Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Dog Ate My Homework

Friday, Halloween day, started out being one of THOSE days, the kind where you find the dog ate your homework. Come to think of it, I've had a couple of those days recently. If it's not the dog eating the homework, it's the Hubby eating the cake decorations! Anyway, Friday morning I woke up to see rain outside my window, and when I looked at the clock, I saw it was 8:20--more than an hour after I normally wake up. The alarm light was lit, which meant it was turned on, but my stack of late night reading material had been pushed over by the cat sometime in the night and was leaning onto the top of the clock, depressing the snooze alarm. ARGH!

Remember I said I was thinking of "going" to work as Osama bin Laden? Well, Thursday night I taped a sign to the front of my desk that read, "Cave of Osama bin Laden. Bet you can't find me!" Little did I know then how appropriate it would be come Friday morning! By the time I arrived at the office at 9:45 a.m., Boy Boss and Girl Boss had decided I must have hatched an elaborate plan to work in another office in the building. HA! Kids!

You may remember that our office theme this year was politics, and there were several familiar figures wandering the hallways.

Hillary showed up. But then what else does she have to do these days?

Obama and McCain were too busy to take time away from the campaign trail, I suspect, and Biden didn't make an appearance either, but we had FOUR Palins! Here's one of them--this gal looks a lot like her naturally, so it wasn't much of a stretch.

When I was talking about my lack of a costume idea, a couple people mentioned going as a hanging chad. Well, we had one of those but I didn't get a photo. I found our office manager's assistant working in the kitchen with a noose around her neck. When I asked what the noose was for, she turned so I could read her name tag: Chad. Cute!

Marie Antoinette put in an appearance, which seems appropriate in these difficult economic times

As did Sadam Hussain

Both of them had problems with their necks. If you click HERE, you can see Sadam's costume last year when he dressed as one of the guys from the TV show Scrubs (last year's theme was "Haunted Hospital").

One of the best costumes was the person who came as Joe Six Pack. She's there in the middle of the line, although the photo's not the greatest. Besides being a legal secretary, she's an actress, and her ability to do make-up and take on different mannerisms is astounding.

Behind Joe Six Pack is one of our Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum twins--I say that because two of our secretaries turned up wearing the same dress and red and white striped hose but wearing different hats--one had an elephant and one had a donkey. The gal at the end of the line there was the donkey.

And, since we're here in the kitchen anyway, I'll give you a glimpse of the way it looked before the hungry hordes arrived for lunch:

But before we were allowed to eat, we had to vote. A voting booth was set up--

After we voted, our hand was stamped, and that was our "admission" to the lunch.

I purposely don't discuss my political viewpoints here on my blog because we all believe what we believe, and political rants tend to be devisive, but I'll tell you Obama beat McCain 2 to 1 in our office poll. This surprised me a little because although California IS a blue state, most of the counties in northern California, excluding San Francisco and the Bay Area, are heavily red. I guess we'll find out whether this means anything in a couple days.

After lunch, we played a political trivia game, with three people on each side. I was one of the three selected for my team, and I figured if they asked any questions about Betsy Ross, I'd have a definite advantage, but gosh darn it! It was all obscure questions about presidents! We held our own, but one of the secretaries on the other team knew a freakish amount about dead presidents, so they ended up winning the contest--and getting gift cards to Chipotle!

All in all, it was a fun celebration, even if we did all eat so much that I felt like that pumpkin on the bottom step of the photo I posted yesterday!

If you're living in a place that observes Daylight Savings Time, don't forget to turn back your clock tonight! And make sure you spend that extra hour doing something you love doing, whatever that might be!


  1. That's always an awful way to start a day...but it sure looks like it turned out day at the office.

  2. Your office sure knows how to party! Sounds like a great place to work.

  3. Life is so much better when you can have fun at the office. Cute costumes.

  4. Looks like fun was had by all. Thanks for mentioning Daylight Savings on your blog. While my time doesn't change, it does affect me because now I have to remember who I call is even more later than before.

  5. To bad I didn't read your blob before I went to bed. Yep, forgot. Nice waking up at 7 and it was light outside. To bad you are 3 timechanges away from me.

  6. Your office party sounds like fun. I love the costumes, too.

    Your fall decorations are beautiful,and your Halloween quilt turned out really cute. I have a few that I made that will be for next year.


  7. Your office sure knows how to throw a party! Great costumes.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!