Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tired, But Happy!

It's just past 9 p.m., and I'm sitting here, drinking a cup of hot chocolate--because I totally deserve it! And when we're done chatting here in Blogland, it's beddy-bye time for me, because the last few days have totally exhausted me. But in a good way--kind of like when you're a kid and you spend the day at Disneyland from the time the park opens until it closes.

Getting the Spring! pattern ready for sale AND working overtime at the office meant I was busy non-stop and only had about five hours of sleep each night on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Getting ready for the Spring! quilt class and putting in a full day's work meant I was busy non-stop and only had about six hours of sleep on Friday night. Today? Today WAS the Spring! quilt class--and we had fun!

Do you want to hear about it?

Well, you may already know this about me, but just in case you don't, I always think it's important to dress appropriately for each occasion. Selecting the correct footwear can be particularly vital.

Everyone's a critic, though. Hubby thought I should give them away as prizes at class or something--anything just so I didn't bring them back home. Spike was terrified. She kept looking at my feet, crouching down, and backing away. When I stopped at Starbucks and got out of my car, a homeless guy said, "You'd think it was EASTER or something!" Oh well--I think my quilty peeps appreciated the effort at least. I can always depend on quilters to applaud my good taste and superior fashion sense.

And true to my quilt class philosophy, the decorations were in line with the theme, and there were plenty of carrot cake cupcakes and carrots with Ranch dressing dip for all.

See the little gifties I brought everyone? These little bags each had a fabric carrot in them, a pattern for making more, an Easter pencil, and two plastic eggs filled with chocolates. (It's important to have plenty of food at quilt classes to keep up one's energy, and besides--you never know when a freak storm may hit, leaving you stranded in a quilt shop for days--it's best to have food, just in case.)

Also in each gift bag was a sheet of paper with BIG letters--A, B, C, D, and E. The letters corresponded to the different blocks we made and I printed those so my ladies could cut them out at the end of class and pin them to the block stacks for easy identification once they got home. But in the meantime, we played a little game. I asked my gals to write down all of the Easter-related words they could think of that began with each of those letters. At the end of class, I made them swap lists and check each other's list to eliminate any non-Easter words. (Not that quilters would actually CHEAT or anything . . . I'm just sayin!) The three ladies with the most words on their lists won Easter goodies I'd found at--where else?!--the THRIFT STORE!

Between all the fun we had, though, my gals worked hard.

And, I'm delighted to say I had a really great group for this class.

Hubby's been a HUGE help the last few days too. I told him that although it's never good to lose a job, if he had to lose his, this was the best time to do it. He's been really great about doing everything he can to help with the patterns and getting things together for the class, and tonight he even cooked dinner--teriyaki chicken and veggies on skewers--both cooked on the BBQ--and rice. And really, so WHAT if he didn't realize that when you cook rice, you also need to measure the water and not just fill the pot to the top?! He'll learn. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done this week without his help.

And all of you who have clicked on over to Etsy and ordered a pattern--I want to sincerely thank you for your orders and your support. Hubby mailed a batch out on Friday and another batch this morning, so they should arrive soon. And, by the way, I've modified the shipping info on the listing to reflect international postage prices--just in case you don't live in the US and were puzzled about ordering a pattern. We're happy to ship these babies anywhere you'd like us to! And quilt shops? I'd love it if you wanted to carry my patterns--just email me directly for more information.

Well, enough about me. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! And if you haven't done so already, please comment on yesterday's post so I can enter you in the two-year blogiversary drawing for the Spring is Here pattern by Donna Yackey.

Thanks for visiting! My cup is empty, the hot chocolate is warming my tummy, and my bed is calling. Goodnight!


  1. No comments yet. Guess everyone is sleeping in with the change of time. Gee those slppers are something. Didn't scare anyone at Starbuck's Sure would have loved to be in that class.

  2. Hi Kim

    I am giving my quilt shop your email to contact you directly about ordering your patterns! They are: The Yankee Quilter, just so you know who they are! I am doing that now!

    Luv, luv luv your little quilt on the table at your class, and those carrots--they are great too! I see more patterns coming!

  3. I'm so glad that things are going well. Your classes always sound like so much fun!

  4. I'm glad your class went so well. I thought about you yesterday and wondered how it was going.

    I love all of the decorations, the goody bags, the food, and the bunny slippers. You do some of the same things that my friend, Terry, and I do when we teach classes. We also decorate for the holidays and thrift shop. Great minds think alike!

    I bought the bunny pattern. I can't wait to get it. I think a lot of people are going to find that "as one door closes, another door opens". I'm so glad this came at the perfect time for you and hubby.

  5. Looks like fantastic fun!! My SIL makes the best hot chocolate mix and we added the calories once to about 800 and stopped..didn't want to go any further..too yummy!

  6. Oh, I wanted to come take your class BEFORE this post and now I'm really feeling left out. I watched IRONMAN yesterday. Do you think Tony would lend me his suit so I could get up to Sacramento quickly?

  7. I know it's alot of work Kim... You will reap the benefits though. Your class looked so much fun. I hope to one day get over there. Your gift bags are a great idea. The game is a good way to keep the group's attention.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. That was other comment simply disappeared!

    What I was sayin is.....wish I were closer to have "hopped" in on that class. You did another superb job and they will remember the teacher with the mostest!!

    Also...looked at your Etsy and see your doing very well! Good Job!!!

    Ok...let me try posting this baby again!

  9. Hi Kim,
    What a fun way to run a class-I love the decorated table and all the little extras you did to make it an event for your students. I bet those slippers were a hit.
    The slippers made me think of when my husband once had a pair of moose head slippers- Our dog Tigger thought that she attack the moose antlers regularly - I still can hear her chasing around after those provided us with hours of entertainment..
    I am glad to see all the good things coming your way - Long may it continue for you and yours..
    Happy Quilting - I look forward to seeing your next project..
    Bucky Bunny is a great name for the rabbit!

  10. I was lucky enough to be able to attend Kim's Spring! class. It was a lot of fun. The little gift bags were a real treat, as were her carrot cake cupcakes! Kim was so cute in her bunny slippers. She's a great teacher, just like everybody said she would be.
    Chris is Sacramento

  11. Oh I wish I lived close enough to come to your classes, they look so much fun!!

  12. I have never taken a workshop, but man I soooooooooooo want to take one of yours! You could come and guest speak and teach at my guild here in Wisconsin becauese those bunny slippers would come in really handy here!

  13. I just love your blog with all the pretty quilts. Your spring decorations are so creative. Love the carrots. Do you mind sharing where you baught the carrot pattern? So perfect for spring.

  14. I have got to take one of your classes - they look like such fun! I'm glad hubby has been such a great help to you these busy days. I don't know how you do all that you do anyway, and to add even more work to your full schedule just boggles my mind. You are my hero!
    Happy 2nd Blogiversary to you!!!


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