Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Thank you all so much for the good reading suggestions. It just tickles me to death when so many of you "participate" and leave comments. And if any of you are interested in finding a good book, check yesterday's comments for suggestions as well as a few below.

I had my applique and basket block out and the pieces positioned to work on tonight, but I've realized there's nothing on television I'm interested in watching! So, I think it's early to bed for me with the book I'm reading instead of working on applique.

Elaine mentioned in a comment that when she comes home from work, she's too tired to do much other than collapse, and I've heard the same thing from other people. And who doesn't understand that sort of tiredness? For me, quilting is my "play" time--it re-energizes me. I also think that quilting uses a different part of my brain--the creative side--than what I use all day long at work, so maybe that's the difference for me. I DO find that when I'm between projects, the thought of coming home after a day of work and STARTING something new is awfully daunting, so I'll often put it off. Maybe it's that big step that keeps some of us from quilting after work? Or maybe it's just the press of other duties and chores? But if you come home from work and collapse, and you're not happy with doing that, I'd suggest that after dinner, instead of heading to the couch, head to your sewing place--just for a half hour. A half hour a night isn't that long, and just think how much you can accomplish over the course of a week or a month. But more importantly, I bet you'll find that at the end of a half hour, you're having fun and not ready to stop. And I bet that once you get into a habit of being creative in some way each evening, it will become second nature. And no, I'm not advocating you abandon spouse and children each night. I suspect they won't really miss you in a half hour but if they do, find some hand work you enjoy that you can work on while you socialize with the family--embroidery, applique, working with wool, whatever. But if night time quilting isn't for you, then there's always the weekends for "play"! And on week nights? Well, there ARE books, of course!

Thanks to your suggestions, I've ordered The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and The Friday Night Knitting Club. I've read a few of the other books mentioned and I've added some to my "wish list" too. Tell me this, though: Have any of you read Olive Kitteridge? I started reading it and was bored to death--I felt like I just didn't "get it," so I set it aside. I think most of all, I didn't really like the characters much. The book is still on my nightstand and I wonder if I should pick it back up and read a little further or take it to the office and give someone else a chance? After all, reviews of the book suggest plenty of people enjoyed it--maybe it's just not for me. What do you think?

Another book I was wondering about: The Time Traveler's Wife. Someone loaned it to me ages ago and I haven't read it. I've heard some good things about it but I was worried it might be a little too Sci-Fi for my reading tastes. Any input?

Now here are a couple recommendations from me for good reading--as you may notice, I enjoy series books. First Will Thomas' series that begins with the book Some Danger Involved. I've mentioned the book before but it's worth mentioning again--kind of Sherlock Holmes meets Wild Wild West. I'm anxiously awaiting the sixth book in the series, but I think it will be a little while. Hubby likes this series too. Check it out.

Charles Todd's Inspector Ian Rutledge series that begins with A Test of Wills. The main character is a shell shocked WWI vet who returns to his Scotland Yard job accompanied by an imaginary "friend" of sorts--kind of a dark and quirky series but really well written and thought out. And, oddly enough, I believe this is the series that is written by a woman and her son, but they do it seamlessly!

Finally, along somewhat similar historical and genre lines, there's the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear. I like Maisie!

Time now for bath, bed, and book. Oh, and maybe a little hot chocolate too! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Just requested A Test of Wills from the Library. Have you read any of Peter Lovesey? British crime novels, the newest is Skeleton Hill.

  2. Kim you are so right, just a half hour a day will really get you moving in your studio. I do my half hour in the morning and it really starts the day off great, some mornings I don't make the half hour but I sure do try...if hubby gets up at 5:30 to head to work and I get up behind him at 6:00 that'll give me a whole hour..can't wait to get back to his regular schedule.

  3. It's so true..after work I'm pooped! Being on my feet for 8 hours I don't feel like doing anything. But, last nite I did and I made a pillowcase. It was so much fun! I'm joining the
    American Patchwork Quilting Magazines 1 million pillowcase challenge! One done, more to go!

    I just finished reading Beverly Lewis' series Missing. Based on her background in the Amish committee.

    Hope you have a super day!

  4. I found the Time Travelers Wife fascinating. It took me a bit to get into it and at first I was slightly confused as the 'where' in time we were, but when I finally figured it out I could not put the book down.

  5. You made a good choice with The Friday Night Knitting Club. I am not a sci fi person and didn't like Time Traveler's Wife, although many in my book club did. I see someone mentioned Pillars of the Earth and I would agree. It's big, but I loved it and the sequel World Without End. I'm glad to hear what you had to say about Olive Kitteridge. I keep picking it up, but haven't bought it yet. Maybe I won't.

  6. It's amazing how quickly time passes each evening after work, you hit the door @ 5:30 and the next thing you know it's time for bed and nothing's been accomplished! I like the suggestion of committing to 30 minutes in the evening, definitely will give it a try, b/c sewing anything is very calming to me...I just have to remember to do it!!! As for books, currently I have just started The Lovely Bones after seeing the trailer from the movie coming out, so far so good!

  7. I also loved the Time Travelers Wife... I am not into SciFi either....but really that's not a lot of the book...just the part where he pops in and out!!

  8. I like the books by Charles Todd as well as the Maisie Dobbs series. I'll look for the other mystery you recommended (always looking for a new-to-me mystery author, preferably with a long back list). I relax by either reading or quilting in the evenings and weekends.

  9. I really enjoyed the Time Travelers Wife. It gets better as you get into it, and its more about their relationship and how his popping in/out affects it, than his 'talent'. I just finished Olive (it was a Christmas gift from a friend). I agree, the author has a strange way of writing, and I got confused when the characters kept changing in each chapter, but the bottom line of the story~ how Olive affected them, is interesting. And by the middle of the book, I needed to know how it would end. ;-) It does leave you thinking. Thanks for the reading list~ I love having a book to read when I'm waiting places and its nice to find some 'new to me' ones. :-)

  10. I also really enjoyed Time Travelers Wife, one of those books that you do not want to end. I did not think I would like Olive Kittredge, but I did. Not really the character of Olive, but many others in the book. I also liked the writing style. I just finished Day After Night by Anita Diamant (The Red Tent), a wonderful story of post holocaust women in an internment camp in what is now Israel. Wonderful story!

    Kathy B
    Yolo CA

  11. I got the Time Traveller's wife for Christmas as well as the Knit Two by Kate Jacobs and The Guernsey Potato Pie Peel Literary Society. I am looking forward to reading all three.
    I also had a book called Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels recommended to me and her new one which I believe is called Wintervault. I have read all of Iris Johansen's books ( Eve Duncan Mysteries) and Catherine Coulter's FBI Series which I love.
    I really do need to be more consistent about quilt time- the fall was not my most productive and there are a number of things that I would really like to get made so I need to set forth a plan. A half hour a day seems like a great idea- perhaps it will be my New Year's resolution.
    Have a great start to your New Year and Happy reading,

  12. Hi Kim,

    Thank you for your suggestion of 30 minutes in my sewing room after a day at work. I think I can handle's that I just get so overwhelmed with the "whole" picture of things I want to accomplish that I get overwhelmed.

    But 30 minutes certainly seems "doable"! I will let you know how it works out for me!

    Again, thanks and Happy New Year!


    Elaine in SLO, Ca
    PS: will you be going to Road 2 California?

  13. The Guernsey Potato Pie Peel Literary Society was a very good book. The time travelers wife is not sci fi at all and a very touching story. Your basket quilt is amazing I love red and white quilts and I keep threatening to make one.

    Happy New Year

  14. Hi Kim,

    I just finished another great by Lisa Scottoline "Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog", a collection of her newspaper articles for "The Philadelphia Inquirer". Funny and very well written! Her dedication reads "For extraordinary women everywhere"
    Check this one out....


    Elaine in SLO, Ca

  15. opps...'For extraordinary ordinary women everywhere"

    Gotta get that right!


    Elaine in SLO, Ca

  16. Thank you for thoughts on being tired after work. I feel like I am not alone now with your honesty. To understand the process and have your example gives me a look into some changes I am going to make in the New Year. With the de-cluttering I have done, I think I have been getting closer to what you talked about. Another paradigm change coming on - thanks to you. Here is to a creative 2010 baby!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!