Sunday, June 6, 2010


Yep, those were corn blocks I was working on--you're all correct. What a relief to know the blocks look like what they are too! LOL!

I had planned to do some cleaning today but my allergies were really acting up--I felt like I had a cold. So instead, I went easy on myself and just did a little sewing, a little napping, and a little reading. (I also searched the house for allergy medications, but I didn't find anything to attack my particular complaints. I think Hubby might try to get his prescription from the pharmacy tomorrow, so maybe he can look for something for me while he's there.)

Speaking of Hubby, I asked him to pick a number, and he chose number 55 as the winner of the fabric for the charmed gift bags. I sure wish he'd pick numbers that are easier to count! It looks like number 55 is Judy in Michigan--woo-hoo, Judy! Email me your mailing address and I'll get these fabrics in the mail to you.

Want to see the corn so far?

I ordered more of the blue background fabric, and I'll need to wait for that to arrive before I can go much further, although there are a few loose pieces I can stitch together. There's going to be a black cat in the quilt also, so I can get that drawn out and prepped for applique as well as a couple more items of applique to dress it up a bit. So, anyway, it's coming along. I don't like having to wait for the blue, but that's the way it goes sometimes! At least I was lucky enough to find a source that still carried it.

The other "up side" of running out of fabric? I guess I'll have fewer excuses to keep me from cleaning tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, that's going to be a cute one! Can't wait to see the black cat - wonder if he looks like ME! LOL!

  3. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! I'm jumping up and down just like on The Price is Right!!! My address is coming via email. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!

  4. cute quilt. congratulations to Judy.

  5. Cute corn! Congrats to Judy!!

  6. I'm just loving the corn stalks! And a black cat too? Can't wait to see the end product. Take care

  7. Congratulations to Judy!.
    Kim I love the corn blocks...they almost look mosaic if that's a word.

  8. Kim, this looks like it is really going to be cute. Anything with a cat on it is ok in my book. LOL Enjoy your Sunday. Winona

  9. Oh, makes me so ready for

  10. Hope those allergies calm down a bit!

  11. Love the corn quilt/wall hanging your are designing!!!!

  12. Love the corn! Looking forward to the cat!


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