Monday, August 24, 2009

From A (Apples) to Q (Quilting)

Several of you asked in your comments about making and freezing apple pie. Gotta say, it's simple as . . . you guessed it! Apple pie! (Okay, very lame joke but what do you expect from me?!)

I usually make my pies according to the recipes in the Betty Crocker cookbook but any pie recipe will do. To freeze pies, just make them up to the point where you'd normally stick them in the oven, but put them in the freezer instead. Wrapped, though--I just use plastic freezer bags. It works with just about any fruit I can think of--if you've see it frozen in the grocery store, then try it at home. We're getting toward the end of peach and berry season, but you might still be able to get some fruit at the store or your local farm if you hurry. Just think how wonderful it would be to have "fresh" peach or blueberry pie in February! Yum!

I had Hubby help me draw a winner from the "300,000 contest." I wrote the names on strips of paper and folded them up, and he drew one--

That's supposed to be Happy Cottage Quilter, in case you didn't know--my strips weren't quite long enough to spell it all out and I was kind of lazy. Congrats, Ms. H. C. Quilter! Please email me your snail mail address and let me know whether you'd prefer the kit of the Changing Leaves little quilt pattern or the box of scraps from the Sweat Shop, and I'll get whatever you pick in the mail to you!

Now, it's time for me to tell you what I've pulled out of the Sweat Shop for giveaways this week. As usual, leave me a separate comment for each giveaway you want to enter.

Giveaway 1: A book with all kinds of basic quilting information. This is a nice reference for your own quilting library or it would make a pretty good gift for a new quilter.

Giveaway 2: I have no idea where I got these. The patterns, though, are kind of neater than they look. The packet contains some plastic templates for the applique blocks (I'm not sure how you'd use them, but I think there are instructions) as well as line drawn patterns for the blocks shown--these are all traditional applique blocks and, of course, need not be used in the setting shown on the pattern cover.

Giveaway 3: Book containing machine quilting patterns. These are like the plastic stencils you'd buy but are just printed on paper and there are tons of them. I'm not sure how they recommend transferring the patterns from the book to the quilt, but there are instructions.

Giveaway 4: Fabric. Pumpkins, sunflowers, and corn. Just in time for fall--these might just make a nice table runner or placemats for your Harvest/Thanksgiving table! There's a length of fabric that has six pumpkin panels as well as over a yard of coordinating fall "veggie" fabric and under a yard of "corn" fabric.

Leave me a comment for each giveaway you want to be entered into. I'll draw on Wednesday night and announce the winners on Thursday's post.

I've gotten TONS done over the weekend and I know some of you have too. I'll show you what I've finished tomorrow and let you all know which of the quilt bloggers in my sidebar have something to show--I know a few do!

This project isn't done yet, but I thought I'd show you what I'm working on now--getting this baby quilted! I have some fancy plans for the border, but you'll have to wait and see. Once this one's done, I'll have completed all my original project goals, and I'll just have the Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas left on my list.

I hope your weekend has been productive and fun too! Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Congratulations to HCQ.
    I would love to be entered in your Generous Giveaway.
    Would love the 1st Giveaway that would help me a lot i will now also enter another one
    Hugs Janice

  2. I would love to also be entered in the giveaway 2
    Hugs Janice

  3. I like your project that is not finished & also look forward to seeing your Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas as TB fabric is my favourite
    Hugs Janice

  4. Kim, you have some way cool is soooo nice of you to share! I'd like to be considered for #1 please.

  5. Count me in for giveaway #2 also!

  6. Count me in for #3 too.

  7. OOOH I love your quilt. I just love stopping by and seeing what you're up to. I particularly like the nailpolish!

    If possible, I would very much like to be considered for draw number 4 - I think the fabric is wonderful!


  8. Kim thank you for the advise on the pie. I would love giveaway 3. Thank you for your generosity.

  9. You are so generous Kim. Please may I be entered for Giveaway 3 if entries from overseas (United Kingdom) are OK?

  10. Congratulations to the winner! I'd like to enter giveaway #1 please as I think my cutting skills leave something to be desired. Thanks a bunch!

  11. Cheers Kim! I'd really like Giveaway #3. My machine quilting skills really need some help and this book looks interesting. Thanks a bunch.

  12. I would love to have your giveaway #4. Thanks for including me in your giveaway. Love reading your blog.

  13. You have really been busy this month. How do you find time for it all?? Please enter me in Giveaway #1. I know I have a lot to learn.

  14. Hi, please enter me in giveaway #2!

  15. Hey, Kim, I'd also like to be entered in giveaway #3!

  16. And, not to be a pig, please enter me in giveaway #4, too! LOL

  17. woo-hoo it's me! Thanks so much to your Dear Hubby for drawing my name :-)

    Can I also enter your new giveaway? I'd love to enter for #4 giveaway. Thanks.

  18. Please enter me in #2.

  19. Please enter me in #2.

  20. Please enter me in #4

  21. Very Pretty Quilt! Please enter me in #1. Thanks!

  22. And finally, #4. You just have too many too choose from:)

  23. I'm just entering for anything...LOL

  24. i'd like to please be included in give away #4! I love the veggies!

  25. This is my first entry ever, I would love to be put in the contest for #4. I just love reading your all about your doings! It inspires me when I need a boost. cathy

  26. Please enter me for #1. Yes, I'm a beginner (and need all the help I can get!).

  27. I would love to be entered into giveaway #2.


  28. I would love to be entered into #1 and/or #4! You always have such fun stuff!

  29. I would love to win #4. Put my name into #4

  30. Ohhhhhh Kim! You've gone and done it again ... 4 fabulous giveaways! Tk's for all the continued fun!

    I'd love to be entered into Giveaway #2 :)

  31. Me again cuz I'd also love to be entered into Giveaway #4! Tk you :)

    Ohhhhh and your quilt is awesome!

  32. You GO GIRL! LOVE the Cherry Quilt- way too nice for a baby!!! I see you have a Cherry Delight Pattern on the side bar-very nice. I am a sucker for cherries.
    Happy Quilting!
    PS Love your give aways, especially #4!
    Thanks Kim!

  33. Kim, please enter me in #4 please. I love fall fabric. Congrats to the 300,000 winner. Winona

  34. Hi Kim, First time I leave a comment but I read your blog daily! Love the fabric! Thanks for a chance to win! Doris B. no blog!

  35. Hi Kim, Can you put me in for giveaway #3. Since the fireworks quilt is the first one I have ever machine quilted myself, I need some more ideas. Thanks!

  36. I would love to win Giveaway #4 - what perfect fabric for fall placemats! thanks Kim.

  37. Love the Cherry I'm hungry for some cherry pie :)
    Please include me in your drawing for #4.

  38. Please enter me in giveway #1.
    Wow! You get so many hits on your blog! Maybe people don't read mine because I never update! I've been back from vacation for 3 weeks and haven't updated my blog yet.
    Thanks! Chris in Sacramento

  39. Love that cherry quilt! Please enter me in your drawing for #2. Thanks!

  40. Geee, your getting so much done! I'd love to be entered for #2!

  41. Love the sunflower fabric....please enter me in drawing number 4.

  42. That cherry quilt is sooo cute. Can't wait to see the finished quilting.
    I would love to be entered in the #3 give away.

  43. I would love to win giveaway #2. I love applique!

  44. More great giveaways!! Yeah!!

    I would love to be entered for giveaway 3.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  45. I am very greedy, I would also like to be entered for give away four!

    Thanks so much.

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  46. Kim, everything you do is so lovely! I would love to win #3 and thank you for all the reading pleasure.

  47. HI Kim,
    Your cherry quilt has turned out fabulous- it is so light and airy looking-
    It always feels great when you get lots accomplished. I have just been upstairs in the fabric stash to pick backing for the winding ways quilt and the trip around the world - Have the back put together of the king sized quilt.
    Congratulations to the Happy Cottage Quilter- She will love your giveaway prize.

    I love sunflowers so enter me in the giveaway 4- it is a really lovely fall panel.


  48. Would love to be entered in giveaway #2!

  49. I would love to win the #1 giveaway. I could use some hints.

  50. I would love to win #4 giveaway. I love the fall fabric.

  51. I'd love to be included in the drawing #2 for the applique block patterns. They look beautiful! And I've always wanted to do a Baltimore Album quilt!

    Sandy A in St. Louis

  52. Hey put me in for giveaway 5! that pretty cherry quilt!!!!
    what??? that wasn't part of the giveaway?
    oh man! shucks, I already have that book and one of those patterns, so please put me in for #4, I love fall stuff. that is, if you won't put me in for the cherry quilt..........

  53. Here's probably a dumb question. It looks like the pie in the picture is in a nice pie plate. Do you tie up your pie pans by having them in the freezer that long?
    I would love to win Number 3. You are so generous in your giveaways.

  54. Number 4's the one for me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. Congratulations to the winner. I love the quilt you are working on now and well done on a month of finishing things of. I would like to be entered into Giveaway Number 3. Thanks and Happy days.

  56. I would love the sunflowers and fall fabric in Giveaway #4!

  57. Giveaway #3 would be put to good use around here, too!

  58. oh - fall fabric! ... gimmee gimmee gimme #4 ... pretty please!

  59. ooo ooo ooo - Mr. Cahtuh, Mr. Cahtuh!!! number 3 please! please, please, please!

  60. Please enter me in Giveaway No. 4. I'm also a legal secretary and enjoy reading about your days at work -- though you seem to get a lot more vacation days then I do (LOL)

  61. Please drop me in Give away 3
    Thank you!

    No quilting has gone on here, its been all about the goats lately!

  62. Please drop me in Give away 2 as well....
    Thank You

  63. Please add me to giveaway #4. :-) I am really enjoying reading your blog! Thanks!

  64. I would love to be in the draw for #1 please
    hugs Beth

  65. Hey Kim, I received the pattern you sent from another give away. I would love to be entered into the drawing for give away #4. I have no fall fabric or table toppers.

  66. Please enter me into the drawing for give away #3. Thank you.

  67. I just wanted to tell you how gorgeous your cherry quilt is!!! and I haven't seen the border yet...

  68. Congratulations to the winner!
    Everything you do is so lovely!

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  69. Well, your things are looking beautiful.
    I sure tell if I snooze I loose! I am sure that you have some very happy blogland readers out there.
    Congrats for rolling over the 300,000 mark and for the giveaway success. I think when I looked tonight, you were heading to 306,000!

    Right O'


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!