Saturday, March 7, 2009


It's my Blogiversary! Woo-Hoo! Two years of living life in Blogland, and I'm still loving it! It's been a great journey of meeting new people and exchanging ideas about quilting and life. You know what usually happens on Blogiversaries, right? A giveaway! Yep!

See that cute Donna Yackey pattern up there? That's the prize. Leave me a comment telling me you want to be put into the drawing, and I'll draw a name late Sunday night when I post my Monday blog.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is my quilt class for the Spring! quilt and I've been hopping around like a bunny all night long, getting ready for it. All I can say is that if you're signed up for the class, there WILL be goodies and fun! And if you're not signed up for the class and happen to be in the Sacramento area? As of Friday at 5 p.m., I had one spot left--give Bearpaws and Hollyhocks a call when they open at 10 a.m. and see if you can sign up--I'd LOVE to see you! Class starts at noon.

Finally, speaking of time--if you're in an area that observes Daylight Savings Time, don't forget to turn your clocks ahead Saturday night!

* * * * *

*Comments closed--a winner will be announced soon!


  1. Hey Kim...pick me...pick me....! Daylight saving should end soon here and we can get back to "real" is so dark in the mornings now.....! Would be happy to join in your class if I was closer...and please put me in the draw for the pattern....

  2. Pleas put me in for the drawing. I love spring and bunnies!

  3. Happy 2nd blogiversary. Keep the good times rolling. I love bunnies.

  4. Kim, Happy Blogiversary!!!!! I wish I lived near you so I could take your classes! Please put me in for the drawing!!

  5. Congratulations with your blogiversary. I want it to be spring so I can work in my garden.

  6. Congratulations! I'm ready for Spring. We're having Spring like weather this weekend. Hopefully it will melt some of this snow!

  7. Hey Kim, congrats on TWO big years in blogville! So much as changed and you are on a roll. Enjoy sharing Spring! with your students. Wish I could be there.

  8. Congratulations! I love reading your
    blog and seeing your beautiful work. Spring is just around the corner, please add me for the drawing.
    Christina D

  9. Congratulations on two years of blogging. I love reading your blog. I wish spring was just around the corner for us but they are forcasting snow for Sunday and Tuesday this week. I am so ready for spring........please sign me up for your giveaway.

  10. Kim,
    congrats on 2 years of blogging. I have definitely enjoyed reading about your adventures. Also, you help me to keep the economy moving. Bought 4 yds of fabric "bunny toile" because of you!

    Please add me to the giveaway. That's a cute pattern.

  11. Congrats on your Blogaversary....I'm so glad you decided to blog. :) Please add me too....great pattern. Have fun in class today!

  12. Happy Blogiversary!!! Love the pattern....please put me in for the drawing :)

  13. Happy Blog Anniversary. I enjoy reading your blog everyday. Please enter me in your drawing Really cute pattern Sharon Mac

  14. Congrats Kim! Please put me in your drawing too. Your blog has moved up to the top of my "favorites" list - I always know that you will greet me each morning with something wonderful. Thanks! I took my March shamrock quilt to my guild meeting - they were impressed and wanted to know your blog address. Thank you from all of them too!

  15. Kim, congrats on the milestone of 2 years blogging. I am looking forward to many more years of Kim's Big Quilting Adventures and oodles of new patterns. You are one very talented lady - thanks for all the inspiration you give us. Would love to win this cute bunny pattern.

  16. Happy anniversary your bunnies....count me in...anna

  17. Please put me in the drawing, I love bunnies, blogs, quilting. And did I say your blog is the first one I check every day? Thanks for all the inspiration!

  18. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary! I really enjoy reading your blog every day. Please enter me in the drawing.

  19. Happy Blogiversary! I'd like to be included in the drawing for the pattern. I'm lucky enough to live close, and I'll be in the class today! I know I'm making a lot of your blog readers jealous.
    Chris in Sacramento

  20. Happy Blog Anniversary! Please put my name in for the drawing too! Thanks!

  21. Hi Kim

    Please put me in for a chance to win the great bunny pattern--I luv it! I luv all that you do too! I am working on your St. Patrick's Day quilt! Thanks!

  22. Good morning,
    One of the first things I do in the morning is read your blog. I am glad you decided to do a blog. It makes early morning time enjoyable. I try to read it before I go to bed, but you haven't posted. I would love to win the pattern. Put me in the drawing. Keep the blog for many more years.

  23. Congratulations! Thank you for entering me in your drawing! Enjoy your class today!

  24. Good luck with the starts in 30 minutes..I know you'll all have fun! Sign me up for the drawing! Happy bloggiversary

  25. Happy 2 years!! Love the pattern and hope your picker picks me!! Have fun at your class.

  26. Hi Kim
    Congratulations on your anniversary!! Please put add me to your drawing and keep up the good work!!
    Cindy in Minnesota

  27. Cute pattern! Enter me into the drawing. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary.

  28. congrats on the blogversary! such a cute pattern, i would love to be entered in the drawing. thanx for the chance!

  29. It's beautiful!!! I want it pleaseeeeee

  30. Congratulations on your anniversary!! You really brought a lot of joy to my "everymorning" reading. I would also love to be entered in this drawing.
    Hugs from Finland,
    Jana S.

  31. I'm on my way to the class in 5 minutes. I'm sure I am bringing way too much! Best to be prepared!
    Love the pattern and you know I am so enthusiatic about your blog! I hope I win, but congratualtions to the lucky gal.


  32. Kim,

    I love to read your blog and see what you are doing! Happy blogiversary! Hope you pick me!

  33. I love that pattern! Happy Blogiverary! Doesn't seem like two years, does it?

  34. Please put me in your drawing. I am new to blogging and have been reading of your adventures since January '09. I love the bunnies and am just now learning to aplique. I'll keep my fingers crossed. lol (not really I do have things to do)

  35. Congrats on 2 years! Would love to be entered in the drawing!

  36. Hi Kim,
    At first I thought that you had come up with another spring pattern already! (and of course i would have to have it too) But even though you didn't design this one, it is still very cute and I would love to be put into the draw.

    One day I am going to fly out to California just to take your class (before you become too famous and I can't afford it any more!)

  37. Toss my name in please. It's like the to buy the ticket to win! Hope this time is a winner! (thought must admit...hoped for your pattern!)

  38. I probably don't deserve it as I just discovered your blog today but it is now in my favorites so I will be a faithful follower. And I was just going thru some mags today looking for a spring wallhanging to make so WOW your timing is perfect! annmarie

  39. What a great spring pattern! Please sign me up for your giveaway and congrats on 2 yrs.! I read your posts everyday.

  40. I start my morning by reading your blog. Please enter my name in your drawing! Happy BlogAnniversary!!!!

    Nancy E

  41. Congrats... would love to be in the drawing.. I have been blogging for some tme now and don't even have 50 posts.. I guess I better get in gear! I know your class will be so much fun.. enjoy!

  42. Kim, Congratulations on your 2nd year blog anniversary. Please enter me in your drawing. That looks like such a cute quilt to make.

  43. Hi Kim,
    Congrats on your blog anniverwsary and getting your Etsy site going!!
    I would love to win your give a way, please add my name. I love Bunny's.


  44. Good Evening Kim, I know that your new venture in pattern design will be successful, let hope entering my name in the draw proves to be successful for me. Keep up the fun, and laughter.

  45. Please add me to the drawing. Would love to win the cute Donna Yackey pattern :) Found your blog a few weeks ago and have been checking in every few days cuz I enjoy your blog!

  46. Happy Blogiversary and congratulations on your new business venture!! We're all looking forward to each and every new design.

  47. Hi Kim--congrats on 2 years!! I hope your class went GREAT!

    I like that it's going to be lighter out longer, but *yawn!* I get up with my 5-year old at 6:00 as it is!!

    Please enter me in your fabulous contest! --Jen

  48. Just in time for the time change. Spring is just around the corner. I would love to win your pattern. Something to work on while waiting for warmer weather. Happy anniversary.

  49. Happy Birthday Blogiversary! Two, can't believe I've been regularly enjoying reading about your adventures for that long! Please put me in your drawing - maybe I'll get lucky and you can include this bunny pattern with the bunny pattern I ordered from your new Etsy Shop...LOL! Hope you and hubby are doing ok with his job coming to end. Maybe this is just a short rest for him before he begins a new adventure.

    Hugs, Beth in AL

  50. Congratulations are in order - CONGRATULATIONS! and thanks to you my life has changed - for the better - with your introducing me to the quilting blog world!
    I bet your class was a great success, it looked like everyone was having fun when I left the shop.

  51. Way to go Kim. Two years and going strong! Keep it up! Count me in!

  52. wow! congratulations!!! 2 years already. I should figure out when mine is, I think I'm almost at 2 years. for the record, I totally hate the whole daylight savings time foolishness. It's silly, most of us have electriciy now, and we do live in a 24 hour civilization, sigh, when we will someone realize it's just crazy? okay losing an hour of sleep could make me a bit cranky! ya think?

  53. Oh Kim....just love your blog and would be honored if you'd pick me! Laurel/New Jersey

  54. I'd love to win the pattern! Just found your blog, love it!

  55. Kim, Congratulations on your 2nd. year on your blog and on selling your first pattern-Spring! I can't wait to get mine in the mail. Please enter me in your contest for the bunny pattern. Thanks. Bonnie in Tx.

  56. What a delightful prize...please count me in :o)

  57. Happy Blogiversary! I love reading your blog each morning, such a great start to the day. Thanks!

  58. What a fun looking pattern. That would make a really cute baby quilt. I'd love to win it! Thanks for sharing all the fun! Carline

  59. Congratulations on the anniversary, and your new shop! I hope to be placing an order soon. Best of luck to your husband. Isn't it amazing how things work out for the're lucky to have him. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

  60. Happy Blogiversary! I didn't realize that we started blogging at the same time.

    I'm so glad we met in blogland, even though I really wish that we were friends in real life. I guess we can't have everything!!

    I love the bunny wallhanging. Please put my name in the drawing! I hope I win! I've been in the mood for making something "bunny".

  61. Happy 2 year blogiversary! Please enter me in your drawing for the Spring Is Here pattern, so cute. You always do such fun stuff at your classes you teach, I'm sure your students love it. Now I know what you made all of those stuffed carrots for.

  62. Hi there l love reading your blog and seeing your lovely quilts. Congratulations on your anniversary and please count me in for the draw,

  63. Would love to have the pattern for following reasons:
    I am a quilter too.
    My daughter's name is Kim.
    I live all the way across country in NC.
    Your blog is too cute.
    Love your zany-ness (is that word right?)
    Your inspiring contribution to blogland.
    Thanks again for giving up a great pattern.
    Quilter in piedmont NC

  64. Happy blogiversary! What a cute pattern. We definitely need some spring here; all I see when I look out the window is SNOW! sigh.
    I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the fun projects you create. Thanks! ☺

  65. Happy Blogaversary! I'd love to be entered in the drawing!

  66. Happy Blogiversary to you Kim! Actually I want to just thank you for your wonderful blog, I think it is my favorite one to read because I never know what you're going to blog about next. Fun, fun for sure.

  67. HAPPY Bloggiversary, KIM

    Looks like your students must have had a great time at your class yesterday! Lucky them!

    Please enter me in your drawing!

  68. Happy Bloggiversary! Woo Hoo! I'd like to be entered to win! Keep up the great posts!!!
    Jackie Davis
    jackie (at) jackiesue (dot) com

  69. Better late than never! Please enter me in your giveaway. I love reading your blog! Hope you continue for many more years!

  70. Kim,

    Happy Blogiversary !!! I can't believe it has been 2 years. Seems like just yesterday you were starting this little chat. You do a fabulicious job and I find it exciting to read, though I must fess, I don't read daily.

    Please do enter my name in your drawing. Oh yes and then pick it too. That would be wonderful.

    Looking forward to reading another year of your escapades.

    Ellen in Kansas City

  71. Happy 2nd Blogiversary!!! I love reading your blog and often get my daily laugh (thats in a good way)!! If I'm not too late , please enter me for your giveaway.
