Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book Club

My "real life" book club isn't meeting this month because some of our members are on vacation, so I need a "book discussion fix." I don't know if you've noticed, but the area in my sidebar where I list what I've been reading has been blank for awhile. When I thought about what I'd read over the past few months, I realized that none of the books were anything to get too excited about. Most of them have been mysteries, and while they've been entertaining, they're not the kind of thing you spend time thinking about afterward. Know what I mean?

In my recent thrifting excursions, I've picked up a few promising books. I really don't know anything about these first two or their authors--if you have any input, please leave a comment.

The next two books are by Lorna Landvik. A couple of years ago, I read Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons which was written by Landvik, and I really enjoyed it. I'm hoping these are just as good. Again, any input? By the way, I can recommend Angry Housewives if you're looking for a good book. I think it might particularly appeal to women who grew up in the 1960's and 1970's as much of it takes place during that time period.

The Secret Life of Bees is a book I've heard good things about over the last couple years, and I've been wanting to read it for awhile, so when I saw it at the thrift store, I thought it was about time to bring it home.

The next one, The Threadbare Heart, isn't one I found at the thrift store--it's a fairly new book I ordered from Amazon a few months ago. There's a bit of a quilting thread in the book, and that always appeals to me too. The Threadbare Heart is the next book I'll read--I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it.

Speaking of quilting threads running through books, I picked up a copy of the Persian Pickle Club by Sandra Dallas at the thrift store today. I think this is my favorite Sandra Dallas book. If you haven't read it, you must! In fact, I was wondering whether there was any interest in having me circulate the book among those who want to read it? I could set up a list and we can mail it from person to person--to keep costs down, we'd have to limit it to those in the U.S. If this is something you might be interested in, leave a comment, and if there's enough interest, I'll start a sign up list.

I know quite a lot of you enjoy reading, because when I talk about books, I seem to get the most comments. I love hearing about your book recommendations--and I'm sure you all enjoy reading what others have to say in the comments too. So, in addition to your input on the above books, what have you enjoyed reading this summer? Inquiring minds . . . .


  1. Bailey White used to do a regular segment reading short essays on NPR, very Southern stuff. I think she lives in Alabama or Mississippi. I read her book, Mama Makes Up Her Mind (I think that's the title) and liked it.

  2. I just went through my list of 2010 books read and these two I really liked: South of Broad by Pat Conroy and The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells. Also "The Help" but I don't remember the author. I've also read two books by Wally Lamb this year and really liked both of them -- definitely not fast reads though!

  3. I read Persian Pickle ages ago and liked it a lot. The only other book in your post that I know is Secret Life of Bees which is one of the top ten books I've ever read. Read it and THEN see the movie.

    trurres: much preferred over falsrres

  4. I can also recommend The Secret Life of Bees, one of my all time favorites. I don't know the others but will add to my list. Have you read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?It's the first of a series of three thrillers. Excellent books.
    Thanks for your blog each day.

  5. I've been reading a lot of nonfiction lately. Also I've been reading a lot of Clancy, etc., lately, too, and happened upon Without Warning by John Birmingham. I was crushed when it ended without resolution, then discovered that the sequel, After America, is being released in August. Can't wait for that one! I guess I need to read more "girly" books, but sometimes I find there's too much fluff and not enough substance.

  6. The Persian Pickle! Wow! That was the first quilt related fictional book I ever read and it's till my favorite! Be sure to show us the wooden bowls after you re-do them! PLease! LOL!

  7. The Secret Life of Bees is one of my favorite books, just don't bother to read The Mermaid Chair. It's one of the worst books ever!

  8. I've had my nose in a book or two in the past few months and just couldn't put down The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It is the first in a series. I read the secret life of Bees a while back and it was good, I remember it being a bit slow, but keep at it. It's one that makes you go hmmm?? at the end. Like what did I just read? I have one more Chiviarini, Elm Creek series book to go and all been good, 14 down, one to go. Enjoy your new books and the rest of the summer. When do you have to return to work? Carline

  9. Secret Life of Bees is an awesome book. I think you will love it.
    I just started a book called A Vintage Affair, about a woman who opens a vintage clothing shop in London. Very fun reading, with great descriptions of the clothing and the women who may have worn them.

  10. Sandra Dallas has written many books and each one is a winner. My very favorite is "Alice's Tulips". Check Amazon for all her titles and then look for them in the thrift shops or used book stores or the library!! Her books contain lots of American history which turns out to be interesting and fun - imagine that.

  11. I need to get the Persian Pickles one...I am reading "Whiter than Snow", by the same author. Hey, Kim...I did a post for you. Last post, the last picture of the! is for YOu!!

  12. I loved the Persian Pickle Club because of how it presented female friendships. How we are sometimes drawn to a new friend for reasons we cannot explain. How we find true friendship in the actions of a quiet and steady relationship. It's been many, many years since I have read it, perhaps I should pick it up again.

  13. I'm glad to see how many others enjoyed both the Persian Pickle Club and The Secret Lives of Bees (IMHO Sue Monk's best book). I would like to recommend any book by Fannie Flagg. I think my favorite of her's is Can't Wait to Get to Heaven. I've read it multiple times and each time it just touches my heart!

  14. I LOVED Angry Housewives too, but unlike most people, I didn't care for The Secret Life of Bees. I just read Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay and loved it. Someone else mentioned The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which I would strongly suggest too. Happy Reading!

  15. Looking forward to hearing how you enjoy these books, I haven't read any of them but some are on my 'to look out for' list now!!

  16. I need to start reading some more! It's hard for me in the summer b/c the kids are home. But I'd love to join your virtual book club if you offer it! :-)

  17. the secret life of bees is really good!!!
    also, the memory keepers daughter by Kim Edwards is really really good!!

  18. The Secret Life of Bees was great. The Persian Pickle Club is one of my favorites, as was Alice's Tulips. I found The Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club (by Gil McNeil) to be HILARIOUS and uplifting. The Help was great- having been raised in the North, I had NO IDEA...


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!