Monday, August 10, 2009

My Brain is Full of Stuff

Eeeek! No sewing was done today, and I have that class coming up on Saturday with much to do to prepare! I'm going to have to work extra hard all week to get ready. So what did I do all day instead? I cleaned! I'll need to take some photos of the Sweat Shop to show you soon--it's starting to look much nicer in there now. And the rest of the house doesn't look too bad either, come to think of it.

Today I sorted through quilting books, and I have three piles--a pile that's going to Goodwill (because the content of the books doesn't outweigh the weight/cost to ship them), a pile that I'll list in my Etsy shop, and a pile to give away here on my blog.

I also sorted through patterns again--and did a more complete job this time. In fact, I came up with a few more to give away.

Best of all though--or maybe not, depending--I found all kinds of stuff I'd like to make for fall! Woo-hoo! That's partly what the post title refers to. But first I have a whole lot of things I want to finish up this month. And I've gotten all that stuff sorted better too! I even got the Hometown Christmas rows I've done up on the design wall so I can see what's left to work on. And that's partly what the post title refers to too--all the things I want to get finished!

Okay, now for giveaway "stuff." First, let's see who won the little wool kit, shall we? Well, it's BJ! Congratulations, BJ! Please email me your mailing address and I'll put it in the mail to you!

Now for some new giveaway "stuff." I'll draw names on Wednesday night and post the winners on the Wednesday night/Thursday post--make sure you come back to see if you've won! And, like before, you can ask to be put into more than one giveaway, but please leave separate comments for each giveaway, okay?

GIVEAWAY #1: Weekend Quilt Projects book--cute, fairly fast projects with a country appeal. Although the book is a bit older, most of the patterns are still attractive and can be updated with newer fabrics.

GIVEAWAY #2: Quick Rotary Cutter Quilts by Pam Bono. Again, an older book but many of the patterns would look great in newer fabrics.

GIVEAWAY #3: Again, older books but this time, two of them! Simple patterns with some piecing and some applique.

GIVEAWAY #4: Do you like chickens? I DO! I went through a BIG chicken phase at one time and collected masses of them. I need to be pare down my collection a little bit though. So in this giveaway, there are two chicken patterns--one with Santa Claus and one without. Oh, and Santa has other barnyard animals. Kind of goofy but cute too, you know?!

Giveaway #5: House Sampler pattern. Kind of says it all, doesn't it? I have a friend who gets bored making the same block over and over again, and I can't help but think this is a good pattern for someone who wants to make different blocks but end up with a cohesive whole quilt in the end.

Because I was so busy today, I had Hubby get some Chinese fast food for dinner. Here's my fortune--

I don't think this applies to a person with a blog, do you?! Sheesh! Getting told to shut up by a fortune cookie! So much for my international fame! I guess it doesn't extend to China.

I had a couple comments today from bloggers who have been hard at work and have finishes to share, and I'll post those tomorrow along with a link to another blogger who's having a giveaway, so come on back!


  1. Thanks Kim, I would like to be put into giveaway #5.

    Thanks for a great blog, Marge

  2. What a generous person you are doing such a lovely give-away could i be entered for the Give-away #1
    Hugs Janice

  3. May i be as bold to also be entered for give-away #2 please.
    All the books are great & i am sure that the winners will be more than happy with them good luck to all
    Hugs Janice

  4. Hi kim,please enter me for giveaway #1.
    Love the blog and read it daily,

  5. Hi Kim. You wrote recently about being in Irish Quilting. I get that on subscription, so if you can tell me which issue you are in I should be able to send it to you if you would like?

    PS I got here from sweetp-paulette's blog.

  6. Hey you!
    Believe it or not, I would actually like to be entered for #1! Sounds like my kind of project, quick and easy! Can't wait for Saturday!


  7. I would love to put in the hat for Giveaway # 1. Thanks!

  8. The cleaning out bug must be contagious - I reorganized and cleaned out a bunch of stuff in my clothes closet yesterday. I would love to win Giveaway #1.

  9. Give-away #1 - how cute are those pumkins?! Please enter me!!

  10. Kim so glad you are making progress. I am guilty of regressing. I would love to win book #1

  11. Hi Kim, sounds like you had a busy busy weekend! I'd love to entered for giveaway number 2! Thanks so much.

  12. Hi Kim, great giveaway! Could you put me in for #2 please? Thanks!

  13. Hoping I don't sound greedy, but I like to be put in for #1 too. (I like the whole 'Quick Quilt' idea! lol)
    Thanks again Kim!

  14. Kim,
    Please enter me for giveaway 2. I like Pam's stuff.

  15. Also, #4 as I have a friend that is chicken crazy and I would re-gift to her!

  16. Your challenge is just what I needed to get motivated to do some finishing and cleaning up in my sewing room, Kim. I'll pass on the give-aways but I wanted to thank you for the kick in the pants I needed! I've already crossed off 4 items on my list. I may even have a give-away of my own soon.

  17. I would like to be entered in give away number 3, I could use a good chicken pattern, I have the roosters covered :O).

    Though I am doing give aways too, these will be new to me! and Critters well my gosh how can you go wrong with a quilt book with critters in it LOL...

  18. Hi Kim! I love your blog! The fact that you seem to have a great sense of humor and you don't take yourself too seriously, but you still manage to be very sucessful, impresses the heck out of me. Oh, and you're entertaining, too!

    I'd like to throw my name in the ring for giveaway #1.

    Thanks for making me smile every day!


  19. Thanks for cleaning your sewing space (G) and double thanks for the chance to win book number 1 !!!! Hugs, Annie

  20. I did not get a single bit of sewing done yet! Still cutting out some of the pieces - that didn't get cut when projects were started...

    And, I have to get some stuff cleaned up in order to have room to sew...

  21. Hi Kim Great giveaways--thanks! I absolutely love chickens so I have to ask to be put in #4 please. Thanks for the opportunity from CT!

  22. I love animals, so Quilted Critters, #3 is something I would truly love! Thanks for the opportunity from CT!

  23. Usually I read daily without comment. But just had to speak up to say please enter me in #3.


  24. Put me in for #1! Sometimes clean environments make us work harder! Glad you got organized again.

  25. the trees and cows and corn that will be in Mr. Husker's quilt are from the Pam Bono book - i love it - but i already have it ... i do NOT have number 5, though ... buildings and blocks - i would love to own it!

    i need to use up a weekend cleaning out the sewing room - it's a mess ... you wouldn't want to come help, would you?

  26. I would love to be in drawing #1.


  27. I would love to be in drawing #2.


  28. I would love to be in drawing #3.


  29. Hi Kim :) I'd love to be in on "Drawing #1." Tks so much :) You're very generous my dear and Blogland thanks you!!!

  30. Hi Kim,
    Please include me in #1 -- I love seasonal projects.

  31. There is something about Santa and chickens that really turns me don't put me down for that one!!! I have enough problems without adding a chicken/Santa fetish to the mix!....Number 1 though looks like a nice safe book to own. Got to love give aways! Thanks for the chance! I laughed out loud at your fortune cookie!! Perfect! Take care and hopefully you will get to mess up that nice clean sewing room!

  32. I know I might be greedy, but I'd like to try my hand at Giveaway #1

    That's too funny about the fortune cookie: I know I desperatley need to clean house before company comes at the end of the month! EEK!

  33. Oh, I thought I could abstain, but #3 got to me, so please put me in the drawing. Summer canning is getting in the way of my August finishes. DARN! but I will get there! Thanks for the push. Carline

  34. Hi Kim, I have been cleaning the sewing room too :o) I would love to be entered in giveaway #1. Pumpkins.... gotta love em!

  35. Hi Kim, please enter me for #3. Those look like great books. Thanks! Winona

  36. A clean house and a giveaway...nothing better!!
    Can I say #1 and #3?
    I'll be back!

  37. Wow, you sure are ambitious. Can you send some energy my way??? Please enter me in giveaway #1.

  38. Hi Kim! You are an inspiration into cleaning out the sewing stuff! Oh, and contrary to that, I would like you to enter me into the drawing for give away #5.

  39. Hi, Kim

    Santa and the chickens are pretty funny, but #5 is really pretty.

    Glad you are making progress in the sweat shop. It is always so satisfying.

  40. This looks like fun, could you put me down for #2?

  41. Glory be! but are surely going at it hammer and tongs! Perhaps you should re-name your blog 'hammer and tongs big quilting adventure', oh no that makes you sound like a mad murderer,hmmm, how about 'kim's big hammer and tongs adventure'? No, that makes you sound like an underground dwarf from Lord of the Rings. Scrap that.
    Anyhow I've finished a project- its in the 'Yippee' post! (for obvious reasons????)

  42. Kim, Thank you so much I recieved my paterens today. Can't wait to start on them. Really looking forward to the apron one. Been so busy with other things sad to say I haven't gotten much sewing done. I'll have to work on that. Thanks again. Carol

  43. oh put me in for the books!! I'm such a sucker for books, I can never turn down a quilt book! I'm working on my rack, I have a runner almost done, and I found a shirt that needed ironing and hanging up - does that count as a finish? ;-)

  44. I would love to be in giveaway 4...I adore chickens!
    Your giveaways are wonderful!

  45. Aloha Kim! I'd love #1.

  46. Thanks Kim, for a great giveaway. Please put me down for #1.

  47. Aloha again! I'd love #2 also!
    Your blog is fun and informative.

  48. And being that you said it would be okay to come back, can you also please put me down for #2 :-)

  49. And while we are at it, the Chicken patterns look so cute, so can you also put me down for #4. Thanks!

  50. One more Aloha to you Kim! I wish to be considered for #3! Fun! Fun! Fun! Hoping for electricity Thursday...Felicia to hit the islands (including Oahu) probably Tuesday...but it should be down to a tropical storm.

  51. Hi Kim,

    Just wanted to say that I've been following your blog everyday for several months now - getting to where it's a must check for me. You're always a bright spot out there - thanks for all you do. You've inspired me to try to knock out a few UFO's of my own - two down, more to come! I can't post as I don't have a blog, but I try to join in the fun as best I can. Anyway, I so enjoy you - thanks again!


  52. Kim Please enter my name in the #1 givaway, I love country and quick weekend projects Thanks Sharon Mac

  53. Definitely no. 4 for me. Chickens and Santa. Downsizing your books and patterns sounds a little like organization. Maybe I should give it a try.

  54. Hilarious getting told to shut up by a fortune cookie. You found Fall patterns and I happened upon a bunch of Fall fabrics that I forgot I stuck in with my Christmas fabrics.

  55. Well Kim,
    I fell off the wagon already for buying to add to the stash but I was more contained than usual.
    However, I did find a piece of fabric to match a piece that I had already cut only to discover that I was short about 6 inches. I figured that I was hooped as it was an older fabric - I got lucky and bought a little extra in case I decide to make a border too.

    I have finished the queen sized star quilt and the star wall hanging. I am going to work on blocks for the wonky rail ties. I have discovered that I need to make another bunch of blocks for it. I best get making them hadn't I? LOL

    I have one of Pam Bono's books and really like it so please enter me for giveaway #2- I don't have that particular one.

    I'll keep you posted..

  56. okay, put me in for book giveaway #1........... wait for it....

  57. and book giveaway #2!!!!!
    love those tooo

  58. And book giveaway #3... but I don't need to be in #4 since I already HAVE those chicken patterns!! yikes! I still need to make the really cute Cock a Doodle one!!! darn, another thing to finish. except it can't count against me since I haven't done more than collect fabric right? um, I guess that would be considered starting now wouldn't it?

  59. Please add me to giveaway #1. I love pumpkins!!


  60. I would love to be entered in #4 ---My mom loves chickens and I love making chicken items for her.

  61. I'd like to also be entered for giveaway #1. It looks like some cute wall hangings for fall.

  62. Oh I would love to be included in the chicken giveaway. Happy cleaning, I wonder what else you will find. Good luck.

  63. Hi Kim, Please enter me in giveaway #1. Love the pumpkins in the photo!

  64. I'd also like to be entered in giveaway #4. I'm loving' chickens right now!

    Love your blog---

  65. Hi Kim - Great giveaway. Please include me for #1 or any of the other ones!! Thanks.

  66. Please throw my name in the hat for #1!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  67. Please throw my name in the hat for #2!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  68. Please throw my name in the hat for #3!

    Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

  69. These are all wonderful. I'll try not to be greedy and just pick two. Please enter me for giveaway 1.

  70. Okay, now please enter me for giveaway #2. That's it. I won't be too greedy.

  71. Hi, Kim! Enjoying your blog and your encouragement to finish projects.

    I would like to enter giveaway #3, please.

    Thanks and good luck with your class!

  72. ...and please put my name in giveaway #4, too.

    Thanks. I'm following your blog every day now!


  73. Love giveaways. Please enter me in #1.

  74. As I said I love giveaways please enter me in #2.

  75. I also love giveaway #3. Thanks for all the giveaways.

  76. Hi Kim - Oh, enter me for the chickens please! - Melanie

  77. Giveaway one for me please. Thanks, kathi

  78. And giveaway four please. I'm a major chicken person STILL!

    Thank you again,
