Monday, October 12, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving in Canada--I hope all my Canadian friends are sharing good times with family and friends!

Personally, I am thankful to have water restored to our home. While Soccer Son didn't exactly show up at the break of dawn, he DID arrive a little later in the morning, fixed the pipe, and restored water by around 10:30 a.m. Yay! Yes, as someone said, the bathroom situation was the worst part; at least the water was back on and I was able to take a bath and brush my teeth before it got to be very late in the day. AND--most importantly maybe!--we had enough bottled water for me to make a pot of coffee, so no one had to die.

And speaking of Thanksgiving . . . . Remember that glimpse I gave you last week of my current project? Done!

Originally, I started this tabletopper-sized project thinking it was going to be a kind of homespun Christmas project, but as it evolved, it reminded me more of Thanksgiving than Christmas, so I ended up adding a Thanksgiving "menu" to the border. I think it will look pretty cute on my kitchen table once Halloween is over and done.

I was also thinking I might include the pattern directions in my Christmas class packet as a kind of "extra" project, and I was wondering if you would like me to post them on my blog too?

You know what else I'm thankful for? Tomorrow--besides the fact that it's Thanksgiving in Canada--is Columbus Day here in the U.S. And guess what? My office observes it as a holiday, so I have one more day off! WOOO-HOOOOO!

I hope you find much to be thankful for today!


QuiltSue said...

Glad you got your coffee before you had to commit murder!

I'd love it if you could post the pattern for the table topper please.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I am glad that you have water once again!

I love your surprise - very special with the thanksgiving menu on the borders.

Hugs - and I hope you are reading this commnt after sleeping in.

Betsy said...

congrats on the great finish and enjoy your day off. Wish I had one, I'd be sewing up all those ufo's.

Searchfamilies said...

Very nice table topper, glad you got the water restored, enjoy your holiday we don't have any holiday from end of August until Christmas we are a hard done by lot us Brits lol
Hugs Janice

Mam said...

Happy turkey day to you too from New Brunswick Canada! Please do post the pattern, if I start it soon, it might be ready by next Thanksgiving.

dot said...

I love your quilt and would love to have you share the pattern, it is so neat.

Sandy from Thimbleberries said...

Isn't it great to have your water back on. You don't think about all the small things that tie into no water. Glad SS got the water turned on in the morning.
Your table topper looks great. Would love to have the pattern. May try and take the Christmas class with you. I forgot the date. Will have to check with BPH for time and date.

Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky girl getting today off! I don't know why my office stays open today, all the courts are closed, and the phone never rings once because everyone else is observing it! Ugh! I'll live vicariously through you, so have a great day off!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

What a cute table topper for Turkey Day. Enjoy your day off! I hope you spent it doing anything you want! I wish I had today off...

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

The menu makes a terrific project spectacular!

Judy in Michigan said...

Please do the Thankgiving project for us - very cute and very "fall".

paulette said...

I am very thankful that you might share the pattern to that gorgeous table topper!! That is so thoughtful of you! Glad the water is on and you got your coffee...etc...think I'm going to have a slice of pumpkin pie with my coffee this morning!! See ya'later!

SewLindaAnn said...

Happy to hear you have water again, a morning without coffee is indeed cause for torture at the very least!Love to have the pattern, can you ever have too many!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

adorable Thanksgiving tabletopper!! I would love to make one. Glad to hear your water is back on.
Linda in Keno

quiltmamajb said...

Enjoy your day off - with water! The table topper is awesome! Love the words - and thank you for generously sharing your ideas and creativity! Have a lovely day...piece.

quiltmom anna said...

HI Kim,
Thanks so much for your good wishes- We are having a cool Thanksgiving day here in Alberta -there is a skiff of snow on the ground. We hope that winter is not here to stay- it is a little early for me. I am planning to quilt later this afternoon. I had Thanksgiving turkey and all the trimmings with Friends on Saturday evening as my spouse has gone to visit his mom in Victoria on Vancouver Island.
So glad to hear that your water is repaired and you can do all the regular things one does in a day- I know that I sure take for granted having clean water and plumbing that works and it sure causes stress in my house when it doesn't.
Your new table topper is very cute ,and like some of the others, would love for you to do the tutorial for it.

Lastly, but most importantly, thank you so much for the lovely pattern you sent in the mail. It arrived at my door safely in Friday's mail. It is so nice to have wonderful patterns to choose from, and the one you sent me was particularly pretty. Kim, you do such kind and thoughtful things for others. Thanks for sending me such a nice gift. The challenge was lots of fun and happened at a good time for me.

I have been checking out all the quilts in the virtual blog festival this weekend so I need to check up with my blogging friends too.
It is always great to see the great projects happening at your house.
Love those pumpkins too- I didn't realize that there were so many different kinds. Had not seen real white pumpkins or fairy tale pumpkins.
Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Columbus Day.
Warmest regards,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim so glad your water is back! I would love to make the table topper it's so cute,

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that topper :o) Would love the directions. Did you use scraps or was it a charm pack? If it was, I want to use the same one.

Enjoy your day off and I am glad you are hydrated again ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh how darned CA-UTE!!! This stopper just made me smile!! Perfect...absolutely!!

Heckety said...

That table topper is ace, and d'you know the best part? Its gravy coloured already for spills!!!!!
Glad you have water, electricity I can take or leave but no water and I start to panic...especially when you know you can't flush why does one need the loo five times as often...INFORMATION OVERLOAD!!

Diane H said...

Hi Kim, thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. Here at my house we are full of turkey dinner, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Just basking in the after glow in our fat pants. Love the table topper!

Anonymous said...

Kim, I love your fall tabletopper! How did you put the letters on? Applique? Machine or hand?

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Very cute! Love the lettering around it! :-)