Monday, March 9, 2009

It's All About Me!

But then, since this is my blog, isn't it always about me?! LOL!

Well, what I mean by the title, though, is that it's MY blogiversary--two years here in Blogland--and if you had a chance to check in over the weekend, then you know I had a little giveway of a pattern by Donna Yackey called Spring is Here. And you also know that I promised to announce the winner.

So as Hubby was coming out of the bathroom tonight, I said, "Honey, pick a number between 1 and 72." (By now, he's become quite used to me tracking him down and asking him to pick numbers.) "72," he said. And I thought that was rather clever of him because it seems like the first people and the last people who comment never get picked! So, Chocolate Cat, come on down! Well, no, not literally. But please DO email me your mailing address so I can get this pattern in the mail to you. At least you gals in Oz have about seven more months until Spring arrives, so you have a chance of completing the quilt by then!

And speaking of completing quilts, Jane in Ohio sent me a photo of the St. Patrick's Day quilt she finished using my pattern tutorial! She was also quite kind in allowing me to share a photo with you--

Isn't it great? I love what she did in the corners--now why didn't I think of that?! Wonderful job, Jane!

The weekend's almost over and it's back to work tomorrow. And while I'd really just love nothing better than to go back into the Sweat Shop and play around with the variation on Bucky Bunny I was working on earlier today, I think I'll try to at least start the week by getting to bed at a reasonable hour. I hope your weekend was a great one!


  1. Our weekend was good on the "back 40" lots of work to still get done before our almost 3 year old grandson comes to visit with his family... in a couple of weeks. Bucky Bunny sounds like s great name. Boy Jane quilt looks very well done Received your Spring pattern - THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It is calling my name along with the others that have found a home with me. In fact they are practicing and are going to have a haulaluloia choir routine ready by this next week if I do not get them organized as part of my homework for the Fabric Economic 101 with Carol.

    Wonderful class you taught!


  2. Jane's St' Patricks Day quilt is beautiful. I am going over to your tutorial and try to see if I can have a finished quilt before next week. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. Happy Blogaversary!!!
    Glad Chocolate Cat won your giveaway. :) She is a sweetie!!

  4. Happy Blogiversry. I like the top Jane made. She did a really nice job with it.

  5. Wow she did a great job and love the border fabric and the corners! Great pattern!

    Happy Bloggiversary!

  6. I'm thinking this post is actually about me!!! I am so excited to win this pattern and yes I will be aiming to get it made by our spring! Thank you so much.

  7. Love the quilt that Jane made! Just lovely, all the way around. I am in the process of making a little quilt like yours too...may I show it on my blog? I can't e-mail you for some reason...reply and I can send you a picture! Thank you Kim!! :)

  8. Hi, I'm Sabrina from Siena, Italy. Really compliments for your beautiful works!! They are really amazing!!! Kiss, Sabry

  9. yay for the Chocolate Cat! that is an awesome St. Patty quilt that Jane made! great job on the tutorial!

  10. Happy Blogiversary! And I love your St Patty's day quilt. The one you shared in this post is wonderful too!

  11. I am finally getting started on my St. Patrick's Day table topper today. I wanted to have it done by now but have had lots of interruptions.

    Jane did a great job on hers - very cute corners!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!