Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Women Need Catalogues

It's getting to be that time of the year when our mailboxes fill up with nice, big catalogues! A friend sent this to me, and I thought I'd share:


  1. I laughed out loud and scared the cat! Wondering if all married women have felt like that or if it is just me?! I can sooo relate to that video!

  2. I ROARED with laughter!
    and I thought catalogues were just for looking at...

  3. Thanks for that! That was hysterical.

  4. ROFLOL - that was hilarious! My Dh didn't think it was THAT funny...but what does he know!

  5. That was perfect. Men never know when they have carried something a little too far. Good lesson for them.....hehehehehehehe

  6. That was too funny!!! Thanks for making me laugh out loud all alone in front of my computer!

  7. LOL right along with everyone else. Oh that must have felt good - for the woman that is.

  8. Too funny! How many times have I wished for a catalogue and didn't even know it! LOL!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!