Monday, March 15, 2010

What Did You Give Up?

Did you turn your clock ahead an hour on Saturday night/Sunday morning? What did you decide you'd give up doing on Sunday since you had one hour less? I gave up reading for an hour. I'd have preferred to give up housework or cooking, but I didn't have any housework planned, and I'd already given up cooking on Saturday, so I felt compelled to cook. I had some play time scheduled in the Sweat Shop and I certainly DIDN'T want to give that up, so reading it was. And maybe a little bit of sleeping.

What was I playing with in the Sweat Shop? Well, when my hands went numb and fell off at the end of January, it was the weekend before my wool class at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks and I still hadn't designed the third project I wanted to give my students, nor had I prepared all the kits or the handouts. As a consequence, I had to postpone the class until the first Saturday in April (the day before Easter). So here it is, just a few weeks away, and I finally decided on the design for the third project. Want to see it? I still have some stitching to do (the top sunflower), but here it is so far:

The other two projects (see the sidebar) are pillows, but I think I want something different for this one--probably a little wall hanging or something of that nature.

I also started getting the kits put together for this project. At one point, I had pulled out piles and piles of wool, trying to decide what I wanted to use--I thought you'd enjoy seeing some of the chaos:

And that's not even all of it--just what would fit in the photo.

Before I head off to bed, a couple of you asked about the Easter tabletopper in yesterday's post. It's part my creation and part a pattern by Donna Yackey/Hollyhock House called Spring is Here--you can find it at The Country Loft by clicking HERE. For my version, I used a simple pieced background and added some of Donna's bunny appliques as well as some appliqued carrots. One of these years I'd like to come up with my own design of something along similar lines, but I haven't done it yet--maybe next year.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Kim, so good to see you back in the saddle for short periods! Love the bunny quilt and the sunflower woolie! And the Schnibbles--I joined the Schnibbles train last weeK! Just started piecing the round about blocks!

  2. Sleep!! That is what I gave up, but it was such a gorgeous day, I did not want to waste a minute of it!

  3. YAY I'm not the only one with a mess when I'm working!! I'm so glad you're feeling up to working with your things again.

  4. Well, if I was going to do your class I'd definately choose the sunflowers, I love it! But before I thought I'd have chosen the blue-bird, so I guess I'm a bit fickle!

    And m'dear, if you think that's a mess you truly do not know the meaning of mess!!!!!

    I hope your hands are up to this and you don't set yourself back by doing too much? Nag,nag, auntie heckety, I know!

  5. This change in time is killing me. My dog Sophie doesn't know the difference and got me up at 5:00. Ugh.
    It must be so difficult for you to curtail the use of your hands! Hope you see some improvement soon.

  6. Hi KIM!!

    GOOD MORNING!! Kim AND WOOL!! Doesn't get any better than this!! Love your stash and the sunflowers are gorgeous!! The ladies in your class are going to LOVE it!! Have a great day!!

  7. Hey can I change my choice to the sunflower? It is so cute! Let me know, see ya tonight at Knot-y Ladies!!


  8. Happy to see that you've popped on here to let us know how you are fairing. The bunny table topper from your previous post is too cute!

  9. sadly I gave up sleep. stupid daylight savings time. it's not like it actually get saved anyway, hello, the sun comes up and it goes down, changing the clocks doesn't make for MORE daylight.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!