Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Joy No Luck Club

I was going to ask whether you ever have one of those days when everything seems to go wrong, but I already know the answer: Of course you do. We all do. When it's happening, though, we tend to feel personally persecuted by whatever power governs the course of events. Today was one of those days for me.

This morning I went out to the garage freezer to look for some frozen French toast but found instead that the electricity to the freezer had been tripped off, and all the ice cream was liquid--but oddly enough, nothing else seemed to have melted. Diet karma, perhaps? Very frustrating!

Later in the day, I looked out at the front yard and noticed the leaves of our new crepe myrtle tree looked a little "crispy." Sure enough, when I checked, it seemed it wasn't getting any water. As it turned out, the drip line that waters the tree and a couple other plants isn't working correctly. Again, it's very frustrating, particularly since Soccer Son likely won't be back to do any troubleshooting until the weekend at the soonest, Hubby isn't very proactive about these kinds of repairs, and I know virtually nothing about this watering system--it's Soccer Son and Hubby's baby. So that means hand watering by me for the next few days, I think.

"They" say these kinds of things always happen in threes, so now I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then again, it's probably just an old wives' tale, right?

There IS one bit of good luck though--I finished the Joy Luck Schnibbles quilt today!

I don't really have a place for this one--I don't use these pastel colors in my home. But wouldn't it make a terrific baby quilt? It sure would be nice to be ahead for once, instead of trying to get something made by a deadline!

ADDENDUM: Yep, the other shoe dropped. Right after posting the above, I went out to the kitchen to wash my hands and had very little water pressure. When I investigated further, I found our front yard was fairly well flooded, with water running off the yard and down the street. I got Hubby out of bed, and since it was too late and too dark to figure out what the problem is, he ended up turning off the outside water. ARGH!


  1. Oh goodness Kim, what a run of luck! That thing about happening in threes...it really does seem to work out like that most times (for me anyway). Thankfully that's it, things should get better now!! Love the quilt, it would be a perfect baby gift!

  2. Some days are just better spent in oblivion :) Hope it's better soon!

  3. Oh my GOSH. We had a pipe break in our front yard once...our first clue was the water gushing down the driveway. THAT was ecpensive to fix and, of course, the city said their responsibility ends at the curb...

  4. It always comes in 3s! I'm sorry to hear of all your troubles but on a happier note, LOVE your Schibbles! It's gorgeous!

  5. Atta Girl on the quilt!!!! Sorry about te pipes... maybe the yard was real thirsty.... hang in there...

  6. well gosh kim...with your luck you will end up needing the baby quilt for yourself!!

  7. Oh I'm so sorry Kim. I really hope it is a small fix and that Hubby will fix it before the weekend. It's a long drive, but you're welcome to use my bathroom if you need it.

  8. So, Kim, now you are due for 3 good events like (1) a quick fix to the leak which will also (2) take care of the tree water line and that (3) a good friend will bring you your favorite ice cream! Love your quilt! Florence

  9. Your Joy Luck is wonderful, love the colours and quilting.


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