Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday is Planting Day

Hubby and I shopped for plants on Thursday and Friday. Did I tell you that? I know I told you Soccer Son and I shopped on Wednesday--I posted the photo of our plants positioned around the yard. On Thursday, I took Hubby to the nursery where Gran and I had gone for a little excursion a few weeks ago--I knew they had some wonderful plants and I thought Hubby deserved lunch at the Conservatory (not to mention the fact that I deserved lunch at the Conservatory again too!), so that's what we did. We were a little disappointed though--so many of the plants in this foothill nursery don't tolerate full sun, which is what we're faced with in our front yard.

So, on Friday, we headed out for more plant shopping. First we went to Lowes to see what they had and we found a few things there. Then we went to Capital Nursery, my favorite local nursery because of their wonderful selection of plants. By the time we were ready to head home, Hubby's van was loaded with a terrific assortment of sun-loving plants.

What you see above are most of our plants, waiting to be placed and planted. There are a couple more that aren't on the tables, and many of the plants we purchased are babies, so the photo is a little deceiving--take my word for it, we have a nice selection here--lots of interesting textures and foliage colors. We still want a wisteria for the pergola and a small tree, but those will be purchased later.

Soccer Son is going to get started on the planting on Monday. I hope we can get it all done then, but we'll see. Our area is expecting some rain showers on Tuesday and Wednesday, so whatever we plant Monday will get nicely watered in--I don't think the rain will be hard enough to do any damage.

Now I'm getting kind of excited about our landscaping! We've been working on this project for quite some time, and it's finally going to LOOK like something! There's still a lot of work to be done, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I'll be sure to get some photos of the yard to share, once these are in the ground.

Thanks for stopping by to see what I'm up to!


  1. Ohhh, lucky you! I truly am green with envy (no pun intended). I
    L O V E to plant. I find it very theraputic, It runs neck in neck in my book with quilting for things I enjoy doing. Have fun with it!!!

  2. Wow these look so great! Enjoy your garden.

  3. Your garden is going to be beautiful Kim! Want to come design mine!LOL

  4. Wow - that's a lot of gorgeous plants! Dori

  5. We are going to be doing some serious planting when we spruce up the house to sell it. I love the fact that you splurged on BIG plants. You will get an instant effect and things will look fabulous!

  6. Those look like beautiful colors. Your front yard will be gorgeous!

  7. Wow, your yard is going to be beautiful. Now I want to go out and rip up my lawn and plant all kinds of pretties!

  8. I've got to pick up some flowers myself. I'm glad I didn't before now as the temps dropped severely last night. I made that mistake one year in Germany...everything died as my German neighbors watched me in disbelief while planting. What did I know?! GeeZ

    Have fun today out there in the dirt...sounds fun!!

  9. What a great looking bunch of flowers and plants!!! Can't wait to see it all finished. :)

  10. I am loving what you chose... you did good! Hope they all get in the ground smoothly. I don't know if you have ever had wisteria, but be careful for the 'green beans' that they sprout after they bloom. They are full of seeds and if they hit the ground, they make a new plant.... lots of new plants. So if you snip them down before they can open up, you save yourself a LOT of headache.

  11. Great selection. Can't wait to see it all in the ground. Happy planting!

  12. That is a beautiful collection of plants. Nice your son will will help with the planting.

    We have to wait awhile to get annuals...was 32 degrees this morning!

    Show pictures again after the plants have been 2 months in the ground. That will be beautiful.

  13. Love all of your plantings, A fruitless plum would look great in the front yard. I see you like purple. Lovely choices.


  14. Oh, Kim, it is going to be gorgeous! I call this potential energy...ready to take right off!

  15. I can't wait to see it all when you're finished. This is the time of the year when i get the urge to play in the dirt. We can't plant until around Mother's Day in our area. We'll be waiting for pictures!!

  16. The plants look gorgeous- it is always nice to see a project to fruition. I love the pergola.
    There is such a nice variation of color.
    Happy gardening and quilting. Hope the armpit is starting to heal and that you have not had any more swelling there.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!