimes in its unpredictability. And really, that's as it should be too.


  1. Oh, sigh! I should not have read this before trying to go to bed.... Your blog has me lost for words! ;o) lol.....

  2. Loved this, Kim. Just loved it. Here's to thirty more!

  3. You should never let hubby having bigger balls then just had your hand operated on, you deserve the bigger balls...and besides we love ice cream more then guys so we all deserve to have bigger ice cream balls...

  4. What a wonderful story - I'm teary eyed too. Best wishes for many more happy years and more memories to share.

  5. Glad to hear you made the best of were life's jppurney has taken you both. Congrats on 30yrs.

  6. i cannot tell you how RELIEVED i am that hubby's balls are bigger than your balls ... not that he should need a wheelbarrow to carry them around in ... but it just wouldn't be right if you had the biggest balls in the family

  7. Love your story. We got married the following year. Just think, if you'd had more time to plan, you and hubby could have been dressed in peach and tan instead of mauve... ;) What were we thinking?!! :)

  8. Well that blog left me in tears. What sweet memories. Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a wonderful post... Next year is our 40th and I am already talking about taking a trip. Hubby say's I can go without him...LOL (he travels for his job, so it's not too fun for him.)

  10. Kim,
    You have the best way of telling your life's adventures- I love the part about your husband's shirt and your son wearing it.
    I am not sure I ever work spiky heels- with legs like tree trunks skinny shoes were not going to help them out LOL
    Happy Anniversary - It sounds like a terrific celebration. May you continue to enjoy many more happy times together.
    It is our 30th this year in December. We got married the day after Christmas also known as Boxing Day here in Canada( and no its not a day for the fights after Christmas feasting) My husband's family all came home for Christmas that year so it was a good time for us to get married. Boxing Day was an easy day to find a hall to have a celebration. I made my wedding dress and we had poinsettia's for flowers. I still love poinsettias and I still love the man too.
    Thanks for sharing your story- its as terrific as you are.

  11. I loved your wonderful story- I enjoyed reading it very much! Happy anniversary also! 30 years-woohoo!

  12. Ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the guffawing! One of was pregnant at my wedding too, but we waited two months and planned a real wedding. However, the first time I signed my married name was on a speeding ticket. That was the last speeding ticket I got, though and we celebrated 25 years this Feb.

  13. Wonderful blog post! I have no idea who you are, but that post was funny, cute, poignant and honest. Loved it. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you many more.

  14. How wonderful! Sounds like you had a glorious celebration! Happy Anniversary!

  15. Kim, what a great story - thanks for sharing! Congratulations and best wishes for at least 30 more great years!

  16. Kim, I sure enjoyed this blog post. You do have a way with words. I love that your son is wearing your dh's wedding shirt. How neat! I don't think eating a special meal for your 30th anniversary will hurt you. It only comes once. Have a great day. Winona


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