Thursday, November 19, 2009

Celebrities in the News

Did you read about how Martha slammed Rachael Ray? If not, check it out HERE. Well, it's not the first time I thought Martha was unnecessarily rude. She's not someone I'd ever want to hang out with, and I'm sure the feeling would be mutual (although I DID break down and buy some of her candycane stripped holiday paper napkins at Michael's today--NOT that SHE'd ever use paper napkins, of course!). I think Rachael would be more fun to spend an afternoon with--we'd toss back a couple beers and eat pizza.

If you locked Martha in a room with Rachael and told them to slug it out, who do you think would win? Given Martha's stint in jail, I bet she's learned a few things, but then again, Rachael seems more scrappy. What do you think?

Oh, and I put together my holiday "to do" list today.

People's Sexiest Man Alive for a second year--and he's in good company with other two time winners, George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Yum! I wanted to put George and Brad on my holiday "to do" list also, but I couldn't find photos of them looking Yule-ish, so I'll save them for the post holiday slump "to do" list.

In the meantime, I'll just sing, "She's makin' a list; she's checkin' it twice, gonna find out who's naughty and nice . . ."

Don't you just LOVE the holidays?


  1. OMG, I JUST LOVE JOHNNY DEPP!!!!!!! That pic miiight be even better than the pirate outfit, LOL. Thanks for finding it!!

  2. I thought Rachel's comment (when asked what she thought about what Martha had to say about her) was very classy - something to the effect that Martha was being truthful, that Martha is a better cook, and she (Rachel) would love to hang out with Martha to learn things. I think it's like comparing apples and oranges - they each have their purpose and they each have people who like one better than the other - but what a great world that we have both and can choose between! Can't wait to see your list!!

  3. KIm, you make my day!! Love the 'to do' list!! But you're going to have to get in line....;o)
    Have a great day!

  4. Johnny Depp = YUMMY! He's one sexy man and I'm glad he won over Brad ArmPitts. Sorry. Just not a Brad fan anymore.

  5. What??? I can read a word of your blog. I'm having trouble seeing past Johnny Depp. Old age or lust? Hmmmm...

  6. Ummm 'to do' what exactly....or shouldn't I ask- is this blog X-rated yet?????????

  7. I think KIM'S being naughty...just sayin'! LOL

    I really love Martha's style, but sometimes she does make me cringe. Once she had kids on her show helping her decorate cookies; they weren't performing to her standards so she basically took over and wouldn't let them do anything. Rachel's response was perfect and very classy. Speaking of Martha, have you seen her December magazine? OMG, it's gorgeous. I want to make/do/cook everything.

  8. Too funny! Love the "to do" list. Johnny has been at the top of my list for years. This got me thinking, who was on your "to do" list in high school? Mine was David Lee Roth! LOL!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!