Saturday, June 5, 2010

Random Stuff

You guys always make me smile with your comments! It's really WORTH doing a giveaway just to see who's out there reading what I write. On the one hand, intellectually I know there are quilters reading my blog, but on the other hand, many never comment--and that's okay (although I DO like to hear from you)--so I forget you're all there sometimes. Anyway, I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my stuff, and to come back again and again--I'm sure it must be pretty boring at times.

Speaking of boring, the photo I posted yesterday? Well, coincidentally, my friend Gran had to go down to the courthouse for jury duty this week and she'll be going back on Monday. Apparently in her hours of complete and utter boredom, she began a grocery list of foods I'll need after surgery. I can tell she was thinking about healthy foods, whereas I've been thinking about foods I can eat by picking them up with one hand. I know several of you have gone through this surgery before or have been otherwise deprived of the use of one hand--what did you find was easiest and best to have available for meals? Someone also mentioned making my own frozen dinners, and I picked up some divided plastic containers at the grocery store today--I like that idea. Now I just need to figure out what to put in them!

Hubby had a recheck of his leg today, so I wheeled him around the medical center much of the morning. First he had x-rays and then he saw his doctor; next we went to the pharmacy and then back to the doctor's office because the doctor had misdated the prescription for pain meds. By the time we got back to the doctor's office, the doctor had left for lunch, so we gave up. On a positive note, though, the doctor was pleased with the amount of healing shown on the x-rays; on a less positive note, the x-rays showed Hubby had also broken the smaller bone in his lower leg as well as the larger bone. Yikes! The doctor seemed to think Hubby may be able to walk on it around the time of my surgery, but I have my doubts. That's only two and a half weeks away!

Tonight was the monthly meeting of our quilters' book club. Since the books we read are usually quilting-related fiction, they tend to not be very deep, but they are entertaining. The book we'll read this month is The Quilting Circle, and it contains "four heartwarming stores of the ties that bind."

Have any of you read it? When I read the back cover, it looks like at least a couple of the stories are set back in the past and the genre is "historical romance" so it sounds pretty decent to me.

On the quilting front, I've started to design a quilt I'm supposed to teach at the end of July. At this point, I'm not sure I'll have everything ready before surgery, so I might need to postpone the class, but I thought I'd give you a peek at the first few blocks--

This quilt has been in my head for a couple years, and I've finally set myself down to make it. A quilter asked me the other day whether I use EQ and what I think about it. Well, I don't use EQ--for some reason, I really like to just make blocks and start that way--hands on--although I DO draw out parts of my ideas on graph paper. Still, I find that putting the pieces up on the design wall gives me a much better feel for spacing than even drawing on graph paper. For instance, with these blocks, I can already tell that that my design needs to be compressed into a smaller area--at least that's how it looks so far. But I'll finish making this part of it and move things around on the wall and then decide before I move on to the next part of the design. There will be a bit of applique in this quilt, but I'm trying to keep that to a minimum because most of the quilters I know prefer to piece.

Well, the weekend is here, and I hope you have a fun one planned! As for me, there's more cleaning and quilting in the immediate forecast. Thanks, as always, for stopping by to visit me.


  1. So you are suppose to teach a corn quilt in July? In the Mid West(I'm in Northeastern Ohio) we have a saying 'The Corn needs to be Knee-high by the Fourth of July'. I hope you are able to have your Corn Quilt pattern ready for class by the Fourth of July!!!

  2. I thought of ears of corn straight away too. Your quilt book club sounds like fun!

  3. I'm like you, Kim. I have EQ and have NEVER used it. I work from what I see in my head. Most of the time that's just fine.

    upepr: an erection lasting longer than four hours

  4. Your quilt book sounds fun. I love historical romances. As for the hand thing -humm. I have never had surgery, but I have had the unpleasant experience of gabbing an uncovered metal mop end into the lower palm of my right hand. I couldn't even hold a spoon. I couldn't cook because I'm right handed - no control over a knife etc. Frozen meals are tasty- maybe try lasagna, anytype of stew. A women made me green chili coconut chicken - it was delicious. I have no idea how she made it, but I popped it in the oven and had a delicious meal in a 1/2 hr. Chili is good to freeze too.
    ---You can do a veggie meal, I had it down in MD. Place cooked rice in a bowl, add green/red/yellow peppers (these can be cut & frozen now). Add corn kernels over the top or any other veggie of your liking. Toss on kidney beans, black beans or pinto beans, diced salsa (tomato,onion, parsley and lemon juice with salt & pepper). Add a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle shredded cheese over the top. If you don't have sour cream, spoon out fresh plain yogurt (do NOT stir it). Place yogurt in a separate bowl and stir in lemon juice. I add this while on bedrest when I was pregnant. Hope these help. You can pop me an e-mail or comment on my blog if you want more ideas.

  5. You sure do have your hands full- pun unintended...poor both of yez being banjaxed at the same time...if Gran lends you her whistle, she'd better make it a dog-whistle as I'd say the dog is the only healthy one in your house at present!

    Like your quilt blocks- I love seeing patterns in progress as it never ceases to amaze me how something as 'simple' (ha! ha!) as a few squares and triangles can turn into a symbol or picture, and then into a wonderful quilt. Is this why quilting is so addictive?

  6. I agree with the first few commenters--I see corn! Yummy Iowa sweet corn is the best! You know, I don't remember having a problem getting food into my mouth when I had surgery. I'm fairly good with my left hand, so cooking wasn't a problem until I had that one done two weeks later. I just froze 20 meals for my daughter that are ready to pop into the oven. Email me if you're interested in the recipes.

  7. The blocks look interesting. They do look like corn cobs. I like how you pieced them. Please take care of yourself. Maybe your friends will help with the dinners? Mine did, it was great, all we had to do was heat it up.

  8. You'll just need a few days of prepped meals, or you can put your local meal delivery joint on speed dial! Seriously, Kim, the surgery is a piece of cake and you'll be up and about in a day or two. I see corn, also. Can't wait to see what you do with the blocks.

  9. I had surgery on 1 had for 3 different problems. As I recall, I was still able to use my fingers, just couldn't lift or do heavy work. For the first few days we had simple meals of cereal, sandwiches, salads, etc. Then it was back to normal cooking. It didn't 'lay me up' nearly as long as I expected. I plan to have the other hand done within the next few months.

  10. i'm experiencing backflashes of Mr. Husker's corn border - unlike YOU (cuz you're so much SMARTER than i am), it got away from me and ended up being HUGE - this one is gonna be FUN, Kim ... so take good notes and get ready to put it on Etsy for the rest of us!!!

  11. your time at the doctors office sounds like to much rolling around going on and the book sounds interesting

    your quilt blocks look like corn on the cob as others have already said

    which would be quite an awesome autumn quilt

    good luck in your surgery and well wishes for your husband recovery

  12. I thought Gran was coming to your house to cook for you?! Glad to hear that hubby is on the mend, and if you have to rescehdule July, no biggie. We just want you back to your regualar, talented self! I am playing all day at BP! Take care, hugs!!


  13. Corn on the cob for sure! I LOVE it. Can't wait to see it finished. How creative.

    I'm not too creative in the meal department. My hubster is an excellent cook (much better than me), but if I didn't have him, I'd probably eat a lot of cereal and pizza.

  14. Kim, I know surgery is always scary but it will be ok and after recovery you'll be doing much better. Just try not to do too much, let your daughter help you. I really like the corn quilt blocks.

  15. Oh...a CORN quilt? Maybe the start of a vegetable patch?

    I have EQ5 and I use it ONLY to print off foundation papers for my Civil War Love Letters quilt blocks. I LOVE graph paper. I can erase and tear up and can do it anywhere... I love taking it in the truck for long trips..

  16. Add rice bowls to the list ;O) Love your sneak peek!

  17. Kim, I guess I'm not very alert today. I loved the blocks, but did not see corn until I read the comments. Yep, looks like corn to me, now. LOL I hope you and your hubby will recover quickly. Winona

  18. I love you new block....those are my kind of colors.
    As for managing with one hand....I had to do that a few years ago when I sprained my wrist badly....let me tell you, I lost a lot of weight that month....LOL...I'm thinking of spraining it again.....LOL
    Cereals are easily managed with one hand.

  19. I found it really hard to get the lids off of containers one-handed, so I'd recommend covering them with foil or putting them in baggies~ for some reason frozen containers are really strong. :-/ Love the ears of corn~ how fun!

  20. Hi Kim, I was trying to catch up on some of my 1000+ posts I have in my google reader and I came across your Charmed Gift Bag Giveaway. It was fun to see the darling bags you made. Very Very cute! Thanks for the shout out too! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hope things are well with you.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!