Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tamale Central

Guess what I did today? Well, it's no surprise if you've had a chance this holiday week to read my blog. Today was the day I made tamales!

I like to make the filling the day before so it's not too much work for one day, but even so, it took me about eight hours to wrap and steam the tamales. Still, I quite brilliantly realized I could clear off my sewing table and wrap tamales in the Sweat Shop while watching TV--mostly one of the History channels--so the time went quickly. And, of course, dinner was ready when Hubby came home from work--in fact, dinner was ready all night long if all anyone wanted was a tamale!

I managed to squeeze a little sewing into the day as well. I thought I probably ought to start getting some teaching samples ready for the Valentine heart quilt class, so I cut some strips and sewed and subcut strip sets. These aren't sewn into blocks yet, but I'm sure I'll get to that tomorrow. It's been about a year since I made the quilt I'll be teaching, so making some of these blocks is a nice refresher, and it should help me write up the pattern directions.

And tomorrow? Well, it's housecleaning day. After the mess I made in the kitchen today and the Christmas festivities, it really needs it! But at least I know that if I'm too tired to cook tomorrow night, I have a nice stockpile of tamales to pop in the microwave. I ended up with nearly 5 dozen! (And, if I'm a very good girl and get my cleaning done early in the day, I might reward myself with a visit to Bearpaws & Hollyhocks quilt shop in the afternoon! Woo-hoo! Sometimes a girl needs a little incentive!)

Time to go finish packaging up the tamales and sorting them into the freezer and refrigerator. Then it's off to bed with a good book and maybe a nice cup of hot chocolate. Goodnight my Blogland friends!

P.S.: Happy Birthday Boy Boss!


  1. You are too much! I can hardly bring myself to do anything at the moment..althought we did have a hit of tennis today and went for a walk...but most of the time I have spent doing a jigsaw puzzle...I am addicted..once I start.....and playing around on the computer...I need to get into the sewing room tomorrow...if only to clean it up!

  2. Way to go! You inspire me. I mentioned the tamales to my DH and we talked about making some during the New Years holiday. I will let you know if we pull it off.

  3. Wow! This is my fist visit here and I'll tell ya it won't be my last. I just printed out a recipe the other day to make tamales. Now you've truly inspired me.

    Love quilting too. Hi, my name is Sandi and I'm a fabriholic....yes indeedy........I collect fabric... one day at a

    Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!


  4. The tamales look yummy! One of my favorite foods. I think going to the quilt shop is a good idea too, a girl can never have to many visits to the quilt shop!

  5. Woo hoo!!! the tamales look fantastic! Good deal on getting 5 dozen of those puppies wrapped and packed away! That is one heck of an accomplishment.

    You never cease to surprise me with what you call a tiny bit of sewing! You can crank out some good work! Happy cleaning day!

  6. Looks like you won't have to cook for weeks with a freezer full of those yummy tamales.
    You got me curious about the valentines quilt, I love the colors.

  7. too funny, hubby and I were talking about Tamales a few days back. When i was a kid, we'd buy them from whoever made them near my grandma's farm. They were SO yummy!!! And I just loved your red patterned squares sewn together! That are just attractive to look at! I am excited soon to get back to some projects but i always have to wait until I can get material.

    Love the new look too. :) Thanks for sharing your life with us!

  8. You have been a very busy lady. Everything smells so good from here...LOL...I can't wait to see what you buy at the quilt store.

  9. Jeez wasnt I going to make those last year?? LOL Still haven't. But you never know there is still time in this year. They are so good I'm sure.
    Love that red quilt your working on.

  10. Yummmmmmmmo....busy, busy, busy you are!!!

  11. Yummo!! But looked like a big days work...enjoy the book. Loved the little pockets! Pleased Christmas was good, what do you have in store for New year!!
    Love Tracey

  12. Yum, I love tamales! Coincidentally, I started eating one for breakfast, before I started reading the blogs this morning. Of course mine is not home-made, but almost. We got some from the Tortilla Factory in Roseville last week!


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