Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kids and Cats

My son's computer. This picture he drew is on his desktop. His "nickname" (although I've never heard anyone but him use it) is Ghost, and that's what is spelled above. I know it's kind of hard to see, but he's drawn many variations on the theme, and they're all kind of fun. The G is that lighter green piece on the left side; the S is white--you can probably see that one fairly well.

Of course, I've been referring to my son as Soccer Son for years now, but there's some news that might change that. He's recently started playing for a men's semi-pro football team called the Warriors. As a kicker, of course! He was a kicker in high school too, but his best friend, Jim, had the better foot and got more playing time. This should be interesting to see!

Soccer Son, by the way, admitted to downloading that virus; hence, his willingness to let me borrow his computer for the time being. The virus "thing" is called Personal Security and looks much like Windows security--similar graphics and colors. It tells you it has detected a virus and prompts you to run a scan, then it installs itself and blocks you from getting on any site that can help with downloading something to clean it off. I tried several different things, but none of them worked. And, of course, it wants you to pay to "download" their program, although even that doesn't get rid of it.

On the quilting front, I haven't done much this week because of poor health and a general lack of enthusiasm and energy--I hope that changes soon. I DID finish this little scrappy quilt though--at least the top. The colors still look weird and washed out here, and I don't have any version of Photoshop on this computer, so I can't even try to adjust it. And, by the way, I haven't heard from Lurking Linda, the scrap winner--Linda, please email me your address, so I can send you some goodies!

I've been asked whether Stitch is getting big. Well, yes, he IS, but he's still skinny enough to fit under the acrylic sewing table extension. Here are a couple photos of him, learning to sew.

Hubby was commenting the other day that all of the cat toys seem to have disappeared, so I bought some jingly balls at the grocery store, and gave one to Stitch. First thing he did was to bat it under the hutch in the kitchen. When I went to scoop it out, look at what I found!

He's always been a little kleptomaniac, especially when he was a kitten! And Spike used to bat around tea bag wrappers and steal Hubby's hard candies, and there were quite a few under there. Believe it or not, that's not even the entire "booty"--I kept pulling more and more out!

As you may imagine, I'm very anxious to get my own computer back, but it's nice to have a "loaner" at least! Since I have no "favorites list" on this computer, I'd appreciate it if you could leave me a comment so I can follow the links to your blog and see what you've been doing! Happy weekend everyone!


  1. Hi Kim! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Just wanted to tell you I check your blog everyday. Enjoy your stories about your cats, quilting projects and your life! I hope you get your computer back soon. Am dealing with a very persnickety computer myself!

  2. Hi Kim,
    Hope you get your puter back soon. Its crazy on what we rely on isn't it!
    Hope u feel better soon!

  3. Stitch is so stinkin' cute under your cat is 16 and she tried fitting in my machine, you know under the sewing head, it's a 10 inch space and she thought she could fit...NOT..

  4. Love the pictures! Looking forward to when all is right in your world and you continue to entertain us daily. Take care of yourself and the kitties of course!

  5. It always amazes me where cats can fit. I found my stepkid's cat squeezed under the TV table one time, I looked for her everywhere, I thought she had finally found a way to run away LOL and then I found her under there, I swear it's only about 2 inches off the floor! And I know how it is with the toys. We brought an outdoor cat with us when we moved here and she loves the toy mice. Every week I have to take a yardstick and get them out from under the couch and fridge.

  6. That is the kind of booty I used to find under the fridge. Also down the heat vents. I had to clean those out regularly.

  7. At least you know it wasn't hubby.
    I'm always afraid to move my couches because the dogs always seem to have a stash of toys and junk under there. And they can't get under to get anything out so it just keeps growing.
    Hopefully your computer is fixed soon. I know how uncomfortable it is being on another computer for long. I lost my laptop, as in it wasn't working, for almost 2 months, and we never did figure it out, when I finally bit the bullet to get it fixed, it turned on and worked fine!

  8. Hi, Kim! Sorry for the ongoing computer problems you are having. I read your blog every post, but I cannot check blogs every day. I love your little 'Stitch'! your shared stories and photos today are precious.

    I also love your polka dot mug, that you must call your favorite-! I have my daughter and friends on the lookout for it, no luck yet.

    When I was trying to show Lydia, my DD, your mug, she looked over your chicken soup. "This sounds good, mom", she says. So I read over your recipe, and your secrets of roasted chicken and adding cream of chicken soup are what we do, too. (people love my soup, I'm requested to bring enough to share at lunch)

    I start mine with a Sam's Club roasted chicken, but your cooking one with stuffing in it sounds YUM with that going on into the soup pot!

    Anyway, wanted to say hi and I enjoy reading along. Even when I don't give a shout out! :-}

  9. I'd say Soccer Son certainly inherited his mom's creativity! Wish him luck on his football team. I'll take football over soccer any day probably because I grew up watching football and wasn't introduced much to soccer until the grandsons started playing several years ago. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon!

  10. LOL Klepto Kitty! :-) He is cute under the sewing table. :-) Hope they are busy working on your computer & you get good news tomorrow. Have a good day!

  11. Stitch is too funny - at least he didn't bat anything dead under there

  12. We've had those viruses on more than one computer! I've gotten those security looking pop ups from quilting sites. I've found that if you see one, don't click on anything - just shut down the computer - and it goes away without infecting your computer. Maybe let soccer/football son know. lol

    Good to see you somewhat back in business!

  13. Your kitty is beautiful <3! I hope you get your computer back soon!!! A loner is never any fun

  14. Love the kitty antics! Love your son's graphic design! Happy quilting!

  15. Computer viruses are the worst! At least you do know what it is and have some people working on it. Thanks for the warning never to download it!

    Your son is a talented artist too! I like the illustration, very clever.

    The little four patches turned out so cute with your new little quilt. That fabric line is so pretty. Stitch looks very studious under your extension table :)

    Hope you feel better soon and get your computer back, virus free.

  16. Kim, I am sorry you have been feeling bad. I hope you feel better soon and get your computer back. I love the pictures of Stitch. He is so cute. Spike is too, of course. Winona

  17. CUTE kitty pictures! It's amazing what they can get into...or under.

    I hope you feel better's nice that you still got something finished!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  18. Love the kitty under glass, it was always amazing what they could get into. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  19. Neat post and pictures. Good Luck tomorrow at the Doctors. Precious and lovable cats!

  20. PS I saw the mug - looks like Pokey likes it too.

  21. Your cat is hilarious! I think it must be in the genes with black and white cats. My cat Max does similar funny things. I have some photos on my blog of him hanging about on top of the shower recess frame. It's great to capture those moments - they give me a laugh every time I look at them. Hope you and your computer will be on the mend soon. I enjoy reading your blog.


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