Sunday, August 23, 2009

Some New Stuff!

Some of you commented on my new photo--my second in the series of nude self portraits. Yes, a few people have told me recently they were bored with the first nude photo, so since I'd had a lovely beauty treatment yesterday, I thought it was too good to waste the opportunity. What do you think? Happy? Perky? My dad used to call me Twinkle Toes--that was back in the day when I was taking tap and ballet lessons. Of course, he usually followed that up by commenting I had two left feet. Dads!

And yes, I did get down on the floor for the photo shoot--and got back up again afterward. And lived to tell about it. Yep, I've still got it! It was my thought that by putting my feet up in the air, gravity would do its job, and they'd look better. Can't say it did much for the looks of my thighs, but then they're not in the photo!

Another new thing--as some of you noticed, the counter turned over. Someone asked if it could be working properly. I have no clue. I think I have a lot of people stopping in to read my blog but not a lot of you comment. That's okay--I do the same thing. If I have something to say, I say it; otherwise, I'm just happy to have stopped in and read whatever it is someone has to say. I do know that the counter information tells me it only counts each IP address once in each 24-hour period, so coming back multiple times doesn't affect the count.

I DO think there have been more people stopping in to read it than usual--initially, I thought it wouldn't turn over until tomorrow. But maybe it's that new nude self-portrait. You'd be surprised by what people search for in blogs! That may have brought readers in by the boatloads.

So, anyway, we had six people guess the right date: Barb, Miriam, Ronelle, Nancy E, Fiesta, and Happy Cottage Quilter. Add to that Anna (Quilt Mom) who tipped me off that the counter turned. If any of you go back and look at the comments and see that I've left anyone off who guessed August 22nd, please let me know. I'll put all these names into a drawing and announce the winner tomorrow night. If the winner is here in the US, she can pick either a box of fabric leftovers/scraps OR a kit of my Changing Leaves pattern; if the winner is outside the US, she'll get the kit (shipping the box of scraps would cost a fortune!).

There's a photo of what's in the kit--there's all the wool, the cotton fabric, the pattern (of course), batting, backing, etc., etc., etc. Pretty much, all that you'd need.

Since I'm feeling more like eating these days, Hubby pulled out the last frozen apple pie from last year's apple pie baking season, and I baked it last night. Yum! It's hard to believe August is nearly over and fall is right around the corner--and for us, fall means another season for heading up to Apple Hill and bringing back apples and all kinds of fall goodies!

Speaking of August marching along, here's my newest finish--the Halloween version of my Fireworks! pattern. I didn't have a place to lay it all the way out, so I just draped it over the chair. I think you can pretty much figure out what it looks like, right?

And, since the weekend is here, I just might have another finish (or two?!) to cross off my list tomorrow! Stay tuned and find out!

Oh, and because tomorrow's Sunday and it's August--tomorrow night I'll announce another giveaway of some type--something (or someTHINGS) I've found in the Sweat Shop and want to pass along to someone else. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I'll see you back here soon!


  1. The pie looks good as does your quilt, love reading your post which i do in the mornings so it a cheery way to start the day
    Hugs Janice

  2. Hmm. I've never thought of freezing a homemade pie. I'd try it if I had freezer space. You's does look good. Love the quilt. You sure are productive!

  3. Kim since I love fall, I sure hope I win that kit.
    Now did you say you had a frozen pie in the freezer?? Details please.

  4. still had a pie leftover? I love Apple Hill...miss it from my days living in CA.
    Fireworks looks equally lovely in Fall! I'm guessing Christmas too? LOL

  5. The fireworks looks great in the Halloween colors! Fall colors are my favorite!

  6. Awesome quilt! Awesome pie! Would love a piece with some homemade icecream :) Ahhhhhh and gal can dream!

  7. I LOVE the quilt!!! Very nice!
    The apple looks very tasty!

    Great idea to make those up ahead and freeze. Never thought of that ahem even though we they come that way in the store DUH...I have some blackberries I should do cobblers ahead!

  8. I know I have far more readers than the amount that leave comments (who tend to be 'regulars' .... it is nice when you receive a comment from a new reader - I will then visit their blog and leave a comment in return!!

  9. I can almost smell that yummy pie from here!!

    That version of your Fireworks quilt looks great!

    I'm glad you are feeling much better now.

  10. Well, 365 of those on the counter are mine, because I stop in every single day to have my morning coffee with you! Man, I shoulda guessed 8/22, but I guess I was too busy celebrating! LOL. Love the new quilt!

  11. The quilt is totally awesome!! I love Halloween stuff and that quilt is the coolest I've seen in a while.

  12. Good morning "Twinkle Toes" whose toes are looking good and trust that you are too as always. Who new about the ACT-TIVE-E-YA! It is a blessing that you have figured it out. Woo Hoo.

    Your quilt is stunning. You really know how to make fabrics come together.


  13. Your Fireworks pattern looks so great! Enjoy your pie :-)

  14. Love your quilt. Your apple pie looks delicious. Care to share your recipe and how you freeze them? Congratulations on reaching your milestone.

  15. DH and I were just talking this morning about how it's almost apple season and that we should start thinking about how to freeze them to enjoy the rest of the year!

  16. Yummy pie! Your quilt turned out lovely. And congratulations to the winner in advance :o) I was off by a day. I knew it would be close! I did my estimate scientifically. Your cluster map said 465 people visited the day before when I did my guess, so I figured that sounded about right to have that many a day for you, and I came up with the 23rd... drats! You had extra visitors :o)

  17. This month is going by way to fast...and my projects are sort of coming together...

    I intend to get some of these things done...

  18. Wow, that is amazing that you reached 300,000 already! I'd like to know more abt freezing pies too~ what a great treat! Love your fireworks in Halloween fabrics~ cute, cute! I wondered if you had to lay down on the floor to get your new photo! LOL I thought maybe it was a trick of photoshop. ;-)

  19. I'm with you, I look so forward to apple-picking. In fact I just mentioned that to my husband today, that next month is the start of the season! Your pie looks scrumptious. So does the halloween quilt! I love it in those fabrics! Nice work. Congrats on all the visitors...too funny about the nude self-portrait hits!

  20. HEY! go check out my blog and see all my finishes!! you won't believe how much finishing I did this weekend! and my arm is tired to prove it too! Sadly, there are still several more to go before I can show a clean quilt rack, but it's coming along and I have YOU to thank for pushing me! THANK YOU!!

  21. What a great quilt! Wish I could have piece of your pie.

    Nancy E

  22. The quilt is great!! I bet that pie was good too.... glad to hear you are feeling better..
    Congrats to the winners guessing your turnover date!

  23. Yum,that apple pie looks delicious.As for that nude portrait!!! A lot of fun,I wonder which body part will be next. Happy days.

  24. The pie looks very nice, the toes look very tasty...reverse that! like the bold colours of the quilt too- I found a box of orange scraps (fabric, not fruit, ha! ha!) and am wondering how to use them...

  25. I love your blog...
    Its always nice to visit ..good one

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