Sunday, July 11, 2010

Milestones and Beginnings

I've been kind of keeping an eye on my posts, and this is post number 1,234. Cool, huh? I missed celebrating my blogiversary back in March because I was deeply enmeshed in carpal tunnel problems, so I thought this was the next best thing. I was thinking about having a giveaway, but then I got distracted and forgot, so I don't have anything planned. But maybe I'll do one soon, okay? Kind of a belated celebration. Watch for it.

Hubby and I got married on July 11, 1980, so I guess that means we've been married 30 years today. Kind of a long time, isn't it? I'm not one to celebrate anniversaries much--or New Year's Eve, for that matter. I don't know why, but they don't really inspire or excite me. I think maybe it's because anniversaries simply mean we're still plugging along, doing what we said we'd do a long time ago, and we haven't killed each other yet. And yes, that's a good thing, but the same thing could be said EVERY day. I dunno; I guess I'm just odd that way. This year Soccer Son and his Lovely-Wife-to-be-Someday are going to join us for dinner at our house, and I know we'll have a nice time. Oh, and Hubby will likely spend much of the day in a celebratory mood anyway since the World Cup final will be televised. So it's all good.

Hubby, by the way, is up and walking again. You may recall that earlier in the week, his doctor released him to bear weight again on his previously broken leg, but his muscles were too weak to walk. Being the stubborn and determined fellow that he is, by that night he'd managed to get up and walk a little bit, and his walking time has increased since then so that now he's fairly mobile around the house, although the muscles are still weak and his back hurts quite a bit. Still, I know he's pleased with himself.

Back around March or so, I told Hubby it was time we started to pay more attention to what we ate and try to cut back on the unhealthy stuff. It seems we can do pretty well for awhile, but then we start slipping, and before we know it, we're sliding downhill quicker than an Olympic luger--and with about the same braking ability. With that in mind, I suggested we permanently "diet" during the months that don't have an "R" in their name. Of course, that meant May, June, July, and August, which really are the best months for fresh fruit and veggies and all the healthy stuff anyway. Hubby agreed. Did we do that though? No, of course not.

I think back in April and May, I was more concerned about getting ready for surgery, and the idea of making dietary changes at the same time was somehow mentally crippling. And yes, I know it's really not THAT big a deal, but still . . . . Then, too, I went though a period when it seemed like I was hungry ALL THE TIME. Nerves, I think. I also found myself craving a cigarette several times, so I think it was just some kind of urge to stuff things in my mouth. Eventually that feeling passed--thank goodness! In any event, here it is July, surgery is over, and I'm starting to think about getting back to my "normal" life. So, at the grocery store today, I decided it was time to get serious about making healthier food choices. I'm not sure what we'll do when September rolls around--after all, it's spelled with an "R"--but I suspect we'll keep it up, at least until the holidays hit. And if we can do that, I know we'll make better food choices during the holidays as well, and that's really the goal--to be more conscious of what we chose to eat.

I briefly toyed with the idea of starting a "diet" blog, but that seemed like too much work, and I don't really see this as a "diet" anyway. I'm really not that obsessed about the whole thing. Instead, I think I just might occasionally share some of my yummier healthy recipes here when it strikes me to do so, and I hope you'll find something to try out that your family will enjoy. And since I don't measure "success" by weight or inches lost, I won't bore you with how many pounds or inches have disappeared, although I may get a little excited if my clothes fall off and I need to buy new things. And hopefully if my clothes fall off, at least I'll have a funny story to tell you.

Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Happy Anniversary (even if you don't celebrate too much, lol)
    I am up, not sure why, and I was thinking some of the same thoughts. DH had a small stroke a few weeks ago, and we need to clean up our act. I'll be interested in your ideas and recipes when you feel like sharing.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Today is mine, too. It's 41 years for us .... that sure makes us sound old. LOL!

    Hope your hand is doing weel!

    Nancy E

  3. 30 years....Holy Cow...gonna go for another 30?? maybe 60???

  4. Well...even if you don't feel like it's necessary to celebrate, I think that in this day and age 30 years is quite the accomplishment. We are headed for 39 this December (if we don't kill each other)...
    I was dx diabetic last year and was PUT on a diet of carb counting...It's an easy one to follow and I have lost 40lbs and since my only measuring tape is metal I have no idea (nor care) how many inches. I still don't shop for clothes, but my pants did fall off so I bought new ones in a smaller size...

    Good luck... we got some great peaches yesterday and I am trying to find a recipe...

  5. Happy anniversary! I feel the same as you about anniversaries and New Years Eve, and so far, the only anniversary that has been 'celebrated' was our 25th.

  6. Yeah I'm with you on the anniversaries and New Years. (We don't even pretend to stay up for New Years anymore)

    It will be interesting to watch your "diet". (As someone who really has LOTS of weight to lose) Did I just hear the word "RAW" mentioned? Hope you share some recipes with us.

    Congrats too on the lots of blog posts! You are a legend!!!

  7. Congrats on your 30th. Wait until it's 50 like us. Not sure they get easier to live with, we just become more tolerant. LOL! They would probably reverse this statement. Have a nice visit with DS & DDIL to be. I bet the next 30 will be easier.

    Linda Z

  8. Whow, that's a lot of posts!!!! Each and everyone quite enjoyable too I might add :) Happy Anniversary to you and your honey and I'm so glad he is improving! Oh and I love the "Joy Luck" quilt below. It's gorgeous ... the colors are awesome :)

  9. Congratulations on plugging along for 30 years. That's quite an accomplishment in this day and age.

    As for developing a healthy lifestyle, I can understand the frustrations. My husband and I are trying to do the same thing. We are starting month #2. Since I have a lot more pounds I need to loose one of the things I did was join Weight Watchers online. It has made me more aware of what I am eating. I can still have the occasional snacks of the things I love as long as I count them. I've found that it's not always what we eat, but the proportion. There are also great recipes available on their site. I can also type in our favorite recipes and figure out how many points a serving is. I've lost 5 pounds so far. Not much, but I figure if I can lose this much every month, then in a year I will be at a much better place.

  10. Congrats on your 30th, it is a big deal these days. I always enjoy your blog and hope it's around for a long time too. As to the diet changes, I've had to do that too. One thing I did to make it easier for me is kind of the same thing I did to quit smoking. I just cut out one thing at a time. My Dr. said no sugar, low fat, due to Lyme disease. The fat part wasn't hard. I've used 2% dairy for a long time. I didn't use much sugar and had already quit using anything that contains corn starch or syrup a few years ago. I just quit buying products one at a time until they were no longer in my cupboards. If they are not there I can not use them. Some times I rummage through the kitchen looking for a snack without sucess...which may not be good for my mariage, LOL. I still bounce around on my eating habits, sometimes not eating enough fresh, but find my way back to it. It also helps that I don't like to cook :)

  11. We never get too excited about anniversaries or New Years either. It will be 39 this year. Someone said "Oh, you'll have to have a big deal for your 40th" Why? I know it is a milestone now days with all the divorces. I hate to see these kids with big weddings and then 1 or 2 years later you hear they are getting a divorce. I wonder if their wedding is paid for yet. It is a daily committment to put up with each other. lol I love my DH, but somedays I dream of disappearing. :)

    We struggle with the eating thing too. DH turned 60 in February. I have lost about 7 pounds in the last 2 months. You can't eat and embroider at the same time. If you share a yummy healthy recipe that would be great.

    Hope your hubby and you are getting better every day. Take care.. Hugs..............

  12. Happy Anniversary! We got married the same year as you did, 1980, our anniversary is Sept. 27th. Glad you are doing better with your wrist and that your hubby is walking around again. Have a nice dinner.

  13. Woo Hoo!!! You made it thus far and did not get your family name on any police blotters!!! :o) Blog #1234 is a wonderful milestone too. You are a legend! Love you!

  14. Kim, happy anniversary! Our 33rd anniversary is 2 weeks from today. Dh already asked me what I want to do. Probably just go out to eat. We have been trying to eat healthier too. I have lost 11 pounds since the end of May. It is a struggle. I exercise to Richard Simmons' Sweating to the Oldies, 5 times a week. It really works for me. Enjoy your day. Glad you and your dh are both feeling better. Winona

  15. Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary (even if you aren't counting :-) It's quite a milestone in this day and age!

  16. 30 years is great! We hit 35 this year and didn't do much to celebrate either. Good luck on the healthy eating thing. We try to do it and can for a while, but we backslide. I suggest Weight Watchers and Hungry Girl for great recipes. I have a few on my blog that we especially like. I'm always open for new one too.

  17. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had an enjoyable weekend.


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