Saturday, January 30, 2010


No, my computer isn't back from the shop yet, but as it turns out, Soccer Son had a computer he wasn't using, so he brought his over this a.m. for our use until we get ours back. It feels a little like wearing someone else's clothes. The keyboard is hard for me to type on, he has a different operating system installed, and of course, none of the links to the blogs I read are in my favorites!

As it turns out, I haven't had much to say anyway. Between one thing and another, I've continued to feel crummy all week, and so far the weekend hasn't been any better, although I've decided to make myself get busy DOING something. The staph infection? Slightly better but still there. I'll see my doctor on Monday--it may be the "bad" kind of staph, MRSA. The antibiotics seem to be making me nauseous. During the worst pain after the root canal, I took prescription Tylenol with codeine, and for the first time, the codeine made me sick too. Thursday and Friday were extremely busy and stressful days at the office, and between one thing and another--mostly, though, the fact I wasn't feeling well--I was in tears by the time I left the office on Friday--which is why I wasn't able to write a blog post.

Gosh, what a lot of grumbling, huh? Sorry! I DO hope I feel better soon and get back to normal. I really hate not feeling well and I'm not a very good patient either.

Next Saturday is my wool class at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks, so I need to spend time this weekend preparing kits and getting ready. I'll also need to type up notes and patterns, although without my own computer and word processing program, that might be hard to do. I'm sure I'll manage, though.

Time, now, to see if I can negotiate my way through Blogland without a favorites list to rely on! It's good to be back, even if it's only halfway!


  1. Kim, I am praying that you feel better very soon!!!

  2. Kim, to cheer yourself up,come on over and enter the giveaway at my blog! You never know who may win!

  3. Hey, when's your computer ready? morning coffee just isn't the same without you!! Hope your feeling better soon!!
    Take care!

  4. Aw Kim~ I hope you start feeling better soon! And I hope it isn't MRSA! :-o Yikes. How nice to have a lender computer~ have some fun! ;-)

  5. Hope you feel better soon! Are you going to be putting any of the wook kits in your Etsy shop? Gwen

  6. Kim, I hope you feel better soon. Codeine makes me so sick. I would rather be in pain. Now it is in all my charts that I can't have it. Hope you get your computer back so things can get back to normals. Take care. Winona

  7. poor sweet baby ... i'd bring you some chicken noodle soup and a bottle of 7up if i lived closer

  8. Wishing you well sweetie!! Glad you have a computer borrowed!!!

  9. HI Kim,
    I am glad you are able to connect with all your friends in blogland and hope that the antibiotics soon kick in to help with the staph infection.
    January sure has been a challenging month for you- Hope that February brings you lots of nice things - flowers, treats and most of all, recovery from your current health challenges.
    Sending you postive wishes for renewed energy and good health.
    Warmest regards,

  10. Get some manuka honey from
    When the honey is smeared onto the wound, it kills staph , even mrsa. They also sell medihoney on amazon.
    It's medical grade manuka honey for wound care.

  11. I hope you are up to your old self soon, especially for class next Saturday, which by the way, I am so excited and cannot wait! If there is anything I can do to help you, please just let me know, I have the time this week. The first week of the month is always slow, since the dealers are closing out their books. Can I bring anything for snacks??




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