Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Furry Stuff and Other Thoughts

My friend Julia sent me this email about the economy I thought you'd enjoy:

"It's definitely getting bad.

Cats are so dramatic!"

And speaking of cats--yesterday I stopped at the post office, and while I was there, I picked up two boxes; when I got home, I leaned them up against the desk in my office, but they didn't say there long!

I think we all know cats love to sit in boxes, but these were just flat pieces of cardboard! Obviously, she's completely and totally invisible in the photo below. Cats and kids--they just LOVE boxes, don't they?!

The Wild Child sent me a photo of my "granddog" Rocky--after all, everyone's grandkids play soccer, right?

Finally, I'll leave you with these thoughts--I found this in the printer at the office and I have no idea where it came from.

  1. Raising teenagers is like nailing jelly to a tree.
  2. Wrinkles don't hurt.
  3. Families are like fudge . . . mostly sweet with a few nuts.
  4. Today's mightly oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground
  5. Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy.
  6. Laughing is good exercise . . . it's like jogging on the inside!

I hope you jog on the inside quite a lot today!


  1. Love the photos especially the one of Rocky with the Ball we had a dog that was just like him years ago
    Hugs Janice

  2. My sister owns a dog like Rocky..wonderful dog! But I have to say I like the kitty one best!

  3. Cute funny :o)... and your grand puppy is so cute ... we have had boxers for years! They are such wonderful doggies :O)...

  4. hahah I love your post so much! Im emailing it to my family :) hope you dont mind

  5. Kim, I really needed a laugh today - you know the kind - where the tears just run down your face kind of laugh.

    Thank you for providing it...I hope you don't mind but I shared that economy photo on my blog.

    Thank you, thank you!!!

  6. Love the post Kim- always good to have a laugh or two.
    Mars loves boxes too-when ever there is a new box in the house she is right there like a dirty shirt trying to climb in it- no matter what the size.
    I did finally post my two finishes on my blog this afternoon. I did put a link to your blog too .
    I am off to sew the other 40 some blocks to the wonky tiles quilt- how is that for wonky ???


  7. That picture is so funny. Your little Spike being invisible is a lot like my little dog Buster, he gets under the living room chair and his legs are sticking out.

  8. I love these pet photos! Your kitty is so cute and curious too!!! Also love the Granddog pic!! He's adorable!!! Thanks for sharing!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!