Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It seems that nearly every day Kate Gosselin is featured prominently on the Yahoo home page in some "news" article or another. Why?

Of course, much of it has to do with Dancing With the Stars, which is on TV, what? Twice a week? (Although sometimes it seems like it's on EVERY night!) Of course, there are practices and rehersals that seem to make the news too. Still, I don't get it--why the apparent fascination with Kate Gosselin? Is she the only one on DWTS?

Yes, I watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight a few times. I didn't particularly find Jon OR Kate OR their show compelling. Although I never really followed their much-publicized break up/divorce, I gather Jon was the bad guy, generally speaking. Still, I saw one "newspaper" (tabloid) at the grocery store checkout whose headlines implied Kate was doing something naughty with her bodyguard, so maybe there was blame to be had on both sides? But did I care? No.

So, tell me this: Why is Kate such a celebrity now? Jon and Kate split up and agreed to go their separate ways. The show's over. Why didn't she just fade away? Admittedly she's got a pretty darn good body for a mom of eight, but where ARE the eight kids, anyway? Maybe all the people who say reality shows are totally fake are right--maybe she NEVER DID HAVE EIGHT KIDS! Have you thought about that? After all, from what I recall, there wasn't a blonde one in the bunch! (No, don't bother trying to explain genetics to me--I get it. I'm just sayin'.)

To be fair, I AM grateful to Kate Gosselin for one thing. Maybe it's my imagination, but since the gossip press has been concentrating on Kate, we've had much less "news" of Paris, thank goodness!

So what do you think? Tired of Kate or are you a fan? And do you think in recent years the PRESS has tried to influence who we see as celebrities, or do you think there's a substantial population out there who really DO care about Kate Gosselin, Paris Hilton, and all the other non-celebrity celebrities, and that's why they show up in the news so frequently?


  1. I live in the same general vicinity as Kate. I know too much about her as it is and wish she would just go away but she has to come up with money to support 8 kids. She is very good at marketing herself. She reminds me very much of a few other women that I wish would just go away.

  2. As for her good figure...I know from watching the show that she got a free 'extra tummy skin' removal. I always thought she was crabby, but the show still intrigued me. I watched it almost to the end.

  3. To me, the whole reality show thing is ridiculous. Kate won't go away because she keeps saying outrageous things - probably so she can keep herself in the news. The real losers in all of this are her 8 kids. It will be interesting to see if they have some problems when they grow older, having spent so much of their formative years in front of a camera. And is it just me, or is Kate much more 'average'-looking now? I thought she was so pretty when she was just a regular mom. Maybe it's the hair...

  4. Tired of Kate....oh, so tired...and of all those like her. Hollywood has forgotten we have REAL lives AND a brain!

  5. Don't even get me started. I wish I could write to the tabloids and networks that continue to exploit her 15 minutes of fame, which should have been over a long time ago. As to having to support 8 kids, what was she thinking when she impregnated herself with 6 eggs? That a reality tv show was in her future? There are many families that have learned to support themselves without the assistance of running your entire life in front of millions of people.
    But, my biggest gripe is the lack of consideration for what their (Jon & Kate's) kids lives are like. Their parents trials, tribulations, insults, accusations, etc. are thrown into the public's very public eye and they have to face them every single day. Just like me. If I can't stand it anymore, can you imagine how the 8 little kids are feeling? How come no responsible newcaster/interviewer has addressed this issue. Grow up Kate and go home and nurture your kids. God knows you've ruined a part of their innocence in search of your misguided fame. There, got that off my chest.

  6. I think it is disgusting to have Kate on TV constantly but what is worse is that the DWTS show seems to be based on popularity votes rather than talent. It is a shame and what does that say about the integrity of the show.

  7. I'm with you, I don't consider her a celebrity, but I guess the media considers anyone in the public eye a celebrity. I can't stand the woman, while Jon had some problems when they were married, she was a total raving "B" towards him. And her reasoning that she's on DWTS because she has to support her children, give me a break. The woman is an RN, she could easily make enough money to support those kids without being in the medial 100% of the time. Old Heff isn't interested in her for Playboy because he doesn't think she's a celebrity, so if Heff says she's not, she's not! Hahahahaha

  8. OMG, I am so sick of hearing about Kate and I feel so bad for those eight children. I only watched the Jon & Kate show once but that was enough for me. But I do watch DWTS and they always have a few "stars" that are dancing challenged and they usually go first. So my question is, WHY IS SHE STILL ON? I know it is a popularity vote also but who would honestly vote for her? IMHO she dances like a robot. I will now get off my soapbox and wish everyone a "happy day".
    Kim H

  9. Never watched the show...didn't care too. You have to give her credit though, she's marketing herself to make $$$ to raise those eight kids. I mean nurses make good money, but she'd have to work 24/7 as a nurse to make enough money to feed all those little ones and would still come up short. I say..." Go Kate Go! Mumzie :)

  10. If she doesn't get voted off DWTS this week, I'm not watching it any more. I didn't know who she was before DWTS, and I find it amazing that her only claim to fame is the kids. She really gets on my nerves. Enough already!

  11. I was hoping that she would be long gone and forgotten by now.

  12. I happened upon the Show a couple of years ago, which was prior to their claim of fame ... when they were a heck of a lot more normal than they are today. They even had Bible Verses taped up on the walls in the house and took the kids to Church every Sunday, which was a total feat in itself. The Show was more about day to day live w/a family struggling to raise and feed 8 kids. Then it happened ... stardom struck and the Show was more about "Jon, who is a whimpy SOB" (forgive me) and Kate, who became just a tad bit too full of herself, so I lost interest. As for today, I can only hope that the kid's lives are back to some form of normal ... hope that Jon falls of the face of the Earth (forgive me again lol) ... and hope that Kate finds her niche in this world so she can financially raise those gorgeous kids. For their sakes, it would be nice if that niche was outside of the lime light, as they are absolutely adorable :)

  13. I agree with Mumzie. I never have watched the show either, but she is a working mother and if she was working 12 hour shifts as a nurse and barely making ends meet, would her kids be better off? As far as being on the show, it would be hard to know if that is detrimental, as it will take years to probably know for sure, and you'd have to compare them to 'normal' kids who for a large part aren't doing so well either.

  14. PS We can deplore the news media and their exploitation of anything and everything, and proclaim our disdain loudly, but in actual fact many of us (myself included) are probably perking up our ears to hear the latest tidbits. It's kind of like a cartoon that I saw once about the Jerry Springer show. A teenager was watching and his parent looked over and said "it's disgusting, but oddly fascinating". I loudly proclaim my disdain, but I am also oddly fascinated to a point. The things that go past that point are turned off.
    It's kind of funny, my word verification is 'messes'.

  15. Yep, I am tired of her, but not only her...I think most of Hollywood is a bore and a snore! Too many divorces, people on drugs, just bad behavior in general. Really, who cares? Where is the fun, good news??

  16. I'm tired of her, tired of her attitude. Some might think that Jon was the reason for their breakup, but IMHO, it takes two to make a relationship work. And it's so painful to watch her dance. OUCH! (Sorry, I follow your blog, but don't usually comment. This post compelled me to comment, because I can't understand why she's still on DWTS either!!!)

  17. My 84 year old mother, back in the "old country" used to watch Kate, Jon and the Bunch regularly and tell me all about it. Subsequently I never watched it..... There seems to be an audience out there, perhaps much like my mother, go figure. You would not catch me stitching along while "watching" them or DWTS.

  18. I completely agree with you! I never really followed their show and i think if they didn't have a reality show they will still be married and working very very hard to feed their kids!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!