Friday, December 26, 2008

It's Done!

Christmas 2008 has come and is almost gone--just another couple hours until midnight and then another year before we do it all again. How many of you are determined to get an earlier start on making Christmas gifts next year? Last year I thought I would, but it didn't work out. Oh, well--it is what it is, and I think it turned out well anyway.

However you spent the Christmas day, I do hope you enjoyed yourself! I know a few of you had to change your plans because of the weather, and some of you weren't able to spend the day with family and friends for one reason or another, but whatever situation you found yourself in, I hope your day was filled with things you love.

Our daughter made the trip down from Tahoe after spending a couple hours digging her car out of the snow--they received about a foot and a half of snow last night. Our dinner was a little later than planned, but I intentionally made my plans flexible, because there's no telling how long it might take in weather to make it down the mountain. My son and his girlfriend joined us for a day filled with food, laughter, conversation, and more food.

After dinner, we played a game of Risk. To tell you the truth, I was hoping I'd get eliminated early on so I could kick back and relax for awhile, but about three hours into the game, my son and I were the last players left, and the situation was such that we could foresee the lead shifting back and forth over the course of another hour with the outcome still undetermined, so we called a tie and packed away the game.

I'll spend part of the day tomorrow making the filling for the tamales I'm planning to make this weekend. Yesterday, on Christmas Eve, my son was in an auto accident, and although he's fine, his truck is probably totalled. I'm going to loan him my car for a couple days until he can get the insurance business straightened out, so I'll be housebound this weekend. That's fine with me though--I have plenty of things to keep me occupied and I'm not really interested in the after Christmas sales anyway.

Don't you love the weekend after Christmas? Finally the pressure to get things done on a deadline is lifted and the world is filled with new possibilities! So now what? What next? Well, I'm not really sure but whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it! First of all, though, I think I just might sleep in tomorrow. Goodnight Blogland and Merry Christmas!


  1. Goodnight sweet lady. I appreciate your kind thoughts for all of us out here in blogland. All the goodies have been tasted, all the sharing has happened and all the joyeous wishes either sent or given via the phone or the internet. Neighbours who happened by our home were greeted with Merry Christmases from our kitchen windows or visiting on the street. (We have a friendly street, and when the weather is sunny, there is a lot of strolling going on outdoors.)

    Well, "Corner Gas" a Canadian TV show is on and I need a good laugh before I settle down for the night.


  2. Hmm, no message from you this morning. Glad things turned out OK for you yesterday. Mine is just starting.

    Sure would love a taste of those tamales. Sweet Dreams.

  3. Hmm, no message from you this morning. Glad things turned out OK for you yesterday. Mine is just starting.

    Sure would love a taste of those tamales. Sweet Dreams.

  4. Glad your son is ok!! We have been enjoying Boxing Day....It has been very relaxing...but yes...done for another year! Happy New Year!

  5. Your Christmas sounded wonderful and so glad your son in law was OK.
    You are so right..nice to have those deadlines in the rear view mirror and I like the way you phrased it "on to new possibilites."!!! What a great way to start off the new year.

  6. Happy Christmas! Glad you day was fun and filled with laughter...those Risk games can get quite heated in some houses! Sounds like you had a wonderful day except for the awful car accident. Glad he's okay and just the car was damaged.

    We are going to kick back and enjoy our weekend, just like you suggested! Can't wait to see those tamales!

  7. Loved the comment "If we aren't ready for Christmas by now--well, we have another 365 days until the next one!" Too funny!

    Good to hear that you had a great day. We did as well. I'm going to look at that tamale recipe. I really need to start making those.

  8. I'm so glad to hear that you had a great Christmas. The day after is my favorite day of the year for the very reasons you elaborated: deadlines lifted and the house is clean so I can be lazy in peace. Enjoy!

  9. Sounds like you had a great holiday with your family. I did as well. I'm enjoying the quiet for a day or two and then it's back to business. I have one more gift to get quilted and bound for next weekend. Late "Holiday" party.

    Jen :)


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!