Friday, January 1, 2010

Start as You Mean to Go On

THEY say that what you spend your New Year's Eve doing, you'll do throughout the year. Or maybe it's what you spend your New Year's Day doing, you'll do throughout the year. THEY say a lot of things, and I've heard THEM say both. So what are YOU doing?

Our office closed a few hours early today, so I came home and took a little nap--stolen afternoon naps are the yummiest, aren't they?

Hubby cooked a simple but tasty dinner for us--grilled chicken breasts, green beans, and potatoes--and we've been spending a quiet New Year's Eve at home. We watched part of an older movie together and then I headed to the Sweat Shop and left him in the livingroom watching sports of some sort--hockey, maybe. I just took a cherry pie out of the oven, and we'll share some once it cools a little.

I also spent a little time this evening blog hopping, visiting many of my internet friends to wish everyone a happy New Year! If I missed you or didn't comment, please know I hope this year brings you all the best!

In my visits, I found that some of my bloggy friends were disappointed in 2009--some for personal reasons but more often than not because of the crazy happenings in the world. I wonder though--when HAVEN'T there been crazy happenings in the world? I'm not sure there will come a time when people, groups, and/or nations aren't creating havoc of some kind. And although we may suffer through their actions, we can't control them. Yes, the economy has been terrible and many of us were affected in 2009. I hope it gets better; and I believe it is starting to turn around. Yes, there are crazies out there. And bad people--politicians, celebrities, leaders of all kinds. But I think there are many good people and many good things to be happy and grateful about. Quite often, we just don't hear about them. We need to pay more attention and recognize the good for what it is.

In my own little world, 2009 brought unemployment to Hubby, and we had to scramble a little to regain our economic hold. We did, we learned a few lessons, and I think we're actually better off in some ways. 2009 also brought the beginning of my quilt teaching "career," as well as a start to my little pattern design business. A friend told me she's really noticed a change in me this year, and she thought it might be due to increased self-assurance and a happiness I've derived from teaching. I suspect it has something to do with my bloggy friends and my local quilting pals as well! Maybe one of the biggest steps I took in 2009 was to quit smoking just about six months ago. And Soccer Son asked his Lovely Wife-to-be-Someday to marry him--and she said yes! So all in all, 2009 hasn't been too bad.

And tonight, on New Year's Eve, I'm settled in with a few of my favorite things.

So, if it's true--that you should spend New Year's Eve/New Year's Day doing what you would like to be doing all year long--then I'm pretty well set. Drinking hot chocolate, reading your blogs, eating cherry pie, working on my basket blocks, spending a little time with Hubby, napping, and--yet to come--reading. Good stuff!

Happy New Year to you and your family! I'm wishing you the best in the year to come!


  1. I wish you and your family the best of new years. AND that hot chocolate with the candy cane looks mighty inviting. I'll have to make me a cup.

  2. Happy new year to you too! You're right, there is always craziness in the world. The best thing we can do is make our little bit of the world as uncrazy as possible. And hot chocolate and cherry pie sound like a great way to do that to me! Your 2009 sounds wonderful overall. My friend wished me a happy 2010 and said she knew it would be great, because it always is. And it is!

  3. I so agree with you Kim! Hubby and I had dinner with Colleen and her daughter, then ran to Target for a few cleaning supplies, then home, where he watch some 3 Stooges, and went to bed at 10:30. I ordered a movie on paid for view, Julie and Julia, and I am so glad. My other wish was that I was able to see it with you and Gran when you two saw it. I love it! Happy New Year!


  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR,KIM, What would I do without you. My very best friend I thank you for always being there. with Love, Eileen

  5. Looks like you had what I had...a year with some crazy and lots of good! Here's to a year with more good than crazy :)

  6. Happy New Year, Kim! Sounds like, all in all, you had a good 2009! Congrats on the huge task of quitting smoking. What an accomplishment.

  7. Happy New Year Kim!
    I just started following you a couple of months back when I started my newbie blog. I didn't realize you had just started your teaching/pattern career this year. Congratulations... I love reading your food for thought and your sense of humor. Best wishes for 2010 :-)

  8. I couldn't have said it better...I will be spending the first day of the new year being me...Happy New Year

  9. Happy New Year to you too Kim. I saw a quote once "People Are as Happy as They Make up Their Minds to Be". I think for 2010 I want to spend less money on fabric and use up my tons of fabric stash. Not sure how that's going to happen with Whimsy by Fig Tree coming out and an awesome Kate Spain Christmas line. And mostly I am making up my mind to be happy and hoping to be healthy. I think it's so awesome that you became a quilting teacher and made some patterns too. I would love to be able to write a pattern of my own, someday I'll figure out how to do it. Sounds like a perfect New Year's Eve at your house.

  10. our 2009 was mostly good and very, very busy. we're hoping for equally good, but maybe a little calmer in 2010.

    happy new year!

  11. Happy New Year to you, Kim! I love your blog and am so happy that I can make it a part of my mornings in 2010.

  12. Happy New Year!!! boy that cup of hot chocolate looks yummy!!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. hotto chocolatto!!! i love the cup - red and white polka dots just make for happiness, don't they?

    i think i will go make a cup for me - but i will have to decide between mini-marshmallows (which are better than big ones cuz more will fit in) or big fluffy marshmallows (which are better than little ones cuz it's fun to try to sink them) or marshmallow creme (a HUGE scoop for the cup and another HUGE scoop for ME) ... or maybe i should make three cups and decide later.

    i do believe that people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be - seems like we (you and i and anyone else who wants to join us) have already made up our minds to be happy this year ... woo hootie!!!

    by the way - the deleted comment is MINE cuz the first time around i spelled marshmallow with an "e" which is how it SHOULD be spelled on accounta they make me mellow


    2010 is a year I am thinking of going after what I want - so I am starting with you!

    Seriously, I am probably not going to change anything on purpose, yet, I know that life has a way of happening and I am up for the adventure. Having DH's out of work was a comfort we weathered together and I appreciate your blog and friendship.


  16. Happy New Year Kim! I so enjoy reading your blog everyday. A day without Kim's blog is like a day without sunshine! We have all had some sort of set back this year, but we have so much to be thankful for, how could we not be happy people?
    I've been painting my kitchen last night and this morning, so I hope that doesn't mean I'll be doing that all year!

  17. It's a crazy world, that's for certain, and you are one of the good crazies! I love your blog and am happy to be a fellow quilter. Thanks for making me laugh out loud multiple days throughout the year. Keep it up, please! And congratulations on your status as a former smoker and a future MIL...:)

  18. Sounds like a perfect New Years Eve. Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Fun 2010!

  19. Happy New it possible it's here already?? Every year is an adventure if we let it be. I'm up for it! I'm sure you are too. Thanks for making 2009 so interesting in blogland. Zel

  20. Kim,
    I love your positive attitude and your upbeat way of copeing with the trials and tribulations of life head on.
    I know when I come to your blog, I am coming to see what is new with a friend.
    Thank you for sharing your talent and love of quilting and for finding the humour in life's joys and challenges.
    Wishing you continued good health, prosperity and the love and laughter of friends and family each day in 2010.
    Warmest regards,

  21. I second Gran- I want that mug TOO!

    Happy New Year to you and here's wishing you all the best! Start as you mean to go on, sez I, and if it involves quilting, chocolate and friends even better!

  22. Kim - I love reading your blog and about all of your adventures. Good luck in 2010.

  23. Happy New Year Kim! I wish you the best year possible!

  24. Happy New Year Kim may your life be blessed in 2010. Thank you for giving your readers all that you give. We "heart" you.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!