Friday, January 29, 2010

Hanging In . . .

Gosh, I feel like I'm all alone on an island. Not having a computer is terrible! I'm going to have to do a lot of catching up in Blogland once I get mine back.

The root canal . . . well it was a ROOT CANAL, so what would you expect? Yeah, my jaw hurts. I have drugs. Unfortunately, I have to work and can't take as many as I'd like! Once I got to work after the root canal, the day was CRAZY BUSY and I still have to make a run to Fed Ex, but I wanted to take a minute to let you know I'm hanging in here. Oh, and still no contact from the computer folks. ARGH!

Last night I finished piecing that scrappy quilt you saw--the mostly brown and blue from Old Primrose Inn. I'll show you a picture once I have a computer to upload photos to. Tonight I have a couple other projects I might work on--like adding the borders to the Cindy Lou Who quilt top. Maybe by the time my computer gets fixed, I'll have lots of show and tell!

I hope you're all keeping busy in a happy sort of way. Thanks for all the good thoughts you've been sending my way.


  1. Hope you feel better after your root canal! Ouch!

    Don't you feel lost without your computer? What did we do without them? Telephones and good ol' paper and write letters! I like puters!

    Have a super day!

  2. Yuck...Root Canal..YUCK!!
    hope you and your computer are back up to speed real soon...

  3. uh oh - not a good omen ... i just looked at the word verification - it is BRIDE ... spooky

    and now that i've etch-a-sketched my brain, i have no recollection of the witty remark i was about to leave ... sigh

  4. Computer withdrawal is soooooo painful! They need to come up w/some meds for it ... Root Canals are sooooooo painful! Thank God they have meds for that :) Wishing you complete and quick healing on both counts.

  5. Boy - if there is anyone who deserves a nice, relaxing weekend - it is you!! Hope you're feeling lots better - and when your PC is cured, that'll help too. Thanks for blogging from work and keeping us posted. Take care.....piece.

  6. Ooooh! you lucky thing to go on a cruise! But I'm a bit worried because you said in yesterday's post that you were on a streak...isn't it a little cold to be running round naked???

  7. At least the root canal is over, right? Hope the pain goes away really quickly! Can't wait to see your projects once your computer's back up and running!

  8. Sorry about your tooth...that is a yucky-sometimes-neccessary-evil thing! I hate to go to the dentis. I will look forward to seeing all your projects when your computer is back home and all well.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!