Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hocus Pocus?

What do you think about horoscopes? Mostly, I don't think a whole lot about them--in other words, I don't think about checking my horoscope very often. That's not to say that I don't believe in astrology exactly, although I kinda don't. Then again, I'm pretty open minded and I'm willing to believe that there may well be more things out there than we can understand. So, I guess you could say I'm a little wishy-washy when it comes to horoscopes. Maybe yes, maybe no.

I think you know that I'll be teaching my first quilt class on Sunday, right? I'm a little nervous, but I think it will be fun. When I woke up this morning, just for a second, I remembered the class was coming up this weekend and I had a brief shot of adrenaline and nerves--just for a second. On Saturday, that shot of adrenaline may last a minute. And it may come along a couple times during the day. And I figure on Sunday? Yeah, I probably won't even need any coffee--I'll be wound up and adrenalined-out all morning until the class starts.

I was checking emails tonight and noticed Yahoo had a story about the largest full moon of the year occurring on Saturday night. Do you know how crazy people get when there's a full moon? So what will happen the day after THE LARGEST FREAKING FULL MOON OF 2009?! Yes, as a matter of fact, I WAS thinking a little about the class.

And since I was already kind of thinking along the lines of hocus pocus, voodoo magic, superstition, and unproven wives' tales, I wondered about my horoscope for Sunday. I checked Yahoo horoscopes and here's what it says:

"Have some ice-breaking comments ready to go today, because you are likely to be thrust into groups of people you need to get to know. In order to initiate some good conversation with these people, be cheerful. Avoid touchy topics like politics, religion, or money. It's much wiser to stick to safe topics like television shows, sporting events, and gossip about celebrities. Shallow topics might not lead to deep connections, but at least they won't lead to arguments, either!"

Weird, huh?! Kinda makes it sound like I might be teaching a quilt class or something, doesn't it? Yikes! Maybe there's something to that astrology after all! Although I would have felt better if it had said, "Relax. Your quilt class will go well. Your students will have a great time, and you'll have no problem speaking and breathing simultaneously."

Now, let's talk about numerology. What do you think? Anything to it? 'Cause I just realized that 01/11/2009--the date of the class--will give you some seemingly meaningful numbers depending on how you add them. Not that I know what they mean or anything. Not really. But let's just say they mean "Relax. Your quilt class will go well. Your students will have a great time, and you'll have no problem speaking and breathing simultaneously." Yep, let's just say that. Okay?


  1. Your class will be awesome! would wish you luck but you don't need it - you will be fabulous!!

  2. Relax... Your class will go well and your students will love you and all that you teach them.

  3. To be on the safe side... make sure you take a small paper bag with you to help with the breathing part! LOL

    Oh, and make sure someone knows how to use your camera if you do pass out.. sure wouldn't want to miss seeing that on your blog!

    Wish I could be there with you Kim to help break the ice, or at least break your fall if neccessary.. :-)

    I'd have tried to make it if you would have offered a prize or something for the furtherest traveled

  4. Relax, your quilt class will go well. Your students will have a great time, and you'll have no problem speaking and breathing simultaneously.
    how was that?
    Just don't eat that 7 pounds of butter before you go!

  5. You will do great Kim! I can tell from your blog that you are interesting and personable and also full of quilting knowledge!

    Remember to breathe deeply and the rest will take care of itself.

  6. You are so funny - you will do great! Just keep thinking that your fellow bloggers will be chanting breathe and talk simultneously and the rest will just fall into place. Enjoy the journey!

  7. Relax. Your quilt class will go well. Your students will have a great time, and you'll have no problem speaking and breathing simultaneously.

    You will do great! I just know it.

  8. I read the paper everyday front to back ending with the comics, horoscope, and advice columns. More often than not it's usually weirdly correct! Also hubby and I usually have similar ones..they always mention the same things or I figure we were "meant to be".

    Now about that class...RELAX, make sure to breath and remember there will always be somebody like me in the class who wants to do it her own way! *s* Don't make fun of her...she hates that and will never come back! Ask me how I know that? You will do fine and it will be a blast!

  9. I wish I lived closer so I could take the class.

    I know you will do great. We'll all be thinking about you!

  10. It will go great don't worry about it!

  11. Your class is going to be fantastic, Kim... I just know it. You're the teacher... how could it not be!!!

    I'm with you on the horoscopes... and that's WILD what yours is for tomorrow! Have a fantastic day tomorrow, and wishing I was there!

  12. You always make me laugh. You'll be fine, the students will love you. Though maybe best to stick with astrology and leave numerology alone.... just saying.

  13. Your class will be great - and you will probably enjoy it as much as your students do.

  14. You have such a great sense of humor - I know you'll do well. I'd love to take your class - maybe you can teach us on your blog? Well, not simulatenously....

  15. Kim, before you begin class, tape a big sign in the front of the room that says "Full Moon - anything can happen" People will get a big kick out of it - I know they did in my shop when we did! Good luck with class - you'll be terrific!

  16. Good thing I've stayed inside all evening!! I saw that moon but did not realize it was THAT BIG!! lolol For all of the Indiana folk I'll stay inside till morning.
    Your going to do great teaching your class. I just know it.

  17. What does 1/11/2009 mean? All those ones? (2+9=11) Come on, chant with me! You're number one! You're number one!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!