Saturday, December 27, 2008


Today, it's all about the updates!

First, I bet you noticed I updated my blog design! Christmas is over, so it was time to make a few changes.

An update on the Pennie Pockets: Done! There are 18 Valentine Pennie Pockets hanging on this tree. Thank you Monica for a fun pattern!

Finally, I've updated my sidebar to include the quilts I'll be teaching at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks with the dates and times for those of you who are local and expressed an interest. The shop newsletter is up on the website, and I even spotted my name listed, so I guess it's official! If you've been waiting to sign up and haven't yet, please do so.

I have to chuckle to myself because I'm reminded of a time when I was a kid--in maybe around 3rd grade--and a friend of mine and I decided to have a party. We invited everyone we knew, decorated the garage, prepared food (for some reason, I particularly remember potato chips and onion dip!), and had a record player and records set up, ready to go. NO ONE CAME! We were devastated!

So, yeah, it would be nice if someone came to my classes. Otherwise, I might have to eat all the snacks myself!


  1. Looks like Spring is coming to California. Like your fancy blog . Wonder if I will be able to do all that sometime.

    OK all you that live within driving didtance help Kim out and see how she does. Bet she will be good teaching. She's done well teaching me over the internet.

  2. I think you'll have a full class. If I wasn't waaaaay across the country, I would come!


  3. Oh I highly doubt that your class will be empty, I'd come if it didn't involve several trips on an airplane each class! Pennie pockets are on my list of things to make for next year!

    Love the new design...I'm gonna change mine too but I'm waiting for a header that someone is designing for me, I hope. Looks wonderful!

  4. Hey

    Love your new blog design, and your updates.

    I remember growing up in Canada that it was not a party unless you had "Old Dutch" potatoe chips and french onion dip. Wow, even back then you new how to throw a good party!

    I am going to sign up for your classes!

  5. Kim, there will probably be standing room only in your classes - I know if I lived nearby I'd be there in a heartbeat!
    And how fun is this new blog design - wooo hooo!!

  6. I'm sure you will have all kinds of people sign up for your class!

  7. Snazzy new blog it, love it. Especially the rick rack :-)!!
    Your class with be filled to the brim!!

  8. Kim how did you change the template for your blog? It's very creative! Wish I could take your class!


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