Monday, November 3, 2008

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

The weekend is nearly over, and it's back to work again tomorrow. I thought I'd show you what I've been up to.

On Friday night, while hiding from the trick or treaters, I finished the applique and embroidery on the Hey Ghoul Friend quilt top. I guess it's kind of appropriate that I finished it on Halloween, although it was too late to enjoy it THIS Halloween! I've put the top away for now, but I'll get it back out sometime after the first of the year and quilt it so I can hang it up to enjoy next year.

Quite a bit of the day Saturday was spent cleaning house and putting away the Halloween decorations. Of course, once the Halloween things were packed up, I had to rearrange the autumn decorations to fill in the blank spots.

I'm pretty sure I spent that extra hour we gained by sleeping. I was tired Saturday night and went to bed a little early. Then I was up quite early on Sunday but went back to bed after reading for a couple hours. I didn't manage to get my rear end out of bed for good until 10:30 or 11 a.m.

In the Sweat Shop, I've gone back to working on the Christmas List quilt--I should have another block to show you by tomorrow, I think.

I also made yet another apple pie from what seems like a never ending supply of apples. I thought this might use up the rest of them, but nope! I still have enough left to make another Apple Hill cake--maybe later in the week.

Tonight, the Wild Child (aka Sailor Moon) came down from Tahoe. She has to be in court in the morning on a speeding ticket, and she'll stay until Tuesday so she can vote--our home is still her permanent address. It's nice to have her home again--especially since the Drooling Dog (aka Cujo) stayed at home with his "dad"!

All in all, it's been a nice, relaxing weekend. I hope you've enjoyed your weekend too!


  1. I knew I would just love the Halloween quilt! It is just too darned funny!

  2. I love your new quilt top!! It is my kind of witch who will go out shopping!!

  3. The quilt top is so cute! I wish I had the interest and energy to decorate like that - but no. I'll jsut enjoy yours!

  4. That's sure a BIG apple pie. Looks good though.

  5. Loving the quilt top and that Sailor Moon;)

  6. Love the quilt top...I don't decorate for Halloween but that is really cute...

    Hey, how do you make an apple pie in a rectangle pan. I opened my mouth a bit too wide and volunteered to bring apple pie to my Redwork Club this Thursday. This size would feed everyone....

  7. What a great quilt top! Make yourself a note so you don't forget to quilt it before next Halloween so that you can enjoy it!

    Jen :)

  8. The top is adorable! So is Sailor Moon!

  9. Your quilt turned out too cute, love the colors!
    And these apple desserts you are whipping up, I am not showing those to my boys, they would be darn jealous! Enjoy your short visit with WIld Child!

  10. Love your 'Hey Ghoul' quilt top,,,she's so cute!
    Your home looks lovely,we don't celebrate Halloween down under, but it sure looks like fun..
    Hugs julia

  11. I can't believe you took your Halloween decorations down already. You are my hero. I once left a Christmas Tree up until after Easter in April. I had more needles on the floor than on the tree. Sure did make taking the ornaments off a lot easier. I resolve to be more like you in the upcoming year... and since it doesn't start for another couple of months I can begin procrastinating now. :)

  12. I LOVE that quilt! Your decor is very pretty - so warm and inviting. I'm ready to sit down and have a piece of your yummy-looking apple pie. I bet I put on weight just looking at your blog!! LOL You daughter is such a cutie pie!


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