Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tell Me if My Head Explodes

I've noticed lately that I've felt UBER enthusiastic about quite a few things. Now why is it that I'm feeling so "up" NOW when I'm somewhat limited in the things I can do, but I was feeling oddly depressed only six months ago when just about everything seemed to be going along pretty well? I don't have an answer exactly, but I wonder whether it might relate to my getting more sleep and being less stressed by work in the past month or so? That's the only explanation that comes to mind, anyway.

What am I excited about? Well, fabric for one thing. It seems like there are quite a few lines of fabric that are either out or coming out soon that I love. (For instance, have you seen the sneak peeks of Sweetwater's Pure fabric in browns and blues or Happy Zombie's Christmas line for Lecien? Yum!) Projects too--I have several projects that are mostly in the planning stages, and that means I have several piles of "stuff" around the Sweat Shop awaiting my attention. Friends--I had lunch with a friend this afternoon and spent a couple hours this evening with more friends in my embroidery class. Friends are always a mood elevator! Blogland "events" and projects--you'll see several I'm involved in over in my sidebar.

About those things in the sidebar? I had been thinking that last Friday night was the monthly Sew-In, so I was kind of disappointed when I figured out it wasn't, but now I have that to look forward to THIS week! And the Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along? Today (Monday) we received directions for the second block, so now I have made two (newest on bottom)--

The Year of Schnibbles? I've made this month's already (Roundabout) and I'm just loving the whole Schnibbles thing. On top of that, I'm EXTREMELY excited that Miss Rosie/Carrie Nelson is coming out with a Schnibbles book that should be available in April. In fact, I've already scheduled myself to teach a Schnibbles class in May. Martingale (the publisher) and Moda are sponsoring a Schnibbles contest, and I'm hoping to encourage my students to participate. After that, I'd like to use the book as the basis for a Schnibbles class/club that will meet every couple of months. And one of those project piles I have in the Sweat Shop? Two Bar Harbor layer cakes so I can make a larger Schnibbles quilt because the book contains options for making larger (lap size) quilts.

I know people who have been out of work for one reason or another--injury, job loss, retirement--who have been kind of depressed as a result. I'm just grateful that I have a hobby like quilting that provides me such rich and rewarding experiences and keeps me from dwelling on the negatives in my life. Now I just have to worry that my head might explode from excitement!


  1. I think some time off work is just what the doctor ordered!!

  2. I'm glad that you still have such a positive attitude. Also I think you are right that having a hobby makes the transition to not working easier. Oh! Now I need to go check out the new book and find pictures of some of the new fabrics. lol:)

  3. Oh don't explode! It's just so messy! It's funny how things change isn't it? I think sleep is just so important to feeling happy and upbeat. (Plus, how could you not be happy if you are quilting?)

  4. It's nice when you can turn a negative into a positive. Keeps you going. Sounds like you are set for a good time.

  5. I love the halloween fabrics that you're using! SO pretty!

  6. A head exploding from "quilty" things is OK :) I don't think it would hurt too bad! It is such a wonderful hobby and I'm so happy that your hands are not interfering with it too badly. Perhaps the "stop smoking" added to that depression a while back???

  7. Your JR sampler is going to be FAB in the Halloween fabrics!

  8. Kim what an excellent post! When I was reading your last paragraph, I thought about all the pioneer women who went before us and quilted out of necessity. We enjoy quilting as a hobby, but it gives us pleasure to work with beautiful fabrics and designs. It seems that the women of old may have quilted to keep their minds off of death, disaster, and hard times. What a wonderful hobby that transends time and culture.

  9. It was so good to see ya last night! You do look very rested, and that is a good thing. Can't wait for class in April, and I am saving to take the Schnibble's class. I better start drinking all of that Diet Pepsi, I am going to need to recycle a lot of cans!!!LOL



  10. There are a lot of wonderful things to be excited about right now. I can't believe that you already finished your Roundabout! I have been thinking on the same lines as you:) A Schnibbles club would be great especially with the hot little book of Carrie's coming out! And seriously, quilting is a great positive in our lives!

  11. Glad to see you back in the saddle. Your work is always inspiring and FUN, I just love reading your blog and looking at your projects. I so wish I lived close by to take your classes. Keep on, keepin on!!!

  12. jackie hendricksonMarch 16, 2010 at 3:42 PM

    Hi Kim, if your wool class is full will you do another? I would like the crow and sunflower pattern or kit if not. Glad your getting so much done and feeling better. I ask Gran about you when I see her. Thanks Jackie

  13. I'm so happy that you are making the best of being out off work. I do think having a hobby is a key. You get to use your creativity, keep your mind busy, and have a beautiful product at the end! Plenty of sleep, less stress, and the time spent with friends are all part of the equation too. I'm happy to see you back!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!