Friday, November 20, 2009

I Dunno

The quilt show is here! The quilt show is here! My friend Jacquie and I went to the first night of the local guild's quilt show right after work and we had a wonderful time looking at lovely quilts and vendors' fine temptations. This year the theme was Teatime in the Garden, and I took lots of photos to share.

See that title up there? What that refers to is pretty much what I know about each of the quilts I photographed. Don't you hate it when you come home and realize you didn't take notes and can't remember anything? Yep, I do that all the time. You'd think I'd learn. The only problem is that NOW I'm getting to the age when memory isn't going to start improving--it's all downhill from here.

I'll do the best I can, but really, if you live in or near Sacramento, you'd be much better off attending the show yourself. You can figure what I'm showing here is just a little teaser, okay? Oh, and I think I'll need to divide this up into two posts because there's too much good stuff. So here goes.

We're going to start with my strengths. This is a quilt made by our featured artist, Laurel Anderson. Laurel has a pattern design business, I believe, called Whispercolor. This particular quilt was inspired by a Christmas card her grandmother (maybe) received (sent?) and I think it was from Germany (or a Scandinavian country--sad, I know, when you consider this is a quilt I actually think I know a little about, isn't it? See what you have to look forward to the rest of this post?). The quilt was just too darn cute and the quilting was spectacular!

Next up? Okay, don't hate me, but I can't remember the name of the quilter. I think this quilt won best of show or judges' choice by all the judges or something like that, and you can certainly see why! For some reason, I thought a lot of the info would be in the program booklet and I'm sure it is except I don't know the name of the quilt or the quilter, and when the booklet was printed, of course the winners weren't selected yet. If anyone reading this knows about this quilt, please leave a comment. It's too beautiful for such vague info! Check out the quilting too!

This next quilt was made by Chloe, Lindy's (of Bearpaws & Hollyhocks) granddaughter. Those of us who have been in the shop over the last six or eight months have seen Chloe working on this one, so it's a treat to see it finished and sporting a blue ribbon (and a green ribbon, but I dunno know what the green one means). When I started quilting, I took beginning lessons from Lindy, and Chloe was only a few months old. Based on that, I think Chloe is 10 years old now, but I might be wrong. I mostly am.

I loved the applique and the painterly quality of this quilt. Other than that, I dunno. I want to live there, I think.

Again, applique. I love applique and enjoy the more traditional subjects too, like these baskets.

So, there you go. The first part of the quilt show! Wonderful, isn't it? If you'd like to see it yourself and answer the questions I couldn't, the show is open Friday (9 to 5) and Saturday (9 to 4) at the Scottish Rite Temple in Sacramento. Oh, and the food's good too--I had a tri tip sandwich for dinner and it was served on a super fresh ciabbatta roll, and the tri tip practically melted. Yum! Well, now I guess you know what I DID pay attention to! More show tomorrow!


  1. Lovely quilts. I'm looking forward to Part 2 now.

  2. Great pics!

    I think Chloe's quilt pattern is on the cover of Thimbleberries Beginner's Luck book.

  3. I can't ever remember to take notes I take a photo of the quilt and then take a photo of the information. That way I have it right there...

    Pretty quilts...I love the traditional applique also.

  4. I am going to the show on Saturday. Thanks for the preview.
    Kathy B

  5. My dogs were barking yesterday after work, now I see the beautiful quilts I wished I could have hobbled around you. Thanks for the teaser. Nice work toots.

  6. For the most part you did get the write up for each quilt in the picture. If you enlarge it you should be able to read it! Thanks for the mini quilt show.

  7. hi Kim its chloe thank u 4 showing my quilt to the cyber world. i am 11 not 10. the green ribbon is for juniors.

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