Thursday, December 31, 2009

Red Tiddly Winks

A couple years ago when I was a little kid, I thought red tiddly winks were the coolest things! The smaller red "winks" were semi-see through while the blue and yellow "winks" weren't. And somehow, the red ones always looked good enough to eat--kind of like they should taste like candy. (They didn't, but that didn't keep me from "testing" them every so often.) I never really saw the point of PLAYING tiddly winks, but I could look at and touch those red tiddly winks for hours!

Now, here it is, a few years later, and I have that very same feeling about this--

Santa's gift that he had the Fat Quarter Shop help him with arrived--the kit for Frosted Windowpanes! Yes, it's a little bit late, having arrived a few days after Christmas, but that doesn't matter one little bit! I could look at and touch these red tiddly winks beautiful fabrics for hours! (And see the card from Santa? How cool is THAT?!)

I almost didn't unwrap the kit though--I kind of liked the way it looked in its shiny cellophane wrapping (and it surely kept me from doing any damage to the fabric in the event I was tempted to lick it to see if it tasted like candy!), but I noticed there was something in the kit that didn't look quite right. Guess what? Santa ALSO sent me a Moda tote!

I guess I WAS a very good girl this year!

I'm also kind of giddy tonight because not only have I ordered several of the books you've recommended, but I decided to make a run to Borders during my lunch hour and buy one--just to get me through until the others arrive in the mail. Somehow by the time I got to the checkout counter, I was carrying THREE books. And while I was being rung up? The cashier told me how good The Piano Teacher was--she just finished it before Christmas. Sheesh! So, here's what came home with me--someone left a comment about The Sugar Queen and it sounded good (besides--there are PEPPERMINTS on the cover!); I've looked at the Historian a few times, and the Beach Street Knitting Society and Yarn Club sounded like it might be a decent book (even if I don't knit):

As far as hobby/pasttime supplies, I think I'm pretty well set for beginning 2010. Gosh, I feel just like I'm holding all the red tiddly winks!


  1. oooo...that kit does look amazing! Lucky you!! ...and a note from Santa.....woo hoo.....! Looks like you have the reading thing sussed for the new year.....speaking of which....I am waiting up to see the fireworks from Sydney on TV...only two hours to go.....Happy New Year...!!

  2. Looks like you've hit the jackpot, both with Santa and at the book store. Happy New Year!

  3. How neat that is, a note from the REAL Santa, How soon will you dig into that kit. Great looking fabrics. The books. Guess the Sugar Queen will be sweet!!!

  4. Amid my busy schedule and working full time, I'm still managing to read a book a week. Thankfully the library is 2 blocks from where I work!!

    What will you read first?? The Piano Teacher was really, really good!!

    I'm reading "Cold Mountain" right now, with Grisham's "Ford County" waiting in the wings.

    Santa gifts? Ya can't beat 'em. Somehow he ALWAYS knows exactly what to give us. *wink*


  5. i can see that i will have to buy The Sugar Queen for another peppermintanalia addict - even if it isn't a good story, she'll want the cover ... i think i will start being good right now so Santa won't leave me out in the dark in 2010 cuz the kit and the tote that he left for you are so incredibly awesome compared to my lump of coal that i can't even put in the fireplace even though it's colder than a witch's mmhmm in a brass mmhmm this morning ... sigh

  6. Can't wait to see the quilt completed. I love the tote, it is perfect for ya! Happy New Year Kimmie!!


  7. How totally awesome! I love that note from Santa and a bonus tote bag too. Very cool. Enjoy your lovely kit and your books too.

  8. Hey Kim. I think I saw you asking about The Time Traveler's Wife? Not sci-fi at all. It's a love story. It's also very sad. I loved it. And I am not a sci fi/fantasy book fan.

  9. Now aren't you glad you were a good girl all year? Happy new Year, Kim!
