Monday, January 12, 2009

Still Breathing

Goodness I'm exhausted! Those "kids" in my class wore me out today!

Okay, so I didn't stop breathing and die. Imelda was there to administer CPR just in case, and I told her if it became necessary, I'd reimburse her the class fee. Luckily it didn't happen.

The only photo I took in class is the one you see above of the Valentine tree, "lip" sugar cookies, and a couple wrapped door prizes.

I think it went okay for the most part. One of my students didn't have much quilting experience and I didn't seem to be able to explain the basics to her in a way she'd understand, but one of the other "students" teaches kids to quilt and was able to help out. There were a couple glitches with equipment in the class, but nothing major. And I got some experience on timing, organization, explaining / demonstrating steps, etc., that I think I'll be able to put to use with the next classes.

I think everyone enjoyed themselves, as far as I could tell. Of course, I bribed them, so what's not to like?!

Everyone got a little bag with the pattern, a couple stickers, a pencil, a chocolate heart, and--

As far as I can tell, Brad Pitt and George Clooney aren't doing Valentine's cards this year, but I think Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom aren't too hard to look at either, AND--did you notice?--these Valentine's cards came with tattoos! After all, what quilter doesn't appreciate a nice tattoo? I also baked and decorated a plate full of lips.

And the Valentine tree? Everyone got to take home a Pennie Pocket and Happy Zombie's blog address so they can make more themselves.

Were you wondering what was IN the Pennie Pockets that's poking out the top? These:

White chocolate dipped and sprinkled pretzel sticks. Yum!

In class, in addition to talking about the quilt, I talked about crafting and thrifting and celebrating the seasons and holidays. Appropriately--but a bit quirky, I'll admit--was my selection of two door prizes--a chocolate lover's cookbook and a Mary Engelbreit Valentine tin--both thrift store finds! LOL!

And remember that sweater I showed you earlier in the week? This one:

Here's what it looks like now:

I brought it to class to talk about what you can find in thrift stores and what you can do with your finds. I'll show you how I made it in another post--I have a couple thrift store finds to show you.

Before the class ended, I was able to show the quilters a couple different setting variations for the heart blocks using a different number of blocks--I hope they went home with some new ideas and are inspired by the possible different settings to finish making their blocks into a quilt they can use to celebrate Valentine's Day this year. But, if not, at least they have a new tattoo!


  1. Hi Kim,
    It sounds like you did a wonderful job of the class- I bet those ladies went home really happy and full of lots of interesting ideas.
    I love your sweater pillow- it is gorgeous- you come up with the best ideas..
    By the way, I did get my own egg plate- my mama found one in the things left from my gran and so it came home with me at Christmas.. I love it. I remember my gran having devilled eggs in it..
    So was today's class one of a series or a one day workshop? Each group is different and after you do it a few times you will feel more confident with your timing and figure out the things that you are not sure about.
    Congratulations for taking on the class - they were really lucky ladies to have your energy and ideas- not to mention those great lip cookies.

  2. Wow! Do you ever know how to put on a quilt class!

  3. I wish I was able to come to your class! I sounds like so much fun. I've taken many many classes and NEVER had a treat or door prize or goody bag. I want you for my next teacher! Congratulations! Are the before class jitters gone now?

  4. Create it and they will come - AND THEY DID! Well done Kim. I was there - a great time was had by all. You are an awesome teacher. The "extras" were like the cherry on top of a delicious cupcake!

  5. Wow! Wish I had been there! But tell me - HOW many hours do you sleep at night????!!!

  6. Well done friend, Like the rest, I sure wish I had been there, but at least Gran got a chance to sneak in at the end snd see a bit.Yes, you do know how to bribe people. All of those women will or should sign up for the next journey. Hope you had a good nights sleep.

  7. Great job, Kim! You are incomparably nice, to gift your students with all those wonderful goodies! Hey, mail me a Johnny Depp, PLEEEEZE!!!!!! I can keep my tattoo hidden and no one at school will be the wiser, LOL.

  8. Wow are amazing! I'm sure the students in your class where thrilled, I would have been. I've taken classes before and never received the kind of "goodies" that you gave out.

    Once word gets out about you, there will be lines to sign up for your classes. LOL

  9. I agree, they will be lining up for your classes in no time! I've never gotten goodies at a class either but i think that is great! Hope you enjoyed it too!

  10. How cool is all that stuff you gave away, I want you for my teacher. Sounds like a great class and lots of fun.

  11. What lucky quilting students who attended your class. I too have never had an instructor bring door prizes, goodie bags, or even treats. Love the heart pillow - great job.

  12. Can you come to CT and give some quilting classes?! I would gladly sign up for ALL of them! Sounds like a fabulous time! I'm jealous!

    I've gotten M&Ms to get through the afternoon in a quilting class but never goodie bags or door prizes!


  13. Sounds like your students had a mouthfull of cookies and candy all the time so they just couldn't complain *lol* And Johnny Depp or Orlando will shut up even the most difficult one..

  14. OH, Congrats! I'm glad the class went well!!

  15. Gee you went all out. I am sure a great and informative time was had by all. I have never been bribed at any class, muchless quilting. The lips were cute and the pretzel sticks looked yummy. Most of all I am sure everyone was pleased with the lesson. You go girl!

    Linda Z

  16. Wow, I sure wish I had taken your class! When's the next one? I live in the bay area but it sounds like your classes are worth the drive for me!!! You always inspire me to do more, thank you so much!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Woo and a Hoo!! As Sharon would give you! You did a great job with the class I am sure and no way could they have been hungry when they left! Now the first one is over and like you said, you got all sorts of tips to use on them the next time!

    I really wonder sometimes why beginners who can't even sew would sign up for a class that teaches a particular quilt pattern and not the basics of sewing. Most of the classes at my LQS will say that "basic sewing skills are needed before taking this class". Of course they always offer beginner classes too. Glad one of the students could explain in a way she understood.

  19. Wow - you really outdid yourself, Kim! You may have to quit working for the boy and girl attorney's and go to full-time teaching at the shop - I think after this, would-be class-takers will be lining up around the block at Bear Paws & Hollyhocks - they may even have to set up an entire building just for your classes! Seriously, I think it's terrific what you did for your students - such fun gifts and great decorations!

  20. Those ladies were so lucky, this sounds like it was the best class!! Love all the trouble you went to and all the little extras - especially the Johhny Depp cards and tattoos!!! Congratulations.

  21. I'm so glad that the class went well! And with all those goodies that you gave out - maybe I'll have to spend a weekend up there just to take a class with you!

  22. Kim, I am so glad your class turned out so great. Sounds like everyone had a good time. Winona

  23. Sounds like an awesome class to have been in (or shall I say party from the sugar overload - LOL) You really GAVE them alot. What you did sounds very familiar to a Thimbleberries Club I ran several years back...kept them coming back and interested for sure. Students love giveaways in addition to a bit of learning. You'll be requested back for sure! Everything looked so inviting and very pretty! What's up for St. Pats?

  24. you are totally an eclectic teacher, and they sure got more than their moneys worth!!! pat yourself on the back and make yourself and apple quilt cause you are a great teacher!!!

  25. Yes, as Greenmare said, I am sure they got their money's worth! But did you? You know they will expect that kind of treatment every time now! Seriously tho, I am sure your class was a blast and I wish I had been there too! Nice job!

  26. Wow, would I love to be in your class. I never imagined you would take the Valentine's tree and then give away the pennie pockets. You will be the most popular teacher for sure!
    Congratulations on completing your first class.

  27. I'm glad everything went well for you. When I was doing my student teaching many years ago, I always evaluated myself after I taught a lesson. I wrote down things that went well, things that didn't, different approaches I could have taken to make the kids understand better, and sort of graded myself overall. It sounds like you are doing the same thing. What you learn from this teaching experience you can carry on to the next one. I do the same thing after I teach a quilting class. It sounds like everything went well, though. Congratulations!

    I love all the goodies you made! I would love to take a class from you! I love the Valentine tree, the pennie pockets, the tatoo's (Johnny Depp was born in the town that I live in), and the lip cookies.

    The valentine pillow is beautiful! Such a cute idea!

  28. OK, I'm signing up for one of your classes!!! What a fun time the students must have had!

  29. Oh man oh man oh man oh man! If there was a teacher of the year award... you'd win it! Oh what fun your class must have had.

    The next class you teach, there will be lines around the block!

  30. Wow! I wish you were my teacher. All those fabulous goodies and learning something new, tattoos even! I work in a quilt shop and I think I need to show them your post...

  31. Wow- you have to be the best teacher ever!! I haven't taken many classes but they were no where as wonderful as yours must have been.

  32. Also, meant to say how cute your pillow turned out. I would never have thought to do that in a million years.

  33. WOW!!!!! I would take a class from you, bribes or no bribes. You went all out! I am sooooo impressed! I have always thought you would make THE BEST teacher, and I am happy to know that I was right. Congratulations, Kim, and I know you will have many, many more successful classes. I only wish I lived nearby, so I could take classes from you. Actually, I'd be banging down your door, begging for an audience with the creative queen, and that's the truth!!!!


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