Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Christmas List

How many Christmas quilts do you have in the process of being completed? I think I have three--no, four--and that's a few too many! I have the Peppermint Twist to quilt, and I plan to give that to someone. (No Darlene and Yvonne--before you ask, that "someone" isn't either of you! Sorry! LOL!) I need to quilt that in the next week or so.

Then there's the Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas. Remember that one? We had a group of gals whose names I had posted in my sidebar for a long time. All of us were SUPPOSED to be working on it, but I think there were only a couple people who finished it. And no, I wasn't one of them! I'd really like to get back to that one this year because I don't have too many more blocks to make, although I did want to add the appliqued holly leaf and berry border, and I'm pretty sure I don't have enough time to get that all done--not if I want to do anything else this holiday season! So maybe I'll just stop worrying about that one for now.

I know I have another Christmas quilt top that I pieced a few years back, but I haven't quilted it yet. I'm not going to think about that one this year. It's a nice enough quilt top but not one I absolutely love, so it can wait awhile.

Finally--at least I can't think of any others just now--I have the Christmas List quilt. And I just built a snowman!

I'm pretty sure I'll get this one finished THIS year. My next class meeting is next Monday and we're supposed to have all the blocks done and the center put together. Here's what I have done so far--

Next I'll be watching for Santa--

He'll go to the right of the snowman. I'm not certain I'll have Santa and the last block done by next Monday--not if I have to quilt the Peppermint Twist quilt too--but I think it's reasonable to believe I'll have the top done and most likely quilted by the end of November. And one of the great things about getting this one finished? At least then I'll have a visual reminder of all the things that will then need to be done by Christmas! Time sure flies when you're having fun!


  1. Love this snowman block,just adorable...
    whose bom is this???
    what an adorable quilt
    the snowman now has me interested in this quilt
    I am not going to even tell you how many Christmas quilts I have going :)

  2. Dang it! LOL

    It's adorable, Kim. Maybe I need the patterns. hmmmmm - must think about ordering these.

  3. I've adored this quilt for years. Unique, and not a bandwagon everyone is on. Bought the monthly kits years ago 2002? 3? but haven't done a dang thing with them. I'll have to unearth. Thanks for the reminder... it's lovely.

  4. Darn....I had the perfect place for it too.
    Don't suppose the The Christmas List is for me either. Since I do have the pattern, I guess I'll make my own. :)

    Wonderful projects as always....Is Witchy Poo for me???????

  5. I forgot to mention.....I have 3 Christmas quilts in the works. Hometown Christmas, some wonky trees with Holly Jolly fabric and All Things Christmas. :) None of them will be done this Christmas, I don't think....maybe the trees.

  6. I love your Christmas List...I'm going to finish that one for next Christmas...OK I said it so I better get it done. LOL! I only have a little of Hometown Christmas to finish too...we need a challenge to get that one done too. I also have a couple of other Christmas ones going too...oh I'm just pitiful! Love Christmas quilts.

  7. I love, Love, LOVE this Christmas List quilt! The colors are fantastic and I love the idea of a To Do list of Christmas!!

    Where ever did you get the pattern?

    I have a couple of Christmas ideas for wall hangings, but nothing as big as a quilt in mind.

  8. I just googled "Christmas list" quilt and the first thing that popped up was your blog post with the quilt shoppes name on it. I've sent them an email to see if they have anymore patterns.

  9. Hey Kim....be sure to get my address! Somebody is VERY lucky!!

  10. Enough said, cute block.You really think you will get it finished for THIS Christmas?

    I'm hand quilting my only Christmas quilt.

  11. This is so cute!! Do you know of anywhere to get the pattern? I will have to do a Google search for it. I finally found all of the patterns for the Hometown Christmas, but I haven't started it yet.

  12. You have a long Christmas quilt list, I love that quilt with the snowman. I hope you have time for some power sewing...LOL

  13. Kim - You didn't say that quilt wasn't for me so is it for me. Do you need my address?

  14. I bought these patterns when Carol and Sharon did and I got absolutely nothing done on it. Like Carol...It's a project for next year so it can be done in time for the holidays! Thanks for showing it...it made me excited about it all over again! Love your colors!

  15. I'm pretty sure I only have one, oh, maybe two. I've been working on one of them for about 10 years, but I'be decided not to worry about it, it's my Christmas project and if I only work on it at Christmas that's okay. now having said that I wish I would get it done, but it's a load of hand sewing to cover seams.

  16. I have a lot of Christmas projects that need to be finished or started (kits). I have a gigantic stash of Christmas fabrics. I could make Christmas quilts every day for the rest of my life and probably not use all of it.

  17. Can you please explain to me when you find time to eat, sleep, shower, and have a life?

  18. Every time I see that pattern, I think how much I NEED to buy it! I am truly in love - it is totally cute. You will finish all your projects in a timely fashion - you always do! You are one of my quilting heroes (heroines?). Seriously......

  19. I love your Christmas List quilt and can't wait to see it done. Thanks for the link for purchasing, I have sent an e-mail and hope they can help me out.
    Would love to see your Thimbleberries Hometown Christmas quilt and will keep checking back for any postings.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!