Friday, July 30, 2010

What I've Been Up To

Having told you of my upcoming August plans, I thought I'd tell you what I've been doing recently besides thrift store shopping. You know that Charm Pack Quilt Along over in my sidebar? Well, if you've been quilting along, you know we're making a gazillion half square triangles and we have until Sunday to get them done, at which point we'll be given the next step. And since Sunday is August and August is WOOL MONTH, I've kind of gotten ahead of the group and finished the half square triangle blocks and the four-patch blocks--which we haven't been given yet. Shhhhhh! Don't tell--I'm such a rebel! In fact, I've even put the blocks together into a quilt top--although it doesn't have borders yet. I made mine a little larger than the quilt along quilt--right now it's 6' x 6'. Want to see it so far?

In the above photo, the quilt top is spread out on the Wild Child's bed, which is a double. Since I have a king size bed, what I've made so far will cover the top, so whatever borders I make will need to take care of the drop on the sides and foot--and I haven't decided what I want to do for borders yet. For now, though, I need to fold it up and set it aside until my wool projects are done, so you probably won't see it again for awhile.

Just before I sat down at the computer a few minutes ago, I finished this book:

I told you I'd let you know what I thought about it, and I'm not sure it's really sunk in enough just yet, but generally speaking, I thought it was okay but nothing that will stay with me in years to come. The book looks at relationships, love, and loss, but I don't think I came away with any greater understanding of these subjects than I went into the book with. Maybe if I'd suffered a recent loss, it would have had more meaning for me. Sometimes when you read a book, how you feel about the book depends upon what's going on in your life--and this may be one of those books.

Remember I talked about the class I was going to take to make one of these aprons?

The class was tonight and it was a lot of fun. I didn't quite finish mine yet, but it looks much like Gran's in this photo. Once I finish, I'll get a photo of it and show you. Someone left a comment last time asking about a pattern--no, there's no pattern so far, but there will be soon. Tianna, Gran's daughter-in-law, taught the class, and she developed the idea based on something a bit similar she'd seen, but then she added a lot of the really cute touches that make this apron special. She's writing the pattern now and Bearpaws and Hollyhocks will carry it. You can give the shop a call in about a week if you're interested in the pattern (just click HERE to visit their website with contact info).

In these last two days of July, I think I need to concentrate on getting my house in better order and finish up the few things I have going on right now. I'll be sure to show you the completed projects. For now, though, it's time for bed--and the next book on my nightstand, The Secret Life of Bees.


  1. You are a rebel! The top is goregous!

  2. I agree you are a rebel quilter! Looks good!!

  3. Ah luuurves that quilt top. It would easily lend itself to scraps, too!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!