Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nothing Much . . .

Is it just me, or do you feel like September is speeding by? Most years by now, I've at least made a really good start on decorating my home for fall, but so far, there just hasn't been time. You know what else? I haven't been to a thrift shop since June, I think. Where did summer GO?!

Seriously, I'm not a huge fan of summer--not in this part of the world. Not when summer means it's just too hot for anyone to want to go outside. And it's still pretty warm outside now, even in mid-September. Maybe that's one of the reasons I haven't been too anxious about getting ready for fall--it just doesn't seem that close except when I look at the calendar.

And when I DO look at the calendar and think about the last couple weeks, I realize I haven't been home very much. Labor Day weekend I was trying to get ready for quilt camp and the class I'd be teaching when I returned, then there was quilt camp, and then there was the class I taught last weekend. This coming Saturday, Hubby and I will be attending my firm's annual mystery event, so there's another lost weekend. On Sunday--with the Drooling Dog back home again in Tahoe--I plan to do a good job of house cleaning--something I haven't managed to do very thoroughly for a couple weeks.

Speaking of the Drooling Dog--are you tired of hearing about him yet? Yesterday when I came home from work, I glanced out the patio door to see him sprawled out, sleeping on the patio table. I told Hubby to come look, but by the time he got to where he could see, the Drooling Dog wasn't laying down anymore. Nope! Instead, this is what Hubby saw:

It kind of startled me to see the dog on the table. I guess I just haven't had any dogs that climbed much (except for a yellow Lab that was pretty persistent about climbing over the fence). This photo was actually taken this morning--yep, he was back up on the table. Why? Why would he want to be on the table? Is he goofy, or what?! (By the way, in case you noticed Rocky's lopsided appearance--he got out one day a couple months ago and when he came home, part of his left ear was missing.)

I think it was Paulette who commented that even after getting so much finished up in August, her projects were starting to pile up again. I'm experiencing the same thing. I should have another Buggy Barn quilt top to show you soon--I've been working on the Halloween cats and have about half the blocks made. (Coincidentally, Paulette shows a friend's Buggy Barn DOG quilt on one of her recent blog posts.) I'd just love to get the witches and these cats quilted before the month's over!

That's about all that's going on in my life at the moment--nothing huge, but everything seems to be going nicely. I just wish there was more time! I hope you're finding time to do everything you want to do.


  1. My Orca has his own chaise lounge with padded cushion. He got a new cushion this year! He thinks he Cleopatra on the throne!! Have a great time this week-end at your Mystery Event, can't wait to hear about it!


  2. He wanted to make sure he could see everything as he guarded you home in return for letting him stay lol
    Hugs Janice

  3. The drooling dog is just too funny.

  4. I love that pic of your dog, and you are right, the summer just flew by.

  5. I'm with you on the Summer and September flying by! Our older cat does the same thing, only she knows she's not supposed to be on the table. Every once in a while we'll come into the dining room and she'll be stretched out in the middle of the table, and will just look up and go "meow." Not even a hint of remorse!

  6. The "drooling dog" gets another LOL from SFL! What a personality :) I'm sure you can't help but love the big mut!!! Summer has flown by, but not fast enough for me cuz the heat down South has been relentless this year! Enjoy the Mystery Event :)

  7. Two more weeks left and it will be October! Time is flying by.

  8. Years ago we had two puppies who thought the verandah table was their home...they grew and grew and still sat ON instead of under the table. We learned our lesson and since then have taught our dogs about living UNDER tables! Except our present two are large enough to jolt the kitchen table when they get up suddenly, so we have to be ready to grab our plates at any given moment- like if the doorbell goes!

  9. I'm busting out laughing here! OMG that photo is just hilarious!!

  10. Don't cha love him!

    Tomorrow is TGIF! You made it through a week at work after your summer vacation.

  11. dogs ... drool ... i dunno - i think i prefer babies - at least they grow out of the drooling stage (well, MOST of them do - i don't let my oldest grandson use my pillows for sleeping cuz he's a mouth-breather and drools down the river)

  12. my dog would have her nose pressed up against the glass patio door instead. all our vehicle windows are covered with "lab art"
    sigh, not that artistic!

  13. That is a funny picture! I'm so glad our dog does not drool.

    I hope someone told you that you won the drawing for the $100 gift certificate from the Jolly Jabber at the Fat Quarter shop. Here's the link to the post. They are waiting for your email!!!!

  14. OH MY>> he is tooo cute.. looks like a match for my Khloe.. I thought only cats got up on tables.. that is why I don't own one.. I don't think my dog could get up on the table... LOL I can only imagine where he lurks when nobody is home..

  15. I know you wont believe me but I don't even have a table. (other than a small coffee table) I don't know where he learned to do that! Sorry mom!


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