Monday, June 7, 2010

Early to Bed . . .

I'm too pooped from cleaning to have much of anything to say tonight. I've been working on the kitchen, and it's an arduous job. Let me just say this: It's always my plan to buy a new stove/oven before I have to break down and clean the old oven. Unfortunately THIS one has lasted too long, so I actually cleaned it today. (Hubby has picked out our last couple stoves and for some reason, he hasn't seen the point of getting a self-cleaning oven.) So, anyway, maybe THAT gives you a little idea of how tired out I am. I did have some good oven cleaning stuff that doesn't require a lot of hard scrubbing, but still . . . it's just not an easy thing to do. Ever. Because I didn't take a "before" photo (or an "after" photo for that matter), I did a Yahoo image search for a dirty oven, but none were as dirty as mine.

Anyway, my plan now is to head to bed with a book and get a good night's sleep. See you tomorrow!


  1. My oven is self cleaning and I haven't done that yet. 5 years now... maybe I should?!

  2. Today is the day before inlaws arrive...which means crazy frantic cleaning.

  3. the way i look at it, ovens don't get dirty unless you USE them ... so if it's dirty, then you've been eating pretty good ... and if it ISN'T dirty, then why have one at all? yep, that's my story and i'm sitckin' with it...

    p.s. - my oven is self-cleaning - but it doesn't pay the electric bill

    w.v. - catimat ... a mat for a cat and i

  4. Eek...oven cleaning is not one of my favorites and I have a self cleaning one.....the heat from it is like the sun at its peak!! LOL
    Hope you sleep well!!!

  5. Kim,

    thought of you all weekend. When I see you Wednesday, I will tell you why unless I have the chance to get out my computer in between answering my husbands demands for sympathy.....

    As far as the frozen t.v. dinners--make your enchiladas, spaghetti. Things that freeze well and can be divided up into small portions--chili, casseroles. Listen to Shirley! Eat Healthy. Believe me when I say that everything will be hard one-handed.


  6. I hate oven cleaning too. Hope you got a good night's rest. Winona

  7. No self-cleaning oven? Then it should be hubby's job to clean it. That's MY philosophy. Maybe he'll think twice before he selects the next one.

  8. That's funny.When I was younger (alot younger) I was always teased from other members in the family when I moved. They would say "It must be time to clean the oven"

  9. After a bazillion years of married life I finally have a self-cleaning oven - and it is like night and day. No smoking... no not cooking something in the oven because "I have to clean it..."


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!