Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Three Things . . .

I say "three things" to help me remember what I want to say--otherwise, I'd probably get to the end of this post and forget I wanted to mention two of them! Getting older means not remembering quite as easily as we did when we were 20, doesn't it?! Sometimes I think that's just as well, though.

Okay, first thing: Those people with asterisks next to their names in my sidebar--the ones who finished three or more projects in August--please privately email me your addresses. I have little "prizes" for you. I was going to do this near the beginning of September, but I didn't want to have to worry about mailing things out before I left for camp. Don't look for BIG prizes--I just have a few little things to give away that I thought you might enjoy.

Second thing: I said I'd give you the directions for making the pumpkin treat bags. Here they are:


From outside (orange) fabric (fat quarter):
Cut two (2) pumpkin shapes using outside template line (*see pattern sheet)

From fusible craft interfacing (quarter yard):
Cut two (2) pumpkin shapes from inner template line

You will also need orange fabric (fat quarter) for the inside of the pumpkin bags, but those pieces will be cut later.

Cut two eyes and a mouth from scraps of black wool–*see shapes on pattern sheet or design your own

Cut a length of ribbon or trim for handle 18" long


According to manufacturer’s directions, center and iron each of the pieces of fusible interfacing to the “wrong” or back side of the fabric that will become the inside of the bag (this is that "other" fat quarter you didn't cut), making sure to leave at least 1/2" between the two interfacing shapes. Trim the excess fabric from around the interfacing, leaving at least 1/4" seam allowance between the edge of the interfacing and the edge of the fabric.

Fabric side up/interfacing side down, layer each of the two fused pieces with the outside pumpkin fabric, right sides of the fabric together. Pin to secure layers. Turn over; with interfacing side up, sew around the pumpkin, just to the outside of the interfacing, leaving the bottom of the pumpkin open to turn. Turn and press; press the raw edges of the fabric at the open seam to the inside.

For the next “quilting” step, I prefer to use the free motion foot and settings on my machine, but a regular stitching foot and settings will work also. “Quilt” in the vertical pumpkin definition lines on both pumpkin pieces. On whichever piece will be the front of the bag, layer and pin the wool eyes and mouth. Using black thread, sew near the edges of the wool to secure the eyes and mouth to the pumpkin.

Pin the back of the pumpkin to the front of the pumpkin, “wrong” sides together; insert the ribbon/trim handle near the top on each side and pin in place–*see markings on pattern sheet. Top stitch the front of the bag to the back, beginning and ending at the black circles on the pattern sheet. At the bottom of the bag, stitch close enough to the edge to ensure the seam that was left open for turning is secured.

*NOTE: THERE IS NO PATTERN SHEET for purposes of this blog post! Where you see a reference to the pattern sheet in the directions above, you'll need to come up with your own designs/drawings. For the pumpkin shape, I drew a shape that was just a little smaller than an 8-1/2" x 11" piece of paper. The fabric pumpkin shape was about 1/4" larger than the fusible interfacing. I hope this is enough to get you started.

Finally, third thing: If you'd like to WIN a pumpkin treat bag, leave me a comment on this post saying you want to be entered--U.S. addresses only for this one, okay? Besides the obvious cuteness of the bag itself, there are a few treats I gave my students, including a printed pattern for the bags and ribbon and wool to make another bag.

That's three things, right? Okay, then, I'm done! Oh, yeah--you probably want to know when I'm going to draw a winner for the pumpkin bag, don't you? Let's make it Thursday night, and then I'll announce the winner on Friday's post. Good luck!



  1. Hey

    Please enter me in your drawing.

    I can not believe I am still up - but was waiting for our son to come home. He is home now and before I toddle off to bed, I thought, well maybe you had posted your blog and my lucky day - you had.

    Remembering I might have three things to write about doesn't work for me anymore, I have to write them down or they go bye, bye. You have youth on your side and can recall the three things. Enjoy, it to shall pass. Just kidding - I am getting rummy.

    Good night!

  2. I think i am going to cry i can't enter the giveaway lol no i fully understand why US addresses only postage is getting so expensive everywhere anyway i don't win giveways or anything i just make up the numbers lol
    You say about not remembering come with age well i must have been born old as i always forgot things especially as a kid when my mum said wash up or do other jobs around the house lol
    Hugs Janice

  3. I love the pumpkin treat bag and would love to win one! Thanks so much for the chance!

  4. Such a cute pumpkin bag Thanks for the instructions and the giveaway! :0)

  5. Kim thank you for the tutorial. I would definetly love to win it.

  6. Hi Kim -- I'm definitely going to hit my LQS Saturday for pumpkin fabric! Thanks so much for sharing your pattern! And please enter my name. Florence

  7. I would love to win the pumpkin bag, I am all things pumpkin! I am off to a quilt show on Friday, will be buying more orange fabric.

  8. put me in the drawing please. i love reading your blog every a.m. makes my day


  9. Here I am Kim...over here!

  10. Hey sister is 1 year and 8 days older than me (that's really really old!) and her birthday is if I win, I'll re-gift your gift to her! So of course I'd love to win! Signed,Witch Zelda

  11. Love the bag! Please enter me in the giveaway.

    I love your blog. First one I read every day.


  12. Love the bag! Please enter me!

    Even though I only managed to get a few things finished in August (which was probably the worst possible month for me to try and do anything) I'm inspired by you to keep going with my own Operation Finish project. I just need to get some things done so I don't feel guilty about starting new projects! Thanks for all of your inspiration!

  13. Thanks for the tutorial and sign me up! I would love a chance to win one all ready done for me. LOL.

  14. Sandy from ThimbleberriesSeptember 16, 2009 at 5:35 AM

    I would love to win your bag. I am so glad you had a great time at sewing camp. Someday I might go to one. Every morning before I go to work I read your blog it makes a great start for the day.

  15. Your pumpkin bag is way too cute. Please enter me in your drawing.

  16. Please enter me too. That way I wouldn't have to draw my own! LOL. Cuz to me that would be the hardest part of all. Once again your students make out like bandits -- all the goodies plus the class. And your class quilts always look like so much fun, too. I am sure you win most favourite teacher.

  17. Please enter me too. That way I wouldn't have to draw my own! LOL. Cuz to me that would be the hardest part of all. Once again your students make out like bandits -- all the goodies plus the class. And your class quilts always look like so much fun, too. I am sure you win most favourite teacher.

  18. well, i would certainly like to win a little pumpkin goodie bag - who wouldn't?

    and i'm glad that SAYING that you need to remember three things works for you - by the time i paint a big picture to tell a little story for the FIRST thing, i've forgotten what IT was.

  19. I'd also love to be the one who wins the pumpkin bag! But i'm also going to dig for orange fabric to make my own "just in case!"

  20. Thank you for the pumpkin pattern, that'll be a fun thing to make!

  21. I can not wait to use yhis pattern!!! oh and please enter me :)


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I really like the little pumpkin bag!

    My mom makes lists and then gets the "deer in the headlights" look on her face when she can't remember where she put the list. lol

    P.S. - I had to edit my comment - I forgot to write "can't" - I'm thinking the memory thing might be hereditary. rotflol

  24. I love the bag and would love to win it.

  25. You come of with such cute ideas... Rocky is very cute too! My Khloe is boxer and bull mastif.. she is a sweet girl.. DH calls her Diva Dog.. LOL would love to be in the drawing..
    Thanks for sharing.

  26. You my dear are one generous Blogger ... giveaway after giveaway since I happened upon your wonderful Blog just a bit ago. Tk you :) The pumpkin bag is adorable!

  27. Hi Kim,
    I am new to blogging and became a follower just a few days ago; I am really enjoying your posts. Please enter me in your pumpking giveaway - they are adorable :-)

  28. I love your treat bag. I would love to make one for my niece for Halloween. Please enter me in your contest.

  29. HI Kim!
    Cross me off the list of sending out a prize as I already received mine-the hexagon pattern! Thanks again for doing the challenge-it gave me the incentive to clean out the cupboard....although it is slowly filling up again...Take care and love the Halloween bag. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Kim - thanks so much for the pattern. The little kids next door will love those! And thank you for the chance to win one! Have a spectacular day - glad you are feeling better. I always enjoy reading your blog. Piece...

  31. I love the pumpkin treat bags. I was planning to buy a panel with treat bags on it at Joann's, but now I can make my own for the grandkids.

  32. These pumpkin bags are adorable. Your blog is all decked out for autumn! Please enter me in your drawing.

  33. How fun! I would love to win one of your pumpkin treat bags! Thanks for the tutorial!

  34. It ould be fun to win one of your darling pumpkin treat bags!! Thanks for the chance and for the tutorial!

  35. I'd love to win one of your pumpkin treat bags! Thanks for the tutorial.

  36. Hey Kim, count us in! I say us cause my dh loves to read your blog! (I think you hooked him with the first and second in a series of nude pix...he thought that was hysterical)!

  37. Halloween is my favorite holiday ! I would love to win your prize pumpkin !! Trish

  38. I love Halloween. That bag would be a great addition to my house.

  39. I would be delighted to win one of your cute bags. Halloween is one of my favorite things.

  40. Hi! I've been offline for a bit, but I got back just in time to send you my address! yeah, and I'm working on more finishes!!! seriously! I can't believe it either!

  41. Hi Kim! I'd love a chance to win your adorable pumpkin bag! thanks!

  42. I mostly lurk, but I have a subscription to your blog on Google Reader. The pumpkin bag would look absolutely adorable in my classroom, so please enter me in the drawing!

  43. great bag Kim Please enter me in your draing Sharon Mac

  44. Kim,
    Great little pumpkin bag that you created- how fun for your students.
    It was a great August challenge that you had - I enjoyed having the impetus to get going and finish up some projects.
    I am still puttering on those projects - I did get the wonky rail tiles quilted this past weekend so I am making progress just not speeding along.
    Thank you for hosting such a nice challenge but mostly thanks for sharing your passion and expertise with all of us out in blogland.
    It is valued and appreciated.
    Warmest regards,

  45. Hey Kim,
    Please include me in the drawing. I am officially back blogging, so check it out. See ya soon!


  46. I think your pumpkin bags are very cute. Thank you for the tutoral

  47. It so nice to have a fellow late night blogger. Please sign me up.

  48. Hi Kim,
    I would love to win one of your bags, please enter me in your drawing. I love all things Halloween & Fall.

  49. Hi Kim,
    Every morning I write a list of things to do/need/want! If I don't..nothing gets done. I start one project then gone on to the other before the first one is done! I'd love to win the pattern..looks fun!
    Happy Quilting!

  50. Cute, cute! Please enter me in the drawing. This would be perfect for my October house guest's goodie bag!
