Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Busy Quilting Blogger Round-Up

Okay, cue the RAWHIDE music again, 'cause it's round up time!

I've heard from some of you and randomly popped in on others on the list. I thought it was time to do a little recap.

Amanda's got a story to tell about why she hasn't gotten much done yet, and her story is much, much better than the old "the dog ate my homework" excuse. Stop by and see! She HAS sorted out her projects and identified what she wants to get done--that's a first step!

Carol has finished several projects and--I know you'll be excited by THIS news--SHE HAS A PATTERN GIVEAWAY GOING ON! Woo-hooooo! Go on over there and enter! She has seven "lots" of patterns and you can enter one or several--similar, in fact, to the one I had. Just don't enter the one with the Miss Rosie patterns--I've got dibbs on that one!

DeeLee has a VERY lovely star quilt completely finished! Go over there and drool a bit. I wish we could reach out and touch it as it looks very cuddle-able!

Heckety has a quilt finish too--in addition to a dancing husband and dog. I'm also fascinated by all the stuff her husband keeps in his pants pockets. Kind of reminds me of that old Mae West line. Well, never mind! Carry on Heckety!

Julie has cleaned up her stash and has a couple projects on her design wall. And look at all those lined-out projects in her sidebar that she's completed! I'm quite envious! I was looking at my one lined out project in my sidebar and wondering whether I should put in the first two projects I completed, just so I could line them out!

Paulette has a definite thing going on with Santa over at her blog, but she's doing more than making a list--she's actually getting it done! Ho, ho, ho, Paulette! Uh, Paulette? By the way, those "poopy walking breaks"? I think you brought something back with you and it got mixed up with your lovely white applique flowers. You might wanna check, okay?

Finally, Sandy over at Texan has another giveaway posted. Go on over and see who won the last ones and check out the new one.

And what better way to end a round up than with a Texan? Thanks for stopping in!


  1. Kim, I just posted a project I am going to try to finish this month. Sorry for being so late. So much going on so little time. I admire you ladies who seem to get so much done. Maybe some of it will rub off on me. Thanks for the push. Carol G.

  2. Its really interesting looking to see what other people have achieved. Puts me in a very bad light though!


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