Thursday, July 29, 2010


It's hard to believe that July is nearly over and August is almost here, isn't it? I expect August will be a busy and eventful month.

I think I'll be returning to work next week--I have an appointment to see my surgeon on Monday so I'll find out then.

We're beginning a bathroom remodel around the middle of next week--that's expected to take about a week and a half.

Sometime around the second week of August, The Wild Child will be moving back home (along with the Drooling Dog). She's enrolled in college classes that begin a little later in August. She leaves for a week's vacation right after she moves home, and then she starts school the day after she gets back. And sometime before she moves home, I need to move a LOT of my stuff out of her closet and cupboards. Having another adult living in the house will take some adjustments. but she's not too hard to live with.

We have a few social occasions on the calendar in August also. An office "mystery event" and dinner out with friends are two that come to mind.

Last August, I think I decided to devote the month to finishing quilt projects that had already been started; THIS August is devoted to STARTING new quilt projects. Specifically, I have a couple of wool classes I'm going to be teaching this fall, and I need to develop some samples and projects for the classes. Wool in August?! Thank goodness for air conditioning! (My recent thrift shopping also netted me a couple more wool blazers that Hubby's been taking apart for me and felting.)

So much for those "lazy days of summer"! I think my vacation's just about over.


  1. This summer has been so hot and busy I've missed July all together!

  2. I would think that you would kind of ready to go back to work...

    just in time to miss all that bathroom remodeling... ha ha

  3. That is quite a list of August happenings...we have an adult moving back in with us too, which means my sewing room will be disassembled, I hope for a very temporary period. Sad!

    Congrats on your healing progress and getting to go back to work. That will be an adjustment for all of you. It's likely to be a moody month, horrors!

  4. They miss you at work right? :-)


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