Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It's almost midnight, and Santa should be arriving soon. If we aren't ready for Christmas by now--well, we have another 365 days until the next one!

I want to thank you all for the words of sympathy and caring at the loss of our Button. We think of her numerous times each day and will for a long time, but I believe pets teach us a valuable life lesson about loving and letting go. And your words make that easier for us to do.

Have you read The Quilter's Kitchen, one of the Elm Creek Quilters books by Jennifer Chiaverini? I made one of the recipes from the book for us tonight, on Christmas Eve: Jaegerschnitzel (Pork Loin with Mushroom Gravy). It was pretty easy and sooooo good! I'm looking forward to trying more recipes from the book. If you've read it, have you tried anything you'd recommend?

I finally took a photo of the Christmas tree on my desk at work. In the background, you can see the little Santa wallhanging I made earlier this month.

I had to work today, but our office closed early, at 2:30 p.m. Hubby was off work, so he stayed home and did a little baking while singing along with Christmas carols. He told me Spike, our young cat, was kind of freaked out by the singing and kept trying to get into his lap or climb up to face level. She's a funny one and keeps us entertained!

I wanted to make a few Christmas Pennie Pockets to tuck gift certificates and money in, so I made these three when I came home from work--

This evening we visited friends and brought them an applesauce cake--I baked the last three last night. We came home with some of my friend Lisa's pistachio and white chocolate truffles, a holiday favorite we always look forward to!

All in all, we've spent a wonderful Christmas Eve and are looking forward to spending Christmas with our children tomorrow. Hubby and I wish you and your family a joyous Christmas!


  1. Merry, merry Christmas!

    All is quiet here - I wish you and your family a joyous noel.

  2. Merry Christmas! Hope the day is everything you could want.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Kim! I'm terribly sorry to read about Button.

  4. Merry Christmss Kim and hubby, Enjoy the day with your children. I know that dinner will be good. I have to read that book and see about those Pork Chops or loins as I have some in the freezer.

  5. Merry Christmas Kim. Those pennie pockets are beautiful - what a great way to give small gifts.

  6. So sorry to hear about Button's. We lost two of our old cats last year to coyotes (we think). They are building near us and although we live in a subdivision, coyotes have been seen in the streets. They must be displaced due to the building.
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas. We are going to friends' house today as the snow is so bad our kids can't get home. Kind of sad, but life is what it is and although we have a beautiful WHITE Christmas here in Vancouver, WA. It has it's downside when it comes to travel.
    Take care. See you on the screen. (computer screen, that is)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours! So sorry to read about Buttons!

  8. Merry Christmas! Hope you had a great day today!

    Jen :)

  9. Merry Christmas! I hope your day was great!

  10. We lived in Germany for several years and my guys keep asking me to make that dish. I've never. Would you be so kind to send me the recipe since it is to be easy? Thank you!

  11. Kim, I love your tree on your desk. And that dish you made looks sooooo good.
    I'm very sorry about your Button!!!


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