Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Going Into the Final Stretch

I've been visiting the ladies listed in my sidebar who are trying to get projects finished for August. Isn't it funny how many projects accumulate that really take so little time and effort to finish once we sit down and really work on them? So often I'll put things aside to move onto the next deadline project and never go back once the deadline pressure has passed. And in visiting some of my Blogland friends, I've seen many of you are finishing up just these kinds of projects.

Carline has taken on the challenge of cleaning out her quilting things and getting rid of the items she isn't using. Way to go, Carline! I know it's hard to part with things sometimes, but it's awfully nice to have the money in your pocketbook and the extra space in your sewing room, isn't it?

Becky and Mary (Greenmare) have both gotten a lot of table runners finished up, and Crafty Carol has finished some darling totes--including one that she started a long time ago. Mary also finished a quilt as did Colleen (cute sheep!). And DeeLee completed a wonderful block of the month quilt top (flimsy)! Great jobs, ladies!

I had to laugh when I read Julie's blog post, because I SO agree with what she had to say--she's been getting so much done, she's feeling a little burned out and had to take a day off. Wow, just look at her list of projects that she's crossed off and you can certainly see why!

I know that several other ladies over in my sidebar have been hard at work but haven't had a chance to post yet. Make sure you stop in and visit them all to see what they've been doing--I bet you'll be impressed! (Although I didn't include links within this post, you can click on the links to their blogs in my sidebar.)

And what have I been doing? Well, remember what I said about all those projects that can be finished quickly but get put aside for one reason or another? Those are the types of projects I worked on this weekend.

On Saturday, I finished appliqueing the words on this quilt top--this was really the most time consuming project, but I'd been working on it on and off while quilting the Halloween/Fireworks! quilt. Now it's in my basket of "tops to be quilted." (I'm really going to have to dedicate a month just to getting some of those tops quilted!)

Then I just needed to add the binding on this one--piece of cake! Especially since I pulled the binding out of my scrap drawer--it was a leftover piece from another project!

Finally, there was this one. I'd made the fronts of these pillow shams when I did the tutorial for the Scrappy Thimbleberries Stars quilt--all I needed to do was to sew on the backs, and now that's done!

I'll have to get a photo of my quilt rack soon--it's looking SO much better with all these little projects off of it! We need to see a photo of Greenmare's quilt rack too--hers was even worse than mine!

I hope you've enjoyed seeing and hearing about what some of us have gotten done and found a little inspiration for getting things done in your Blogland neighborhood--or found inspiration to begin a new project! One more week in August--that means there's still time to get things done! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Very nice quilts i love the star ones, i guess it the TB that draws me lol well done
    Hugs Janice

  2. Defenietly a beautiful site to see so many finishes.

  3. Way to go gal, now to get them all quilted. Will next month be quilting month?

  4. I wondered what that pillow sham project you had listed was...very nice! I'm recharged after my day off and in high gear to finish crossing off my project list before the 31st. Thanks so much for the kick in the rear, Kim.

  5. It was fun to stop in today and see all these wonderful finishes! Didn't you say you hadn't been feeling well? Hard to believe!!! I'm just sayin! LOL

  6. I love the star projects, and it is os nice to see everyone trying to finish their UFOS.

  7. Beautiful pillow shams and the applique of where is my purse is beautiful too.

    You are an inspiration.


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