Saturday, November 21, 2009

It Has Come to My Attention . . .

Did you know there's a lingerie football league? Sheesh! I was at work today, and I stumbled upon photos and a story on the internet. Lord knows what I was looking for--I certainly don't remember! Here's a photo, just to give you an idea of what it's all about.

People do the weirdest things, don't they?! Who would want to play football in their underwear? And how did someone think it up? (And, more importantly, what happens when it SNOWS?!) Want to see more? (Or distract your Hubby while you're smuggling those bags of fabric from the car trunk into your stash?) Click HERE for quite a few photos from two different games. Oh, and I asked Hubby tonight if he'd ever heard of it. Yes, as a matter of fact, he had but he didn't think they still played it. Huh. I guess I should pay more attention to those sports update shows he watches!

Okay, so back to the quilt show for a few more photos. OUR kind of eye candy! This first one was a quilt done in memory of someone or something--I kind of think it was in memory of a cat--at least that's the impression I had at the time. But what I liked was the way it incorporated embroidery and piecing and had meaning to the quilt maker. The color layout is pretty cool too!

These next two quilts caught my eye just because they made me feel happy! I think it was the use of color and the scrappiness of them.

That one just above--well, I love scrappy quilts and this certainly was. I never noticed it at the show, but when I uploaded my photos, I saw a couple of "humility blocks" in this quilt. They may have been intentional or they may not have been, but it's a wonderful quilt either way. I'd love to make one.

Finally, there are these two patriotic quilts--I'm a sucker for patriotic quilts. I like the way some of the stars in the quilt on the left are so light they almost disappear--isn't that neat? And then there's the illusion of circles in the one on the right. (Seeing these quilts really makes me want to make myself a new one to replace the one that turned yellow HERE.)

That's it for tonight. I have just two more photos to share and then I wanted to show you a couple things I bought from the vendors, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about the LFL (Lingerie Football League), click HERE for Wikipedia. Apparently there's a game every Friday night. I wonder who won this week?


  1. This does remind me of women's volleyball which is played in bikini type "uniforms" while men's is played in much more sensible gear. As is men's football. Whose idea do you suppose this was?

  2. Thanks for sharing the photos, Kim. I really love that plaid hole in the barn door-ish one. I may need to "borrow" that idea. As for the sportswomen in panties....sheesh, what will they think up next? Too ridiculous for words.

  3. Learn about it...aren't we going to play?? LOL..the world is not rady for me to do that!
    Love the quilt show, and catching up on you! Have been an absent friend! The colours in that first one are great, and enjoyed finding the humility blocks! Loced the big compass one in the previous post, Cheers, Tracey

  4. Kim thanks for the quilt show. I love the Sandy Klop quilt.

  5. What an interesting mix of thoughts - Lingerie football and the RCQG Quilt Show. Even more interesting is I just read through it all without blinking an eyelash.
    Onward Saturday. I hope you are sleeping in with dreams of fabric and pattern designs.

  6. What great quilts! I love scrappy too. I guess I wasn't following you back when the r,w,b quilt became the yellow quilt. It sure is strange how some of the colors changed so much! :o As for lingerie football~ must've been thought up by a man. :-))

  7. You freakin' crack me the heck up, girly girl, you are in my post this morning...

  8. Lingerie football? Whatever will they think of next? Quilt show looks like it's great fun!

  9. You know, I like that yellow/cheddar quilt! I'm thinking a nice bath in Rit Tan dye and it would look all kinds of antique'y!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!