Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail . . .

Paulette seems to think it's time for me to come back and provide her daily morning entertainment along with her Starbucks coffee. Well, I don't know if I can promise a daily read--not only do I have to watch the typing, but I'm seriously NOT living a very exciting life these days, so I might not have too much to talk about. Still, I'll see what I can do, because Paulette is a sweetie, and as I said yesterday, I miss the rest of you too!

It took me awhile to face the fact that Easter was coming. By then, Valentine's Day was a thing of the past, but I still hadn't taken down my Valentine's Day and "winter" decorations. In fact, it seems to me it was nearing the end of February when it occurred to me that Easter was only a month away, and if I was going to do anything about decorating around my house, I'd better get started.

I know you'll probably find it odd, but these days--despite having nothing but time on my hands--it doesn't seem like I get very much done quickly. It took me several days to take down the old stuff and another few days to get around to getting out the Easter stuff. But I finally did. And since I know some of you like to see what I've done with my holiday decorations, here's a little "tour" of the kitchen:

My physical therapist laughed at me. I happened to mention one day that my back was a little sore from bending and such, and he asked what I'd been doing. "Decorating for Easter," I told him. He thinks it's silly. After he stopped laughing, he asked me if I had one of those wooden signs in my garden of grandma's backside. But then this is a guy who gets his kicks running triathalons. Yeah, I don't get that either. But I didn't laugh at him--I just shook my head and rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. 'Cause I knew if I laughed, he'd probably have made me do more exercises. Sadist.


  1. Welcome back! Any amount of morning 'fix' from you that we can get will be just fine. Thanks for a peek at your adorable Easter decor and may your therapist pull a hamstring. Hugs.

  2. I still like those cute bunny faces...

  3. LOL. Hopefully you didn't over due it too much. I have not decorated for fact the snowman wreath is still on my door! Lazy on my end I have to admit.
    You place looks great. Very pretty!

  4. Kim, it is so nice to have you back online. I love your Easter decorations. Too bad your therapist will not enjoy any of the holidays that gives us a boost throughout the year. He is probably young and lives in an undecorated apartment with little furniture.

  5. Thanks Kim, I needed that!! Slurrrp...

  6. woo hoo! i'm with Paulette - lately i've found myself with coffee cup in my left hand and mouse clicker in my right, wandering aimlessly around blogville ... i attribute it to KBQA withdrawal and, let me tell you, doing it cold turkey was taking it's toll

  7. Welcome Back Kimmie!!

    Yes, we all missed ya!!



  8. Kim,

    Good to have you back. I have had severe withdrawal without your wonderful sense of humor. I love your bunny and carrot table topper. Is that your design? I really would like that pattern. Hope you are feeling better!!


  9. Hope you're feeling better, Kim.
    Love your Easter decorations.... do you know which pattern you used for the little tabletopper - would love to make one for my grandchildren!


  10. Love your Easter decorations! Your table topper is gorgeous.

    I never got around to decorating for Valentine's Day. St. Patrick's day is just a couple days away and there will be no decorations for that day either. I don't think I will make it for Easter either lol.

  11. oh no! Kim! what are you thining??? you went straight from Valentines Day to Easter??? You SKIPPED St Pats day????? Where is the Irish Cream? Where are the mint chocolates?? the Ruebens? The GREEN BEER?????? seriously girl WHAT are you thinking?????

    (and why is your word verification valmlat? are we speaking klingon now?)

  12. I LOVE the fact that you recognise all the holidays by decorating your house I think it is great. Take care!

  13. I love those bunny decorations Kim. It made me smile just looking at all that spring coming to your house. I was thinking that I need to do that to - the Christmas/winter village is still on my buffet. I will try and re do mine in the next few days.
    I need to make some bunny tablecloths or a wall hanging- Somehow I haven't managed to ever create such quilts. I love your beautiful teapots too- Very pretty Kim!

  14. Kim you always decorate so well. I love that table topper.

  15. Oooh I really like your wee hoosie decorations! I'm going to try the egg and foliage in the candle-sticks, that's particularly nifty!

    Well there's a good many things men don't 'get' isn't there? The Hub doesn't 'get' Christmas stockings, but they happen every year regardless, neither does he 'get' the Tooth Fairy, or experimenting with recipes,or signs on doors like 'stay out'!

  16. Adorable, both your quilt and your decorating. Makes me think it's time for me to decorate for Easter again, I missed the past few years.

  17. Hi Kim, I too love your Easter deorations. Someone asked about the table topper with carrots and bunnies. Do you know where you got the pattern? Thanks, Sandra


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!