Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've Been Doing Stuff

Here it is, the day I teach my first class--although I still have to sleep first. Still, in about 10 hours I have to pack up my stuff and head to the quilt shop. Am I nervous? Not really. At least not so far--tomorrow may be another story! Thank you for your supportive comments on last night's post!

I've realized that I really haven't been telling you or showing you what I've been up to this week. Some of it's still a secret because it's for the class. Some of it I just haven't gotten around to talking about. Tonight, though, I'll show you some of the cooking I've been doing today.

A couple of you asked for the recipe for the chicken enchiladas I made for our guests last weekend. Since I didn't have any photos to share, I thought maybe I should make another batch of enchiladas. I sure make a lot of sacrifices for the sake of the blog, don't I?!

Here's what you'll need:

12 corn tortillas
salad oil
2/3 cup whipping cream
2 cups shredded jack cheese
2 large onions, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 cups cooked and diced or shredded chicken (I prefer breasts)
1/2 cup canned roasted sweet red pepper or pimento, chopped
8 ounces of cream cheese cut into small cubes

Here's what you'll do with that stuff:

Fry tortillas in oil on both sides until soft but not crisp. Drain by layering tortillas between paper towels.

Cook onions in a skillet, in butter, over medium heat, stirring often, for about 20 minutes until limp and just starting to brown a bit.

Remove the onions from the heat and mix in chicken and red peppers.

Add cubed cream cheese and mix to blend. Season with salt to taste.

Spoon about 1/3 cup of chicken mixture down the center of each tortilla and roll. Place enchiladas in 9" x 13" baking dish, seam side down. Moisten tops with whipping cream.

Sprinkle shredded cheese evenly over enchiladas and bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees for 20 minutes or until heated through.

Now, you're going to need a vegetable to go with that. I made Mexican Vegetable Casserole when our guests came and it was so good, I made it again tonight.


When I served dinner, I topped the enchiladas with green chile sauce and guacamole. Now go have yourself a fiesta! Ole!


  1. And you'll be bringing this to Wisconsin right after your class? Because that looks awesome, but totally not on the diet challenge! Like most really good stuff!

  2. Good luck with your first class! I have to go back and read yesterday's post. Dinner looks delish! I think I'll have to try that recipe.


  3. Good luck today on your class, Kim! Knock 'em dead!! know what I mean, LOL!

  4. Yum those look good! Good luck with your class and HAVE FUN! Wish I could have enrolled but it would have been a long commute from NJ!

  5. Looks yummy!!! I will try it!
    Have fun with your clss!

  6. I think you are going to WOW them with your wit and talent....have a wonderful class. I can only think it's going to be a fun afternoon. :)

    Dinner looks yummy.

  7. What time's dinner? It is morning and now I'm craving Mexican!

    Best of luck in your class today. You'll be fine! I remember my first time teaching.....then the day ended up being a blast. It isn't like your teaching a class that they HAVE TO TAKE as in college...but a passion....they want to be there and will absorb it all!

  8. Good luck in your class today. Dinner looked great. I might have to try that veggie recipe.

  9. I think I just licked the screen they look so good! Seriously!

    You're going to do fine. Just relax and be yourself. The rest will work itself out!

  10. YUM...that means it's time for lunch! Enchiladas for me. Yours look good but I'd have to leave out the chicken for hubby.

    I'm sure the class is going great!

  11. I wish I could have been in your class today. I had planned on it, but I've been sick since Christmas with pnuemonia. I'm sure you wouldn't want me coughing and hacking all through your class.
    I know you'll have a blast and you'll remember to breath.

  12. Yum!

    I wish you the best of luck in your class! Teaching isn't bad at all. I have taught wool applique and it was a lot of fun. :o)

  13. Dinner looks great. What time should I be there?

    I know you did a great job on your class today. I'm excited to hear about it.

  14. My mouth is drooling for those enchiladas. They look great. Good tutorial. Your class was great, I am sure.

  15. ARGH! I was hoping to read about your class today... and YOU TAUNT ME WITH YOUR COOKING!

  16. Dang, blogger isn't letting me cut and paste your recipe! It looks wonderful!

  17. I took the class and it was a great time!

  18. Mucho gracias, Senora!!!! Add a margarita (or two) and you have a fiesta!!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!